Two Magical Fish

As an anology, maybe. But part of it doesn't make sense: If it really is a promotion/demotion, shouldn't the mods have a say in this with WPM as well?
zyflair said:
As an anology, maybe. But part of it doesn't make sense: If it really is a promotion/demotion, shouldn't the mods have a say in this with WPM as well?

It's his site. He shouldn't have to consult anyone else on his decisions. He most likely would, though.
Ah lol Godzilla. I was thinking that too. Rainbow fishy. ;p Nice quote Silver. We must really don't like someone here. :F Riddles galore. I'm pretty much done guessing, as I'm always wrong. x_x

dmaster out.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
There's something about a bad fish, but not about taking away its magic, actually.

I doubt WPM would wait to demote someone when he feels it's needed, especially without consulting the rest of the moderation team.

So I'd have to guess that the fish are not actual people, but in fact groups of people. The bad fish (spammers, rippers, rule-breakers) are bad fish, the good fish (positive contributors, friendly, whatever), well:
Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone;
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed.

I think the clue is: "Be good, and you'll be promoted"

And now I've started it :D

I'm guessing 15 pages (of 50 posts/page) with at least 95% of the posters having no powers but obviously hinting at the fact that they would like for that to be the case.

Apparently, he didn't consult HS :F.

Speaking of which, if HS was dead on correct with the "be good for promotion" message, does that really means that nothing happens?

Hmm... oh well. I may have 30% on my warning level, but I surely don't plan to get more. Seriously, who wants to be bad?
I think if you have got warnings, you may be out if it. Unless you got one for something simple (ie signature). If you don't get any more, you could get a position
Please, I'm so new here that if WPM actually asked me, several people on this site would complain. The only position I would actually look for is Strategist, no more. Even if I'm not a mod, I could still help out.
I would love to be a Mod (for the record, I'm not asking to become one). It's a been a dream of mine to moderate a big forum like this
Yep, the majority of people like to become a mod. I've always wanted to as well. :)

In the rules, it says not to ask to become one like you said, which I think is a good rule. Having thousands of members filling WPM's PM box with spam would not be favorable for sure.
Haha this is the first time (I think) I have actually been able to see one of these in now I just grab my lawn chair, take a seat, and see what happens.

If I had to guess...well I'm going to be a little different here....there shall be something elimiated and something gained, one door closes another opens type of thing...what though. I some set of something going to be gone, trade council? stratigests? experts? Hmm that may not be it and it may as simple as a promotion and demotion...we shall see.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
It doesn't even rhyme...

Oh well, in before the 1000 posts by members wanting to be mods, you know they're coming.

Myles, this isn't the first time he's done it. You never saw the Stars threads?

Meh, you guys don't know my bad record.
MylesPrower said:
WPM really knows how to get the forum excited for a change. Kinda like Barack Obama.

Your parallel would make a whole lot more sense if WPM had no clue what he was doing and had no intention of acting on his promises.
I think it might have something to do with the podcast as there were just auditions. We could be getting a new group of mods/members to be involved with and run the podcast while the mods who were previously handling it hand it over to them.

Also it could have something to do with the new spelling/grammar rating system. The lines

"One accepted all with a warm glow;
Its opposite exerted anger and rage."

seem to coincide with that, the top those who post well and are given positives and the 2nd those who post badly and are given negatives.
vilebaseball said:
MylesPrower said:
WPM really knows how to get the forum excited for a change. Kinda like Barack Obama.

Your parallel would make a whole lot more sense if WPM had no clue what he was doing and had no intention of acting on his promises.

Yeah, let's not start that. This is your warning.
Wow. There is so much suspense in the air...

This is pretty cool. WPM sure knows how to get people going.

I think it's probably a demote/promote.
Not a single moderator on this forum is deserving of a demotion so I think that factor can be ruled out.

Seriously, what "naughty" mods have there been since Holy Star?
Just because you don't think someone deserves a demotion doesn't mean WPM doesn't.

And besides, I can think of one moderator in particular who WPM could demote and would not be entirely wrong in doing so. However, I think he still does his job well enough and is liked by the members, so a demotion is so totally not in order.