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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Cat-O-Ninetails said:
i can clearly see we have opposing views. which is perfectly fine, something i enjoy majorly.

it is easier for ME to acquire a few 15-18 dollar x's (dusky and gliscor) and semi difficult for you to obtain all of those over again (or at least maybe a hassel)

to me in order to trade a flygon, i would have to get enough trade bait for me to trade the exact same value back to someone else (but different cards) to get a flygon x back. and with that comes incentive, i would want something for myself, ya know?

BTW, BIN prices for gliscor is 16, dusknoir is 17, flygon is 39.

it would be easier if flygon was just hard to get, but the fact that there are 2 x's per box, 9 in the set, AND he is proven time and time again to be PLAYABLE, to me that makes an unfortunate larger gap. a gap that some don't want to or can't afford.

Is any of this making sense my friend?

I fully understand where you are coming from.
You posted on MY thread for me to CYL.
I made an offer and if you want to make a counter offer please do.
If you don't that is good too.

Maybe next time

kcv3 said:
My Infernape 4 Lv X for your Machamp Lv X

Maybe...your Infernape 4 LvX mint?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

i completely understand. and I thank you for doing the same. May i reply later on today? i have school soon.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

captain.mongoose said:
My: Arceus Dark
Your: x8 Electric Holo Energy
RH Warp Point (if you have one)
What do you say to this?

That is a little steep.
I value holo energy about a buck each.
I can do 3 energies...
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Well, I need those energies for my Raichu Deck, let's say we go back to the original deal of the Honchkrow lvl X for the x8 energies?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Cat-O-Ninetails said:
i completely understand. and I thank you for doing the same. May i reply later on today? i have school soon.

Feel free to make an offer anytime.

captain.mongoose said:
Well, I need those energies for my Raichu Deck, let's say we go back to the original deal of the Honchkrow lvl X for the x8 energies?

What did that deal look like again?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Please CML for:
6x Psychic DP League Energy

I also have some of the 2006 Grass Energy on your wants, I'm not sure how many I have though. I've come accross 4 so far.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

PoptartG4791 said:
Please CML for:
6x Psychic DP League Energy

I also have some of the 2006 Grass Energy on your wants, I'm not sure how many I have though. I've come accross 4 so far.

I just need one 2006 (it MUST say 2006 at the bottome) grass energy.
All the energy I have is listed in my Shake Selling Shack, I don't have DP league energy, sorry.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Shakespeare said:
I don't know how many I could do. Dark Arceus is worth more to me than the others.
How many you thinking. My list is current.

Holo energy is an option too BTW

As it is to me.
I'm not sure looking at some of your other trades you seem to value them at about 2-4 dollards apiece.
Going my ebay prices victory medal seems to fall into the 20-35 dollar range,depending on shipping prices.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

I agree your Victory Medal is worth that.
A set of all 9 Arceus go for about the same (maybe a little less).

I can do 25 holo energies for it.
Unless you have your eye on something else!
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Okay here's other stuff I'm eyeing-
2 Expert Belt(if you have any)
4 Scizor(SF,if you have any)
4 Cherrim(SF and Arceus,if you have any)
4 Buck's Training(if you have any)
3 Blaziken FB
3 Garchomp C(they don't have to be RH)
1 Garchomp C LV.X
1 Claydol(GE, I has a german one I wants to get rid of)
1 Gyarados(SF,I has a JPN one I wants to get rid of)
4 of each pre evo of scizor and cherrim.
So that's it, guess it's a lot but yeah. I'm also interested in the Arceus LV.X but I value them slightly higher than a regular Arceus(about 3-10 depending on if tin or pack)
So tell me what you have from that list and we can move on from their. I also just had a cash infusion so I have about 10 dollars I can spend as well
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Okay here's other stuff I'm eyeing-
2 Expert Belt(if you have any)
4 Scizor(SF,if you have any)
4 Cherrim(SF and Arceus,if you have any)
4 Buck's Training(if you have any)
3 Blaziken FB
3 Garchomp C(they don't have to be RH)
1 Garchomp C LV.X
1 Claydol(GE, I has a german one I wants to get rid of)
1 Gyarados(SF,I has a JPN one I wants to get rid of)
4 of each pre evo of scizor and cherrim.
So that's it, guess it's a lot but yeah. I'm also interested in the Arceus LV.X but I value them slightly higher than a regular Arceus(about 3-10 depending on if tin or pack)
So tell me what you have from that list and we can move on from their. I also just had a cash infusion so I have about 10 dollars I can spend as well

WOW, what kind of deck you building there??
Gyarados...Blaze..Cherrium...Garchomp C...Scizor???
I am stumped. I have to see what I got.
I know I don't have a GE Claydol, have to wait until next league season.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Um I like to have options, I have very few new cards but all of them tier/good cards. So yeah IDK I'm indecisive.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Gliscor LvX
Honchkrow (Lv X) 1
and any revearse dome, helix, or old ambers

From your wants I have:
Dusknoir 2/130
Claydol 15/106 RH and Normal
Level Max 107/12 RH
Houchkrow (Lv 46) 29/147 RH

Pm me or CML for more stuff
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Mr.Ferrari said:
Gliscor LvX
Honchkrow (Lv X) 1
and any revearse dome, helix, or old ambers

From your wants I have:
Dusknoir 2/130
Claydol 15/106 RH and Normal
Level Max 107/12 RH
Houchkrow (Lv 46) 29/147 RH

Pm me or CML for more stuff

About the only things there I really am interested in are the GE Claydols.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

CML for machamp X please.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

richkid50000 said:
CML for machamp X please.

Machamp X
Rare Candy x ? (how many?)

Luxray GL X - (It's the only thing I really need...)

We in the ballpark here?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Okay so do you know what you have off of that list yet?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

The deal was
Honchkrow lvl X
something else
Electric Holo x8
Raichu SF
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Pal

Cml for
Luxray gl x
Palkia g x
Floatzel gl x

And is the floatzel the misprint one
Down where it says the year it says 2008 it has 2009 printed over 2008
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

I will have to check the Floatzel.
*edit* I have checked all three Floatzel LvXs. All 3 are errors.
I need for a Flygon X (maybe a Gengar X) to be in any deal for the Luxray GL X.

I do like the Salamenace X card you have!

Still have not had time to look.

Captain Mongoose:
Let me make sure I have energies. Was the other card on your end a Spiritomb PA?