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Tyranitar and friends


I'mma blow up...
I have been working on this deck for a while now, and after many different evolutions and variations, here is where I am at.

4-3-4 Tyranitar
2-2 Zoroark
3 Zekrom
2 Basculin (Final Gambit)

4 Special Dark
4 Dark
3 Rainbow
2 Water

3 Collector
2 Sage's Training
2 Twins
4 Communication
4 Rare Candy
4 Catcher

This deck is obviously centered around getting out Ttar and swinging hard, I have found it somewhat consistent as far as getting a Ttar turn 2, and even better odds for a turn 3. The Darkness Howl attack puts damage counters to power up Zekrom for Outrage, and Basculin uses the Final Gambit for an OHKO on Reshiram and Donphan. He has shocked me with how useful he has been.
I have been running a T-tar deck sense black and white came out. I have found out that running anything else with t-tar, besides draw power pokemon (like cleffas) or something like a unown dark, makes your deck to vulnerable. The idea is to get your t-tar out second turn. At the moment there are to many pokemon in your deck to allow this to happen. Here is what the main bases of what i run and dominate with and suggest to anyone running T-tar.


- 1 line of T-tar
- both lines of zoroark
-3 zekroms
-2 basculin

+ 2 unown darks (for getting those needed dark energies)
+ 4 cleffa (easy to snipe yes but much needed for the draw power)


-3 Rainbow
-2 Water

+ 1 dark


-2 twins ( this deck does not require them because you should not be falling behind in prizes.

+ 2 flower shop lady

From there with the left over cards you can add draw power cards along with some switches and what not needed to switch back hurt t-tars (if needed).

I also note this does turn your deck into a straight t-tar attacker insted of allowing stuff like your zekrom to use outrage. I have found this better because of the fact of t-tar with at least 2 darkness and a dce is hitting 140 i have found no need for anything else. Darkness howl is great if you have your t-tar up 2nd turn without the needed energies but if you have enough draw power you should have a fully charged t-tar about turn 3 and not need this.
^^^I dont think you should put any babies or unknowns because they will be catcher bait and free prizes, now since catcher came out you need pokemon who can fight on there own and if you get rid of a line a ttar that will take away from the consistency of getting it out by turn 2, and because that's the only thing attacking you definitely should keep the 4-3-4 line if you want to do your idea. But if Ttar was the only main attacker it would be an autoloss to donphan who is one of the most popular cards in the format atm

I think you should - 2 water energy since you got the rainbow it should be good enough for the basculin and -2 twins because, as spacemarine said, you probably will be the first one to take a prize. I would +2 interviwers to get the rainbows when needed and it also helps thin out your deck so you can top deck more things besides energies. Then +1 collector because you need to set up as much ttars as you can as fast as you can and they help if you would max them out then -1 pupitar and -1 catcher to add 3 junkarms, I found them to be very helpful to get catchers and rare candies out of the discard. Sorry I kinda spaced everything out so here it is summed up
-2 water
-2 twins
-1 pupitar
-1 catcher
-6 total

+2 interviewers questions
+1 collector
+3 junkarms
+6 total
I also run a speed ttar you can check my thread on it for ideas if you like and how is basculin working out for you? I havent tried him out yet but I have tried out tornadus and he works pretty well and with him being colorless you dont need to put in rainbow energy, anyways good deck dood!
I liked Basculin, but he is coming out for Tornadus. I gave found in here that 4 Collectors to be too much. Here is my updated list.

4-2-4 Ttar Prime
2-2 Zoroark
3 Zekrom
2 Tornadus

4 Sp Dark
4 Dark
4 Rainbow

2 Juniper
3 Collector
2 Sages Training
2 Interviewers
4 Rare Candy
4 Communication
3 Catcher

That's 59, still struggling what to make that last card...
I think your last card should be that 4th collector. I'm with Paultehcool in regards to setting up as many Ttars as possible. The more collectors you have, the better chance of getting that turn 1 collector to set you up...
I have run TTar since last rotation, I like the TTar/Serperior build but I really strongly recomend 4 collector its just the best start in game right now. If your looking at something else a single jirachi can really be good fun at devolving your opponents pokemon, just a thought. good luck :D
Why did you switch Basculin with Tornadus? It would have been better to keep the basculin. I also agree with Noctax, Jirachi would be killer.
No love for the Unown Dark / Twins combo?
Unown dark is amazing here, and with Catcher being everywhere, they'll go for the easy prize on it later on, which would allow for a Twins play-into-TTar.
TTar is too cool, and UnownDark/Twins is crazy good, I'd suggest you try it out, test around with it, see how you like it.
@ alexmf2 basculin is a little harder to set up since you need a water energy and tornadus, being colorless you dont need to worry about trying to get that last energy. And there is that chance of basculin dieing from his own attack also if ttar howled just once while he is on the bench a donphan can just catcher it up and earthquake it for the KO.

