Umm, the front page... WTF?

omahanime said:
Brave Vesperia said:
Could this be for one of WPM's movies or short series?

PokéBeach, The Movie!

I'd watch that if it existed.

I saw the change in the person on the banner as well. (the other one has a red eye and a blue eye)
Angelo, if you could post the message you saw here, then maybe we'd be able to work out the supposed clues that WPM is mentioning. I smell a conspiracy theory brewing, and I like it.

That can't be Sollux, can it?
Heh... people called me a liar...

well unfortunately I refreshed the page after it popped up. I didn't know what was going on, thought there was an error. The message said something like something is coming along with a bunch of gibberish I'm guessing that I was supposed to translate. It also said something about Moltres. I could also see the little boy... he wasn't in the shadows. He scared the shit out of me.

edit: There was also a symbol on him.
Oh man, the mythical Phase Moltres is back three years later. All I can say is:

Thanks for the Moltres hint, Angelo.

EDIT: Added the link to the original Secret Soup (Phase Moltres thread).
I'm surprised how everything here means something. O_O I should of paid closer attention to his message. It also said something like "The end is closer than you think". Not those words but something along those lines. It wasn't a positive message, made it sound like something bad was going to happen. The rest of it was in gibberish numbers.

edit: Didn't anyone else see the message?? Am I like the only one? lol
Question: was the message in the banner itself, or was the front page not the normal one (as in without news and forum links?)
Cobalt Phoenix said:
Question: was the message in the banner itself, or was the front page not the normal one (as in without news and forum links?)

The kid was in color with a glow. Clicking him it brought up a new window with the message. The page looked really weird though, like it was an error. Didn't realize until after that it wasn't.
Did you notice the URL of the new window? I mean, why go through the trouble of hitting F5 hundreds of times if we can get a direct link? If you don't remember it, it'll probably be in your history...
Cobalt Phoenix said:
Did you notice the URL of the new window? I mean, why go through the trouble of hitting F5 hundreds of times if we can get a direct link? If you don't remember it, it'll probably be in your history...

That was the first thing I did. -_- The page is 404'd now.
Angelo said:
Cobalt Phoenix said:
Did you notice the URL of the new window? I mean, why go through the trouble of hitting F5 hundreds of times if we can get a direct link? If you don't remember it, it'll probably be in your history...

That was the first thing I did. -_- The page is 404'd now.

Long shot since the page probably wasn't around for long, but if you still have the URL, what about Internet Archive?

Or Google Cache:

Angelo said:
I'm surprised how everything here means something. O_O I should of paid closer attention to his message. It also said something like "The end is closer than you think". Not those words but something along those lines. It wasn't a positive message, made it sound like something bad was going to happen. The rest of it was in gibberish numbers.

edit: Didn't anyone else see the message?? Am I like the only one? lol

so pokebeach is ending?

well ta ta WPM hope you enjoy your goth phase
Reggie McGigas said:
Angelo said:
I'm surprised how everything here means something. O_O I should of paid closer attention to his message. It also said something like "The end is closer than you think". Not those words but something along those lines. It wasn't a positive message, made it sound like something bad was going to happen. The rest of it was in gibberish numbers.

edit: Didn't anyone else see the message?? Am I like the only one? lol

so pokebeach is ending?

well ta ta WPM hope you enjoy your goth phase

Or it could be that the PokéBeach we know is ending and a new version shall be made. :p
Water Pokémon Master said:
Brave Vesperia said:
Or it could be that the PokéBeach we know is ending and a new version shall be made. :p
Would you like to recommend a good programmer? :p

I wish I knew one. The only person I know who messes with stuff like that just does graphic design.
To compile WPM's recent tweets relating to this:

@pokebeach_wpm said:
April 2nd: It's that kid with red eyes again...

@pokebeach_wpm said:
April 5th at 1:01 A.M.: That child's blood-red eyes... *link to this thread*

@pokebeach_wpm said:
April 5th at 4:27 P.M.: The avocado tree I planted a year ago has a bunch of babies all over it!! The flowers bloomed into avocados! *link to this picture*


That last one is classic WPM riddle:

Water Pokémon Master said:
Well actually, three fish and a crab. After I came back from Japan my brother and parents told me our 20 gallon tank was a mess and indeed it was! The water was solid green, there was this weird poopy stuff on the bottom, and bugs were swarming in the water. The environment was completely polluted. I dumped out the water in the toilet and it made me throw up in my mouth because the smell was so bad. The fish were too large to flush down the toilet so we had to drop them in the gutter... they made big splats and it was sad since we had one of them for four years. But we liked them all a lot!
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