BW/BW2 Triple Battles

Red.Infernape said:
Triple battles really just seem corny. Double battles were cool, but I knew triple battles were coming (although I passed it off as a silly notion) and they are corny.

How so?
Out of the blue while I was reading this thread I thought, "Why would they make you battle with half of the pokemon in your party!" It just doesn't make any sense. This leads to the thought if we are going to be able to carry more then six pokemon. But overall I do think it will be quite exciting and give a new edge on competitive battling
I think triple battle swill be fun. I hope that there will still be double battles too though. Nonetheless for all of you who hope that they won't go past triple battles, well, I don't think they will because you only can have 6 pokemon in your party. Although now that i think of it I would like the idea of where you send out your entire team to battle at once. But that wouldn't happen.
x598 said:
I think triple battle swill be fun. I hope that there will still be double battles too though. Nonetheless for all of you who hope that they won't go past triple battles, well, I don't think they will because you only can have 6 pokemon in your party. Although now that i think of it I would like the idea of where you send out your entire team to battle at once. But that wouldn't happen.

Me too. I love that Triple Battle actually. Maybe there's a reason why they make Triple Battle, Like a new feature added to Battle Frontier or any other Places which there's a Trainers on it. But still, What's it gonna be? Do we have to be seen by three Trainers in the same time?! Gosh! Maybe they'll add a New Trainer class like Trio Gangster or Trio Trainers.
Maybe we have Triple Battles because of Giaru, Plusle and Minun working together. Minun and Plusle pretty much started double battles. I'm not gonna judge them because i haven't done a triple battle yet.
Theyll probrably include a couple triple battles throught the game, not too many though, I kin d of like the idea though cant wait till spring to try it out myself.
KnightEdge112 said:
Maybe we have Triple Battles because of Giaru, Plusle and Minun working together. Minun and Plusle pretty much started double battles. I'm not gonna judge them because i haven't done a triple battle yet.

Yeah! I think you're right. Plusle and Minun are both have an Ability that can compatible if they partnered up too.
Wow now that we know a little more about triple battles I really want to try them out. Looks like we're going to have to get a little bit more strategic in our battles now.
The concept of a "Triple battle" is an incredibly gimmicky. Double battles are a decent concept, creating more strategies to be used, but triple battles seem over the top. Competitively, if they make the vgc standard triple battles, that would make me want to punch a Mexican baby in the flippen' ear or something.

I guess I'm okay with it being in the game, but my main concern is vgc's.
Yay for actually having to use our brains!

Boo for all people caring abou being the VGC and competitive battling!

I am really excited for these battles. I can't wait!
Triple battles sound pretty cool. The only way it could get any better is if certain attacks fuse together to make combination attacks. That would be AWESOME!
jstar18 said:
Triple battles sound pretty cool. The only way it could get any better is if certain attacks fuse together to make combination attacks. That would be AWESOME!

Thats's kind of like combining secret jutsu's in Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution. Just sayin'. But that would make me even more excited about triple battles than I already am! Plus I also think in a Pokemon episode or movie two pokemon combined Hydro Pump and Thunderbolt or something and totally POWNED. It was in a tournament or the battle tower or something.
I love the strategy that you put into these games now. I mean seriously now the positions of your Pokemon matter and you can change them in mid-battle. That's pretty awesome if you ask me.

SourMilk said:
The concept of a "Triple battle" is an incredibly gimmicky. Double battles are a decent concept, creating more strategies to be used, but triple battles seem over the top. Competitively, if they make the vgc standard triple battles, that would make me want to punch a Mexican baby in the flippen' ear or something.

I guess I'm okay with it being in the game, but my main concern is vgc's.

Dude the way they're being done, I wouldn't call it gimmicky.
i think triple battles are a great idea but imagine in the anime when three pokemon are sent out and imagine a contest in the anime that would be awesome with three pokemon :D
I like the idea that the position of where the Pokemon are located on the platform matters now. I think this is a great idea and enhances things in the battle. Though I just hope that some of the battles don't go on forever.
Chimchar15 said:
I love the strategy that you put into these games now. I mean seriously now the positions of your Pokemon matter and you can change them in mid-battle. That's pretty awesome if you ask me.

Dude the way they're being done, I wouldn't call it gimmicky.

Well, call it what you want, I still thinks they're weird. I just don't want half my team being taken out by perish song or something :(
SourMilk said:
Well, call it what you want, I still thinks they're weird. I just don't want half my team being taken out by perish song or something :(

Well you can cure that, just switch them with a different pokemon in your party
I think that triple battles could be interesting. The positioning thing makes it different from double battles, which is good. I'm just wondering how often you'll be able to 'shuffle' your side of the field. As many times as you want? Only one move per turn? Or would it even replace using a move (like using an item).

Either way, I hope they make a set of new attacks that are 'long-range'. So that a Pokemon on the sides of your field, can hit any Pokemon on the other side (as opposed to the attack being restricted to the middle/directly opposite ones). That way you can hit an opponent, and they may not be able to hit you back without moving.
I think that unless they begin to incorporate more double and triple battles in the course of play in-game, it'll be a whole lot of effort for nothing.

I know it's probably going to enhance competitive play, but I'm not going to give double/triple battle abilities and moves to my in-game team if it's not going to be worth the time.
I use to hate them because I thought they would be like double battles but now with this moving feature I like it better. Here is My chart of what kind of battles I like
1) Single (they are fun :))
2)Triple (Moving Pokemon makes it 2nd Place)
3)Double (This was the only thing I didn't like about Gen 3)