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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

wait what about me????
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

@The Wii Man1234:
I have a couple offers for the RH DCE and Communications.
Gengar prime is kind of a low want...
Have any deal in mind?

*edit* I didn't forget you!

You are not the only one that wants stuff in that pile!
PM me or text when you have that shiny Dexoys in hand!
I can still use the other 3 shinies too.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

ya I did, how about this:
1x Gengar Prime NM

3x T-tar Prime
3x Pupitar SF
1x T-tar SF
4x Larvitar UL 50
1x Gengar X
Counter or LMK
and is there any way I could get 2x Spiritomb AR off of you??
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

can you cml for these?
muk ex (dragon)
latias ex (dragon)
golem ex (dragon)
rayquaza ex (deoxys)
registeel ex (emerald)
milotic ex (emerald)
mew ex (holon phantoms)
swampert ex (crystal guardians)
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

1x Uxie Lv.X

1x Gengar Prime
1x Registeel *

Price-wise, that seems about fair, but I understand that it may not work for you as Uxie is a low want. I'd also be willing to give you a Tyranitar Prime and one RH Collector for the Registeel *, provided it's mint. If neither of those appeal to you, I'll have my new list here up shortly and perhaps you can look at it. Thanks!
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

Hi if you could check my list for one Luxray X? (oops jsut realized I should make offer first) I'll get back with you soon
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

never mind I got them somewhere else
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

@The Wii Man1234
I'm glad you got what you needed. I could not have done everything you listed anyways.
The Gengar price was a little too high for me.

I am looking to trade for Gengar primes than trading mine away...
Uxie X is a lower want, correct.
Anything else I have that I can add to that Registeel*?
Yeas, the Registeel is mint. I pulled it from a pack myself!

*edit* I do have a Drag Off Regigigas...

I don't know if it was you I made this offer to before...
Forgive me if you turned this offer down before.

Luxray gl LvX
Mew prime x 3
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

Hmm... not that interested in the Drag Off Gigas at this point. Really the only thing I'm super interested in is the Registeel *, and I value it at around $20, which is $10 lower than Gengar Prime.

Take a look at my list and shoot me a counter on the Registeel. :]
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

Luxray gl LvX
Registeel *

Uxie LvX
Gengar Prime
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

My issue with that is that Uxie Lv.X is actually, abnormally, selling for more than Luxray GL Lv.X right now. Check out eBay's completed listings. Surprising, but true. Uxie is hovering around $50, while Luxray is about $42. With Gengar Prime higher than Registeel, that doesn't really work out fair value-wise on any level.

That said, it's not a terrible offer, but I'd be more interested in trading smaller things for the Registeel. Anything else you see?
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

The values are relative.
They may sell for more than what they are worth to me.
The Uxie X is a relative low want. I really don't need a lot of small stuff for just the Registeel *...
My wants are pretty much listed. Please feel free counter if you have any ideas.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST!

One RH DCE and one Mew Prime for the Registeel *?
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W)STAFF Promos Please read my rules first!

I can do that. Sorry for my late reply.
PMing you.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W)STAFF Promos Please read my rules first!

I know you want them but do you happen to have any COL holo energy for trade?
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W)STAFF Promos Please read my rules first!

you know you want my 4 white blanks, and one reflective blank. ;)
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W)STAFF Promos Please read my rules first!

I have 4 extras.
1 Water
1 Lighning
2 Psychic

I have more coming soon but yeah, I am more interested in trading for them.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W)STAFF Promos Please read my rules first!

Awe well if you ever feel like trading them. I will be wanting them. Especially those psychics :)
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W)STAFF Promos Please read my rules first!

I got the picture. They are pretty cool.
I might try to make one when I have time (yeah, right I have no time).

I doubt I would really want to trade for them though, sorry.

When I get those extras in I will keep you in mind.
RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W)STAFF Promos Please read my rules first!

shiny deoxys
shiny rayquaza

yanmega prime
smeargle CoL
umbreon Col
lost remover Col