BW/BW2 Trio Discussion- This Gen's Trio (Now with the Trio's Types)

RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Playerking95 said:
Maybe that broccoli one is one of them it's the speak no evil one or eat no evil. But i doubt it anyway.

Gahh. As epic as that could be, I doubt it.
It doesn't really have one of those see no evil/speak no evil/hear no evil aspects to it.
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Playerking95 said:
Yeah unfortunately. But the 3 wise monkeys should be the trio.

That's definitely an interesting a practical idea; I want fan art. Now.
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Playerking95 said:
Yeah unfortunately. But the 3 wise monkeys should be the trio.

Haha, yeah they should be, sounds like a great idea, what types could they be?
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Playerking95 said:
Dark/Normal Speak no evil
Ground/Ice Hear no evil
Flying/ Fighting See no evil

Wow, that is awesome, hopefully it will be true, if it isn't then :(
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

With the flying one it can probably use it's tail as a propellor to fly and the ground one can you it's drill like tail to dig underground.
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Playerking95 said:
With the flying one it can probably use it's tail as a propellor to fly and the ground one can you it's drill like tail to dig underground.

How about the Dark/Normal one? What would it do with it's tail
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Maybe it has a hole through it where it can shoot attacks like dark void, dark pulse and shadow ball.
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Playerking95 said:
Dark/Normal Speak no evil
Ground/Ice Hear no evil
Flying/ Fighting See no evil

This is probably the best idea yet! :p, You would probably find them in all the Forresty/Jungley areas of Isshu
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Because we haven't had those types before and Speak no evil i don't know speaking, gossiping, bad, wrong, dark i don't know.
Hear no evil ground because i imagined a Pokemon digging under the ground and eavesdropping. We haven't had a Ground/Ice Pokemon before.
See no evil a good view is from the sky so flying and fighting well we haven't had Flying/Fighting before.
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

except all types are added for a reason. hear no evil woul probably just have soundproof or be ghost type since most sound oriented types are normal type. see no evil would get keen eye since you can lose accuracy if your blind. speak no evil i dont know. the point is the designers have to research a lot on legends to find the right type and look.
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

im just saying. maybe each monkey could be based on real life monkeys like those white furred monkeys that live in the snowy mountains of japan. also one could be part psychic because monkeys are inteligent. i also want the 3 to balance the others out
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

Or maybe since they are the ones that Speak no evil, hear no evil and see no evil they can ironically all be dark.
Like Flying/Dark
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

i still dont see the flying typing. also the last could be part fgh for justice and to overcome darkness. so my ideas are
see no evil psy/idn inteligent
hear no evil gho/ice for not hearing and based off the white mountain monkeys
speak no evil grd/fgh for earthly justice

also mamoswine is grd/ice and i want farfetchd to be a ninja samurai fly/fgh first.
RE: What would this Gen's Trio Be?

frostwind said:
i still don't see the flying typing. also the last could be part fgh for justice and to overcome darkness. so my ideas are
see no evil psy/idn inteligent
hear no evil gho/ice for not hearing and based off the white mountain monkeys
speak no evil grd/fgh for earthly justice

also mamoswine is grd/ice and i want farfetchd to be a ninja samurai fly/fgh first.

I like the idea of basing them on different types of monkeys, see no evil fits the best becuase it reminds me of that person from Avatar The last Airbender and becuase it is just cool