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Trades [US Only] W: Bulk W: Metagame H: EX, FA Supporters, TSS, Packs, & Tons of ex/Lv X/Prime/Stars

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RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

I have 1 Zekrom FA. Do you have something on my wants? Please cml for more.
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

@everyone I was trying to update my post tomorrow or monday, but I will update it on the front page and on here since I need to stop the inquiries: Yanmega Prime is a $13 card and is never going to be worth more than that again, please do not offer me one if you are not willing to be reasonable, check ebay, and deal with the price that the card is currently at - I can help you dump them, but not at a loss, and certainly not evenly since Yanmega Prime could be worth $3-4 less by the time it gets to me!

@hikikomori-san that sounds reasonable enough, of course I would like to expand the trade past that

@evilpacman because you want the cards; I can sell the cards at that value without any extra hassle, without losing money on shipping, and without having to risk losing value, and they are cards everyone wants...why would I ever trade my shinings or stars even? It is completely against my interests.

@pokemonjoe dude come on, first of all, yanmega prime has not been worth more than $30 for a month, but the second the news of the reprint came out it dropped like wildfire, and to reiterate with yanmega bottoming as badly as $13 right now both the things you are asking for are worth more than what you offered by themselves...this is the worst offer I have been made in a long time

@Pika magnezone prime by itself is worth more than yanmega prime right now, the rest of what you asked for is worth as much as a yanmega over again

@ddub no, I cannot trade a card that valuable evenly, I do this for business; usually I can only trade cards I need to dump a little + are cheape evenly, and pachirisu is certainly not that with zekrom getting eviolite now...if you want to expand the deal to include like houndoom prime and a DCE I could probably do it, but otherwise I am going to have to pass

@erling the only thing I could think about for it straight up are typhlosion prime and pokemon communicaton, but I am interested in other things like Victory Cups if you would like to expand the trade proposal?
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

I understand. Would you also be interested in:
2x FA Tornadus
1x FA Zekrom

? I'm interested in TCGO codes for those as well. Seeing as you only have 25 left (if we do the SEL trade), I may look for more cards from you...

How about your 25 codes for my FA Zekrom & an FA Tornadus?

I also like these:
1x Shining Raichu
1x Umbreon ex
1x Espeon ex
xX Eeveelutions*

Please CML for those, thanks!
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

Ok, How about this:MY: 1 1st vicotry cup Your: 1 Donphan prime, Typloison prime? LMK.
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

Thats fine I can still manage that so:
Full RDL
Houndoom Prime


If this looks good please PM me to confirm.
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

Alright, when I originaly made the offer I was not aware of the drastic price drop. But, as I said in my previous post, is there anything else you want?
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

Can you cml for the following[ * are the importance of the stuff]

4x Donphan Prime HS
4x Electrode Prime TM
4x Kingdra Prime UL
4x Lanturn Prime UL
3x Magnezone Prime TM
****4x Mew Prime TM
**2x Yanmega Prime TM

RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

@Hikikomori-san hmm could I actually counter with 30 for the Zekrom + Tornadus + SEL piece? A friend told me to value the codes a little higher :mad: for everything else interested mostly in the lv. x still, Zekrom & Tornadus seems a little hard to match up with them but we can certainly try that too

@Erling2204 could you add a couple of lv. x?

@ddub65 actually I think I can sell it for $25 based on recent ebay results & since it is RH (all I have), so I cannot really trade it for $27...LMK if you want to reconsider or if that is too pushy please

@pokemonjoe okay, but when I told you about the drastic price drop, you told me I was wrong and that the price it has been lower than for the last month straight was the right price; I am interested in your lv. x and eviolite and nothing else
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

Hmmm, I think we're both trying to be on the winning end here LOL. I'm trying to trade for codes to resell & hopefully make a profit, but you're doing the same, just card-wise.

Also, I'm guessing that you won't do this trade then?
2x FA Tornadus
1x FA Zekrom
1x SEL Bottom

40x TCGO Codes

Since you countered with...

wilyfungi said:
@Hikikomori-san hmm could I actually counter with 30 for the Zekrom + Tornadus + SEL piece? A friend told me to value the codes a little higher :mad: for everything else interested mostly in the lv. x still, Zekrom & Tornadus seems a little hard to match up with them but we can certainly try that too

With my previous offer, you'd essentially be adding 10 codes for my FA Tornadus. If this is what you didn't want, then I understand; I'm just trying to clarify things here.


I think I'll be able to do your offer, but...

Would you be interested in the Mewtwo LV.X Promo? I can add both that, the PGX & the Giratina LV.X (and I might as well throw in the Gigas LV.X, since the condition's made it so that its trade value is in the stinker) for the rest of your 10 TCGO codes?


For the Shining Raichu...

1x Mewtwo LV.X Pack
1x Gliscor LV.X
1x Gengar LV.X
1x FA Zekrom

? That'd make it about $3~4 on my end, so maybe you'll find that sufficient enough for the trade?

LMK what you think, thanks!
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

That hardly seems fair to try and haggle more out of someone because you know they want the cards. And you put the Shining cards on your list so I assume you would like to trade those just like any other card you have. I will do Donphan Prime and 2 Feraligatr Primes and that should be just about $30 if not just a bit more.
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

I just really need the card to be honest so you let me know what else to add and most likely I can do it. My cards for trade are extras or just cards I don;t need anymore so just let me know.
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

@numberonewill so sorry, your post came in while I was typing up my response, and my response shifted the thread down to my response as top post...any chance you could LMK how many codes per one prime you said you wanted please? and interested in the lv. x, RSL, Ho-Oh Legend, Crawdaunt ex, and maybe some things like rare candy or alphs but only if we need them to round something out

@Hikikomori-san all right so you would do the FA Zekrom, FA Tornadus, SEL piece, and 4 lv x (two damaged) for the 40 codes? I would be down with that! For the Shining Raichu I will think about it while you respond about if you wanted to do the other part and I will give you an answer next time for sure. Leaning toward yes on that too though!

@evilpacman why is that unfair? you came to my threads looking at my cards, and I explained to you the exact amount I am looking for and why I will not go any lower. They are in my trade thread because I can sell them at any time without losing ANY value, so it does not hurt to wait around for higher values. The entire basis of haggling is based on how much each party wants what the other has...you want my cards much more or you would not still be here arguing and trying to get me to lower my amount. Finally, your offer is at about $23.

@ddub65 well RDL full houndoom prime DCE 2 reshiram would definitely do it, I understand if you do not want to though, just LMK
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

You drive a hard bargain but I'm desperate so deal haha I'll PM you to confirm
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

Well the main wants are two yanmega primes and three mew primes. Can you lmk your values on codes please, so that I can compare values. Thanks
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

I dont think Feraligatr Prime is $1.50 each.
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

Yup, I can accept that first part of the trade. Lmk on the Shining Raichu when you hits teh time, thanks!
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

@ddub65 all right will confirm!

@numberonewill I do not have a code value, that is why I asked for your values...I am fairly new to wanting to pick up codes is all

@evilpacman you looked up the wrong card price there

@Hikikomori-san all right, I think the shining raichu is fine! will pm to confirm everything
RE: Fungible Trading! Updated 9-15-11 H: Primes, *s W: Bulk & Ultra Rares

Usually codes are valued between .75-$1 depending on who you are dealing with lol. Based on that value, can we work something out for the 3 Mew Primes and 2 YanMega Primes
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