Twins is a pretty good strategy for a slow deck but in this type of list you want to set up as fast as possible like turn 2 and get the first prizes and your not supposed to get behind
The whole point of basculin is for Reshiram and Donphan decks. Because Reshiram and Donphan are more than half of the meta, you would win a lot more games with it than tornadus. Also, your supposed to use flail, not his second attack....
agreed on basculin its way better than people give credit for. especially with a ttar dropin damage counters on it.
paultehcool said:
^^^I don't think you should put any babies or unknowns because they will be catcher bait and free prizes, now since catcher came out you need pokemon who can fight on there own and if you get rid of a line a ttar that will take away from the consistency of getting it out by turn 2, and because that's the only thing attacking you definitely should keep the 4-3-4 line if you want to do your idea. But if Ttar was the only main attacker it would be an autoloss to donphan who is one of the most popular cards in the format atm

I think you should - 2 water energy since you got the rainbow it should be good enough for the basculin and -2 twins because, as spacemarine said, you probably will be the first one to take a prize. I would +2 interviwers to get the rainbows when needed and it also helps thin out your deck so you can top deck more things besides energies. Then +1 collector because you need to set up as much ttars as you can as fast as you can and they help if you would max them out then -1 pupitar and -1 catcher to add 3 junkarms, I found them to be very helpful to get catchers and rare candies out of the discard. Sorry I kinda spaced everything out so here it is summed up
-2 water
-2 twins
-1 pupitar
-1 catcher
-6 total

+2 interviewers questions
+1 collector
+3 junkarms
+6 total
I also run a speed ttar you can check my thread on it for ideas if you like and how is basculin working out for you? I havent tried him out yet but I have tried out tornadus and he works pretty well and with him being colorless you don't need to put in rainbow energy, anyways good deck dood!

Ive tried interviewers in there many times. They tend to come out to much even tho there r so few and you will never need them if you are shuffling all the time. And about the babies, yes they r a free prize. But if you only have one out that prize shouldnt matter because if they have 1 prize left then you pretty much lost anyways.
Well I just assumed you would use basculin's second attack in this deck because it had rainbow as well as water energy in the deck and you only can get 6 damage counters on it with out it dieing with tyranitar only dealing 120 damage which cannot kill a donphan and reshiram in one hit, unless of course you used a rainbow energy to hit the 140 on them, but still it might prove difficult to find that rainbow energy and would take 3 turns for 3 darkness howl for you to get a basculin set up and before that time it would have been catchered and killed. And If you somehow do manage to set it up and kill a donphan it then would get killed by anything that hits for 1 damage counter. Also against everything else it sucks like if you were to start with it and theyre not running donphan or reshiram its pretty much a free prize but with tornadus has pretty much even game with all the other pokemon and has higher hp.

dood Jirachi would be fun to play in this!

lol now that i think about it it does come out alot more then expected. And the baby thing is just a personal choice I dont really think theyre needed but you may disagree.
Took 2 of 3 games tonight at league against MegaZorD, and it proved one thing, Basculin is one bad dude. He ko'd 2 Yanmega Prime and OHKO'd a Donphan Prime. Every time I think of taking it out, that little fish goes Rambo. And I will keep in the 2 twins and not put in the interviewers. Although I still only have 3 Collectors, because I still have 3 Pupitar.
Nice! Glad to see a fellow Ttar player defeating stage 1 rush and with basculin if you used final gambit what are your energy line for it because it seems to do good for you
Yeah, I thought about it and I really have not been to starved for energy, I am not a fan of Sage's Training, but it works pretty well in here.
paultehcool said:
Well I just assumed you would use basculin's second attack in this deck because it had rainbow as well as water energy in the deck and you only can get 6 damage counters on it with out it dieing with tyranitar only dealing 120 damage which cannot kill a donphan and reshiram in one hit, unless of course you used a rainbow energy to hit the 140 on them, but still it might prove difficult to find that rainbow energy and would take 3 turns for 3 darkness howl for you to get a basculin set up and before that time it would have been catchered and killed. And If you somehow do manage to set it up and kill a donphan it then would get killed by anything that hits for 1 damage counter. Also against everything else it sucks like if you were to start with it and theyre not running donphan or reshiram its pretty much a free prize but with tornadus has pretty much even game with all the other pokemon and has higher hp.

dood Jirachi would be fun to play in this!

lol now that i think about it it does come out alot more then expected. And the baby thing is just a personal choice I don't really think theyre needed but you may disagree.
True the baby is a personal choice and I think if you put enough shuffling cards in your deck it could be as quick as with a cleffa start.

Also rowsdower, I will send you my deck list if you want to try it out. Just shout if u do.
The idea of setting up an early Ttar is good, but its not like he needs a bunch of energy to attack. Darkness howl cost 1 dark, and you build from there. Without other attackers, the deck will run out of steam real fast.
rowsdower24 said:
The idea of setting up an early Ttar is good, but its not like he needs a bunch of energy to attack. Darkness howl cost 1 dark, and you build from there. Without other attackers, the deck will run out of steam real fast.

It wont if you have a t2 t-tar, reason i run cleffa, but that does stop you from using darkness howl. Then again it dosent really matter if you are hitting 120-140 with megaton tail.