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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Not really, sorry.
It is just a common, true, but a RH common that a lot of people have asked me about.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Bump #2 for the week.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

if i traded a gengar and or sally X would i be able to get Luxray?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

CML for:
Lightning Arceus
Garchomp MT RH
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

TV Reporter exDragon

Sceptile GE
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

ESP said:
CML for:
Lightning Arceus
Garchomp MT RH

I do those 2 plus something for Gengar X.

richkid50000 said:
if i traded a gengar and or sally X would i be able to get Luxray?

I'm afraid I picked up one Gengar X, it is a mid-want now.
I would not trade Luxray for both, sorry.
I got 3 LvX cards for my other Luxray.
I don't mean to sound greedy, just want to get as much as I can.

Chaoguy said:
TV Reporter exDragon

Sceptile GE

That Dragons TV Reporter a reverse holo?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Arceus: WANTS
Arceus LvX - Psychic Bolt 96/99
Gengar LvX 97/99
Salamence LvX 98/99

I have these. IDK if you still need them. LMK if you need any of these and I'm sure that I will find something.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Arceus LvX - Psychic Bolt 96/99 - mid want
Gengar LvX 97/99 - mid want
Salamence LvX 98/99 - highest want of the three.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

oh man kid if that's a reverse holo tv reporter back out of the deal right now
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

i just got a JPN one for flygon X. he had a ton of other stuff in the deal also. so i think 3 good X's is about a little too much. plus its been dropping in value lately.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Would you do the Salamence Lv.X for Dialga G Lv.X?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palk

Chaoguy said:
TV Reporter exDragon

Sceptile GE

That Dragons TV Reporter a reverse holo?

I don't think it is... Besides, I don't need scept ge anymore.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

PokeKid Brandon said:
Would you do the Salamence Lv.X for Dialga G Lv.X?

Dialga G LvX is worth a little more than Salamence X.

richkid50000 said:
i just got a JPN one for flygon X. he had a ton of other stuff in the deal also. so i think 3 good X's is about a little too much. plus its been dropping in value lately.

I understand. Luxray GL X is only worth what people are willing to trade for it!
Maybe next time!

Chaoguy said:
That Dragons TV Reporter a reverse holo?
I don't think it is... Besides, I don't need scept ge anymore.

No problem. The Dragons RH TV Reporter is a rare pull. During the sorting process making the packs only a few made it out.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

what about cresselia x for gengar x?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Wishirulz said:
what about cresselia x for gengar x?

I have a Cresselia X for trade??
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

oh hahahahaha nvm i'm so blind sometimes it's just a normal cresselia

how about honchcrow x and/or gardevoir x
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Your Gengar X is worth a lot more than just MD Cresslia holo...
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

i edited lol
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

I can do either one for your Gengar X.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY,RARE CANDY, Arceus X, Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X, Palkia G X, Gardy X(W)RH Staples, More

Shakespeare said:
Dialga G LvX is worth a little more than Salamence X.

richkid50000 said:
i just got a JPN one for flygon X. he had a ton of other stuff in the deal also. so i think 3 good X's is about a little too much. plus its been dropping in value lately.

I understand. Luxray GL X is only worth what people are willing to trade for it!
Maybe next time!

Chaoguy said:
That Dragons TV Reporter a reverse holo?
I don't think it is... Besides, I don't need scept ge anymore.

No problem. The Dragons RH TV Reporter is a rare pull. During the sorting process making the packs only a few made it out.

DO you possibly want me to throw someting in on top of salamence?