Finished Trivia of DNA III

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Question: 32.The Northeast actually has them(and yes I am biased), The Midwest unsuccessfully claim to have them, and those westerners(especially the Californians) are such good actors, people actually believe them lolwut.

The Southeast people are too modest and humble to claim such a thing(although it probably true for them), and I'm not entirely sure if southwest has schools. Hawaii and Alaska aren't real states, so no one really pays attention to what they say.
2nd One: What would I try to use on DNA after he pepper sprays me, only to miss (cause im blind from the pepper spray), and end up somehow hitting myself with it?
(really not my day)
Q. 50%. If any more claimed they were over the average, the average would have to be adjusted by definition.
For the question, it would have to be 24 because the majority would represent average.
Question: All 50, it may or may not be true, though
I don't think California claims this. If they do, however, they're filthy liars.
Question: 50, apparently. Americans are incredible!

And ESP, that‘s the median you‘re thinking of, not the average.
Answer: A horrible "safe" weapon that some policemen carry even at/near some schools in America, and for some reason they are allowed to use it on school students. >:C
Eevee said:
"How many US states claim test scores in their elementary schools are above national average?"

The key word here is claim. I can claim the sun rises in the North, that does not make it a fact. Just as US states can claim they are above national average.

Semantics is the study of meaning. It focuses on the relation between signifiers, such as words, phrases, signs, and symbols, and what they stand for, their denotata.

What weapon is shockingly painful and can stop a man from dancing in the workplace?

Darn, I clicked to post a reply because the link was broken and it made me edit my post. :(
Answer: What did I really pay my co-worker $1 to thro

Answer: People post videos of themselves being shocked by me all the time because they think that if they wear multiple layers of clothes, they won't feel any pain. What weapon am I?
My scoring:
oyeah1988: +2 It is true.
HypnoticLuxray: +1 Westerners are good actors?!?!? What is this madness?
Bisharp37: +1 Which is why we are so awesome in math
ESP: +0 As omahanime said, the states are claiming they are above average
Glace: +0 ^
alexmf2: +0 Neither Puerto Rico or Washington DC is a state yet.
TheBugManiac: +1 We are incredible.

DNA's scoring:
Puff: +1. With an external aid!
omahanime: +2. Good call. Very good call.
Lucky Fire: +1. Yep, pretty much.
Chillarmy: +2. lolwut
Spidy: +3. Never use yourself as a taser test subject.
Fraxureking: +1. Yep, pretty much.
Teal: +1. Technically it's safe because it doesn't really cause bodily harm. It just stuns the target.
TheGuy: +0. No, that wouldn't be a big enough punishment.
Familiar: +2. Can't argue with you there.
SoulWind: +1. Indeed.
One Approved: +1. How wrong they are.

The Scores said:
Spidy: 9 [0+9]
HypnoticLuxray: 5 [1+4]
omahanime: 5 [0+5]
Teal: 5 [1+4]
ESP: 4 [0+4]
One Approved: 4 [0+4]
oyeah1988: 4 [4+0]
Nengeni: 3[3+0]
Bisharp37: 3 [2+1]
TheBugManiac: 3 [1+2]
Chillarmy: 3 [0+3]
Fraxureking: 2 [0+2]
Glace: 2 [1+1]
Familiar: 2 [0+2]
Puff 2 [0+2]
Lucky Fire: 1 [0+1]
SoulWind: 1 [0+1]
TheGuy: 0 [0+0]

The question:
How can you stop a tornado?

The answer:
Danny Boy
By stopping the mesocyclone by releasing an airborne device the changes the rotation of the storm that causes the tornado in the first place.
Q: . Recent research indicates that in order to form, a tornado needs both a cold, rainy downdraft and a warm updraft. To stop a tornado from forming, just heat this cold downdraft until it's cold no longer. And how would one do this, you ask? Simple: Blast it with beams of microwaves from a fleet of satellites. The satellites would collect solar energy, transform it into microwaves, and send a beam down to Earth. The beams would be focused on cold downdrafts, heating them like last night's leftovers. The European Space Agency has funded initial studies on building this type of satellite, though it hopes to use the satellites as high-altitude solar-power stations, not as weather modifiers.
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