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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

I'm not sure if I have anything you want, but could you CML for your 2-3 Colorless Arceus.
Thanks and let me know if there's anything that interests you.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

Bump, CoL Update.
Please give me a few to answer all of you!

Uh, No. I have not answered anyone yet... V
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

Wait, I'm a little confused to what you are saying.... Did you check my list?
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

are we still doing the Raichu prime for holo energy WotC?

I've also found a Switch and a Bill 4th printing Base set. mint/near mint. they've been in a box, not played.

if you still want to do 10 holo energy for raichu, can it be these:
6 water
2 grass
2 psychic

I'll see if I can find more 4th printing base set, they'll most likely all be trainers though.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

I just updated my wants list, LMK what you got!
*Edit* I just saw your other offer. I don't need Celebi prime anymore, sorry.

You find anything at league?
*Edit* I just found your other post too...
I updated with more CoL wants. Mostly shinies...

You have a deal:
1 Neo discovery Smeargle non holo 1st editon
1 Darkai G
1 Camerupt G

1 water holo 2007
1 fire holo 2007
1 fighting holo 2007

PMing you

I got your PM and I am checking your list for more energy!

@The Hybrid:
I can use the PT Decatty most. The legend piece is really a low want.
What did you need off my haves the most?

@El Radar:
That Charizard rare goes for a lot more than I thought, like $10
The Kingdra prime is a low want. I checked your list and your Umbreon prime is also a low want.
The only thing I really need is your 2 Decatty (1RH).

How bad do you want the Charizard?
Charizard #39 rare

Kingdra prime
Umbreon prime
PT Delcatty x2 (1RH)

The primes are just a low want, sorry.

Wow. Quite the list there. I'm sorry. I don't need a Gengar prime that bad.

Yeah, the 4th printing of base cards are scarce.
I'm not even 100% sure all the holos were even printed in that run.
I did update my wants.

About all I see I can use are:
2x Rhyperior Lv.X - 1 promo 1 pack.

I need quite a few 4th printing Base set cards.
Use this as a guide:
I do need quite a few of them LMK know what you got!

Yes, we can do those Energy for the Raichu prime. Any 10 mix or match.

You could at least provide me with a link to your trade thread...
Thanks anyways.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

Are you interested in the Rare Candy mail promo? I can add one of those in instead of Umbreon Prime (which I think I traded or have promised to trade to someone else). Lmk because yes, I do want the Charizard badly lol
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

should we wait for me to find all the 4th printings I can before we exchange addresses? or should we do the raichu prime trade now? I would like the holo energy in time for states for my arceus decks. (both my neighbor and I are running Arceus with a Luke tech.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

If you need the energy that quick we can do 2 separate trades.
No problem.

PM me with the energy you need.

RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

I fixed my sig so it has them again, I got a Landmin at league today.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

@ Shakespeare

Pachi Rev
Pachi Holo
Espeon Holo
Mewtwo EX
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

I have for trade:
1x gengar prime
1x DCL bottom
1x Mew Prime (pending inward)

I like the folowing (I am just stating what I like not an offer):
Want to upgtade:
3x RH junk arm
3x Pokemon Communication RH
1x Pokemon Collector RH
3x RH UL rare candy

other non upgrade wants:
3x T-tar Prime
1x ERL bottom
1x Feraligatr Prime
2x Blastoise UL
1x RH UL Blastoise
1x Gengar X
LMK what you think
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

@El Radar:
You have a deal, PM sent.

I PMd you as well. Hopefully we can get you that extra energy you need.

Thanks for fixing that. I makes it much easier to do trades with other users.
Did you need anything else since you got your Shaymin X?

I really don't need any of those. My wants are rather slim right now.

@The Wii Man1234:
Gengar prime is a the only thing that is not a low want.
That would be the thing I would need the most.
I could fix you up with a bunch of SP engine cards for it.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

I only would want RH SP engine and your list says that you don't have any (I only upgrade just FYI), but what about the other stuff the T-tars are my main wants
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

Sorry, I must have had your post confused with someone else's.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

I'm interested in Luxray Gl X. Would you trade one for my: 1x Absol Prime, 1x Houndoom Prime, and 1x Gengar Prime? also i'd like to get both Lux's if possible. I have many other primes I can offer to sweeten it up a bit. LMK
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

Rh DCE x3
Rh communication x2
Holo fighting energy x6
Rh luxury ball
Rh old amber
Rh switch
Whatever else is in that pile

Mew prime x3
Lost world
And I think I can get a shiny deoxys. I can lyk wendsday
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

almost forgot, please pm your response. i have trouble keeping up with everyone's threads.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

I do like Machamp prime and Gengar primes (both are really kind of low wants...)
I will look at your list again and PM you