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UPDATED 2/26! Lots to trade! Want Gothitelles, Catcher, more!

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RE: UPDATED 11/12! Want all your old EXs & Lv. Xs plus need some deck staples/other stuff

I may be getting DCL from someone else, sorry. I would trade 2 Lv. X's for It
RE: UPDATED 11/12! Want all your old EXs & Lv. Xs plus need some deck staples/other stuff

Butterfly719 said:
Afro-G - Eh, sorry, I'll have to pass on that and I don't really have a counter. I realize the stuff on my side is relatively low-value, but I still wouldn't really want to trade that much for Donphan Prime, especially not with Electrode becoming so popular recently.
I understand, no one wants to trade something only to see it jump in price weeks later. Are you sure we can't work anything out? Maybe I should take out an Electrode for something else? Let me know what we can do if anything, thank you. :]
RE: UPDATED 11/12! Want all your old EXs & Lv. Xs plus need some deck staples/other stuff

Hm.. Thought about it and I have a final offer.

Donphan Prime $13

Metapod HP70 (1st ed) $2
Diglett (1st ed) $2
Magnemite (1st ed) $2
Ponyta (1st ed) $2
Staryu (1st ed) $2
Poliwag (1st ed) $2
Koffing (1st ed) $2
Total: $14

Thoughts? :)
RE: UPDATED 11/12! Want all your old EXs & Lv. Xs plus need some deck staples/other stuff

alexmf2 - Just Lv. Xs or EXs as well? Also, do you need more than 1 Blissey Prime? I have 2 I could trade and would actually prefer that as I don't really like to do small trades.

Afro-G - Honestly, I don't really need the Donphan Prime that much. It would be nice to have, but I don't need it for a collection or deck or anything, so it really would be just to get and sit in my binder as trade bait. With Electrodes on the rise, I think I would just prefer to have those sit in my binder.

SoulWind - Sorry, I would have to pass on that. Just trading for 1 card wouldn't really be worth as much to me. My shipping would be around $2, having to be shipped in a bubble envelope since there are more cards than can safely fit in a regular envelope. And I would value the 1st eds at a minimum of $2.25 ea (since you mentioned that this was the eBay BIN price of some of them, there really isn't a reason why mine should be worth less than that).
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have 1 Kyurem and 3 Eviolite, booster packs, more. Make some offers!

I actually don't need Blissey anymore, but i really need Kyurem. Care to make a deal?
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have 1 Kyurem and 3 Eviolite, booster packs, more. Make some offers!

alexmf2 - I'm just taking best offers on that for now. If you are interested, please make an offer from the cards I wanted from you (and please note I won't trade it for just Lv. Xs/EXs). Thanks
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have 1 Kyurem and 3 Eviolite, booster packs, more. Make some offers!

Sorry to come right back, haha, but I'm highly interested in your Kyurem NV. (Which seems to have magically appeared =P). Would you be willing to trade it towards anything I have? And I'm still interested in your Celebi Primes and Floatzel UL (RH) if you can trade those as well. Let me know, thanks. :]
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have 1 Kyurem and 3 Eviolite, booster packs, more. Make some offers!

Also, the guy selling 1st edition Base cards dropped his price to $2 apiece. Still let's do it. :D

Sending a PM to confirm.
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have 1 Kyurem and 3 Eviolite, booster packs, more. Make some offers!

Afro-G - Yup, it's a Kyurem that I just pulled lol. I'm just taking offers on it right now since they seem to be so hot. I'm interested in your Mew Primes, too, as well as anything else you might have unlisted from my wants. And yes, the Celebi Primes and Floatzels are still available as well.

SoulWind - Sounds good, thanks!
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have 1 Kyurem and 3 Eviolite, booster packs, more. Make some offers!

Butterfly719 said:
Afro-G - Yup, it's a Kyurem that I just pulled lol. I'm just taking offers on it right now since they seem to be so hot. I'm interested in your Mew Primes, too, as well as anything else you might have unlisted from my wants. And yes, the Celebi Primes and Floatzels are still available as well.
I would probably want to do something like...

1x Donphan Prime

1x Kyurem NV
2x Floatzel UL (RH)
1x Celebi Prime

Whether you want to do that or not I just wanted to make an offer for you to consider. Let me know I guess, thanks.
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have 1 Kyurem and 3 Eviolite, booster packs, more. Make some offers!

1 Mew Prime
1 Shaymin UL
1 Kyurem
2 Electrode Prime(2 voltorb throw-in)
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have 1 Kyurem and 3 Eviolite, booster packs, more. Make some offers!

Afro-G - Sorry, but there is no way I'd do anything like that. Kyurem is more valuable than Donphan by itself.

CFOURCOLTSFAN - I'm very interested. Could we replace 1 of the Electrode Primes with something else small? It looks like your other thread is a bit outdated so please let me know if there are other things you need, including other Noble Victories cards (I haven't gotten a chance to list mine yet). Thanks!
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have 1 Kyurem and 3 Eviolite, booster packs, more. Make some offers!

I have an unlisted Mew Prime and an unlisted RH DCE, both M/NM.

Those 2 for your Kyurem?
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have 1 Kyurem and 3 Eviolite, booster packs, more. Make some offers!

raw19 - That sounds good. Please PM me to confirm :)
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have Kyurem, Eviolite, FA Terrakion & Virizion, booster packs, battrio

any way i could add in something small to get a 2nd electrode prime? lmk, i have most of NV and most of the metagame cards, so just ask.
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have Kyurem, Eviolite, FA Terrakion & Virizion, booster packs, battrio

CFOURCOLTSFAN - Sorry, I had to remove one Electrode from my list because it was traded, so I only have the one left. I also finalized a trade for the Kyurem with another trader a couple posts up. I do have one more Kyurem I can trade, but I would need a similarly good offer. If you could do your offer with 1 Kyurem, 1 Electrode Prime (2 voltorb throw-in) and something else small, I would probably do that. Please let me know and thanks!
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have Kyurem, Eviolite, FA Terrakion & Virizion, booster packs, battrio

would a celebi prime count as small? LMK.
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have Kyurem, Eviolite, FA Terrakion & Virizion, booster packs, battrio

FA Terrakion x2
FA Virizion x2
Celebi Prime x2
Evolite x1

Magnezone Prime

RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have Kyurem, Eviolite, FA Terrakion & Virizion, booster packs, battrio

CFOURCOLTSFAN - Yeah, that sounds small enough. Please PM me to confirm :)

piplup234 - I honestly hope you're joking....


Magnezone Prime - $20 max


FA Terrakion x2 ($9 ea) = $18
FA Virizion x2 ($9 ea) = $18
Celebi Prime x2 ($2 ea) = $4
Evolite x1 = $5

$45 for your $18-$20 card? lol I will most definitely pass
RE: UPDATED 11/16! Have Kyurem, Eviolite, FA Terrakion & Virizion, booster packs, battrio

I'm not joking

FA Terrakion= no more than $7-8
FA Virizion= No more than $4
Celebi= $2
Evolite= $3-4

Magnezone: ~$25
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