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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Ponyta SH11 Mor

richkid50000 said:
CML for tangrowth PA. i need 3 if possible.

I only have 1. What you have in mind?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Ponyta SH11 Mor

the dark arceus maybe.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Ponyta SH11 Mor

How about for a PA Spiritomb?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Ponyta SH11 Mor

Bump for the week.
Added a few PA RH.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Pal

How many holo energys can I get for the dark and water arceus
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Ponyta SH11 Mor

I can 2 each...
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Pal

Shakespeare said:
I can 2 each...

That'll work can I get 4 hp or the better design ones
I dont know the differences from the designs
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Pal

icman92 said:
That'll work can I get 4 hp or the better design ones
I don't know the differences from the designs

Check my selling thread for the most up to date list of energies.
Site has scans of all the energies up.
They are Emerald (not much left...) Halon Phantoms, and Power Keepers.

Let me know what you want.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Pal

Shakespeare said:
Check my selling thread for the most up to date list of energies.
Site has scans of all the energies up.
They are Emerald (not much left...) Halon Phantoms, and Power Keepers.

Let me know what you want.

Ok I like the hp ones and you only have 4 left of them according to the sales thread
My dark and water arceus
Your 4 holon phantom psycic energy

If it sounds good pm to confirm
And I also have something to discuss with you
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Ponyta SH11 Mor

Shakespeare said:
I might be able to trade a Arceus LvX (omniscient) for it.
I can trade holo every for it.
You have a sellers thread? I might buy it.

UrsaLunarMinor said:
I checked again and didn't see your magikarp but i probably just missed it :) What would you want for it? The only thing that I think I have from your wants is the shining ponyta that you're already trading for... Thanks :)

I looked too after your first post. I didn't see them either. My list says I have 1 Shining Magikarp and 1 Shining Gyrados, both 1st edition.

Thant kind makes me wonder what else I might have forgot to list...

I tried to check your list for the 2 but I see you don't have one. I do have a list of wants if you want to make an offer. Yeah, I have the shining Ponyta pending but I am looking for water and dark Arceus too. Maybe a LvX from Arceus??

I could sell it.
Also like how many Arceus could I get for it?(not Level X ones just regular arceus)LMK
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

I don't know how many I could do. Dark Arceus is worth more to me than the others.
How many you thinking. My list is current.

Holo energy is an option too BTW
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

please cml for 2 gliscor x, and dusknoir x. thanks! (sorry pal, only way to get flygon is via INSANE deal :()
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Well what do you have in mind for Flygon X?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

i don't really know. lol. i want to get as much as i can get for it. (obviously)
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

I can see that.
I have only one Gliscor X, not 2.
I traded one and forgot to update.

I might be able to trade a Dusknoir x and a Gliscor X or Flygon X.

What you think?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Sorry friend, no thanks.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

Cat-O-Ninetails said:

I beg your pardon.

Cat-O-Ninetails said:
Sorry friend, no thanks.

No counter offer?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

i can clearly see we have opposing views. which is perfectly fine, something i enjoy majorly.

it is easier for ME to acquire a few 15-18 dollar x's (dusky and gliscor) and semi difficult for you to obtain all of those over again (or at least maybe a hassel)

to me in order to trade a flygon, i would have to get enough trade bait for me to trade the exact same value back to someone else (but different cards) to get a flygon x back. and with that comes incentive, i would want something for myself, ya know?

BTW, BIN prices for gliscor is 16, dusknoir is 17, flygon is 39.

it would be easier if flygon was just hard to get, but the fact that there are 2 x's per box, 9 in the set, AND he is proven time and time again to be PLAYABLE, to me that makes an unfortunate larger gap. a gap that some don't want to or can't afford.

Is any of this making sense my friend?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

My Infernape 4 Lv X for your Machamp Lv X
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Tangrowth X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)Flygon X,More PA

My: Arceus Dark
Your: x8 Electric Holo Energy
RH Warp Point (if you have one)
What do you say to this?