Finished Up, Left, Down Game [YPPY]

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^ Is an awesome Mod!
< Does the thing. What's the thing?
V Is likely a TCG mod...
^ Indeed. Florida is another dimension full of old people and weird happenings like snakes in toilets.
< Is happy that he was able to preorder Final Fantasy Type-0 Collector's Edition!
v Likes RPGs as well.
^ Is right! ^.^
< Is watiting for new posts to happen..
v Will post somewhere other than here
^ Is right, but only once the challenge 6 starts round 2 (aka the real beginning)
< Is hyped for challenge 6
v Is not hyped :p
^ Has 1 emotional trait that I'm not really feeling
< Is reviving this game. Seriously, no posts for 6 days?
v A mod that forgot to close this game
^ Actually I underslept
< Has good luck when finding new YouTube videos
v Suddenly has the urge to like all posts
^ Should tell me all the good things about DNA
V Is not, and never can be, DNA
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