Two Magical Fish

Well, I think he designed the thread. Well anyways, it wasn't WPM who set it had anything to do with promotion or demotion so you may be right about that. WPM and his water pulsing powers may confuse people in mystical ways. :)

If so, NN does deserve the position.
TearsofanUchiha said:
Lol, not really.

That is the fan made story. And everybody freaked out.

He kicked everybody in the chat and everybody was like,

"OMG, dez Forumz r iz gonez! :O"

And actually, this is wrong ( I just noticed it.) WPM himself said that HS deleted the forums, HS admited it himself, and that was all true. The chat room is a completely differnet story.
Two little fish...

I pretty sure he's reffering to two existing people/groups. They both already have power, and are contrasted by their attitude, and - most likely - by the consequence they recieve.

To me it looks like a promotion/demotion.
I bet it's the name of the next TCG set: 'Raging Fish in the Magical Ocean'.

lol. I don't think that would be WPM's intentions. :p
I guess waiting is the only possibility. He will reveal
his secrets soon. Hopefully. ;)
Actually, to be honest, I just want to interperet this poem.

PS. Strange how so few members actually posted on this.
^ Lol, in time in time....

Zilla, I loled to death.

Someone make a rainbow fish Pokemon Fake Card :p
Ah, it's always amusing to see you people going crazy wondering who it's gonna be.
And just for hoots and giggles, let's post this to make this a bit more interesting.

[02:44] <@Water_Pokemon_Master> When I wake up a fish might be dead :(
It's not a riddle. WPM is buying goldfish to accompany him at college :p

And with the "The bad fish will turn into bubbles", I'm sure there's a cat around there somewhere...
OMG seriously cut the riddle stuff.
There's nothing to find.
It's either you get pick or you don't get picked.
That's how it is and how it's always will be.
To us maybe, but not to WPM.

I still don't get the poem...