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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Last second thing do you have any Pokedexhandy910is?I needs 3, I'll LYK what I can do for them after I hear that answer. Lastly I haven't gotten the money yet either just to LYK.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Last second thing do you have any Pokedexhandy910is?I needs 3, I'll LYK what I can do for them after I hear that answer. Lastly I haven't gotten the money yet either just to LYK.

I have 3. $$ went out a couple days late. I didn't have exact change and I didn't want to send a check. Thanks for the update!
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More


also i should be getting a glaceon x soon if that interests you
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

konter_j8902 said:

also i should be getting a glaceon x soon if that interests you

Yeah...I kinda did...
Need to narrow this list down a bit.
Which of these did you want the most?
Gardevoir ex δ
rockets persion ex
Deoxys ex (Defense)
Espeon ex
Ho-Oh ex
Umbreon ex
Latias ex
Dragonite ex
Lapras ex
Millotic ex 1
Metagross ex 1
Magcargo ex
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Shakespeare said:
Yeah...I kinda did...
Need to narrow this list down a bit.
Which of these did you want the most?
Gardevoir ex δ
rockets persion ex
Deoxys ex (Defense)
Espeon ex
Ho-Oh ex
Umbreon ex
Latias ex
Dragonite ex
Lapras ex
Millotic ex 1
Metagross ex 1
Magcargo ex

i am just starting to collect but i like rockets ex's and delta species ex's the most is gardy the only delta and persion the only rockets

are you going to plymouth leauge tuesday
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Okay so just to make sure we're on the same page here
3 Pokedexhandy910is(about 2-3 bucks total)
2 Cynthia's Feelings(about 2-3 bucks total)
2 Champion's Room(about 1-2 bucks total)
1 Garchomp C(about 1-2 bucks total)
I'm not buying them, just making sure we agree on about how much the cards are worth. I'm looking at maybe a Uxie(regular) or something else. LMK.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Leafy goes for the 30 range exs listed go for 10-15 range.
I can do 2 (maybe 3) of those for the Leafy.

Yes, I plan on going to league Tuesday, I have not gone in 3 weeks, busy Christmas shopping. You making the trip too?

Yeah, those figures for value purposes only are about right. I like your Machamp X or Staraptor X (just saying...).
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

i will find out tonight i am going to stay with my grandparrents in south bend from tuesday to thursday

i may try and get them to meat in plymouth so i can go

i will let you know later

the ex's i like the most are

rockets persion
Deoxys (Defense)

can you tell me which of these you can do for this

isnt the place where leauge is now like a block from the library
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

I could the Star X for those if you threw in
The RH Expediton Mewtwo.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

I could the Star X for those if you threw in
The RH Expediton Mewtwo.

Got everything together including the RH Mewtwo...It looks SO cool.
Pming you.

konter_j8902 said:
i will find out tonight i am going to stay with my grandparrents in south bend from tuesday to thursday

i may try and get them to meat in plymouth so i can go

i will let you know later

the ex's i like the most are

rockets persion
Deoxys (Defense)

can you tell me which of these you can do for this

isnt the place where leauge is now like a block from the library

I have not skipped you...
Looking for these cards too!

How about these 3:
UFo Rockets Persian ex
Dr Dragonite ex
De Deoxys ex (Defense)

Leafeon LvX
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

CML for set of rotoms
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palk

Wishirulz said:
CML for set of rotoms

Didn't see anything, sorry.
Didn't you have a Gengar X before?​
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

CML for shiny shinx. and 2 sets of arceus AND/OR both arceus X's. would also like to get luxray X. i have gengar X and psychic bolt arceus X unlistede.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

I want quite a few things from your list. I want:

2x Unown G (GE)
Magma's Aggron
Aggron (R/S)

Do you have:
1x Cyrus's Conspiracy
3x Energy Gain
2x Poketurn

I don't have any of your wants in the right form, or they're decked/collection must haves. Please CML for some of these or all. The link is in the signature.:p
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

hey is there any way i can trade leafy and something for flygon x i am getting gengar
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

richkid50000 said:
CML for shiny shinx. and 2 sets of arceus AND/OR both arceus X's. would also like to get luxray X. i have gengar X and psychic bolt arceus X unlistede.

I didn't see anything for the Luxray GL X, sorry.
I can trade all nine Arceus AR1-AR9 for Gengar X.


Pokeplayer44 said:
I want quite a few things from your list. I want:

2x Unown G (GE)
Magma's Aggron
Aggron (R/S)

Do you have:
1x Cyrus's Conspiracy
3x Energy Gain
2x Poketurn

I don't have any of your wants in the right form, or they're decked/collection must haves. Please CML for some of these or all. The link is in the signature.:p

I can trade a lot of your deck wants for Leafeon LvX.


konter_j8902 said:
hey is there any way i can trade leafy and something for flygon x i am getting gengar

I don't have a Flygon X to trade, sorry.

I can still trade a few ex cards for your Leafeon LvX.
Did you see my previous trade offer?
Gengar X does interest me when you have it in hand...
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Bump #1 for the week.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

I'm trying to get 3 reverse holo Shuppet PT. I have Pokedex but it's not reverse holo, I also have plenty of cards in my trade list. Please let me know if we can work something out. Thank you.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

I have just the 1 RH PT Shuppet, sorry.

How about
PT Shuppet RH
SF Riachu holo
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palk

Shakespeare said:
I have just the 1 RH PT Shuppet, sorry.

How about
PT Shuppet RH
SF Riachu holo

That's kinda steep for a common, there isn't anything else you are looking for?