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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

I don't have any claydols, sorry. But cml again to see if we could work something out. Thanks.
RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

p8ntchucker7 said:
I don't have any claydols, sorry. But cml again to see if we could work something out. Thanks.

I didn't see anything sorry.
RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

Infernape 4 lv X and infernpae 4 rh for flygon lv x?
RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

kashmaster said:
Infernape 4 lv X and infernpae 4 rh for flygon lv x?
RH Infernape I do not need. Have a GE Claydol?
RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

Nope I needed one from you remember ;)
RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

Oh. I guess you are right!
So many trades...
RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

So nothing you see for flygon lv X?
RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

kashmaster said:
So nothing you see for flygon lv X?

It would have to be a good deal for me to trade to the UK.
If you offered both the infernape 4 and the blaze fb lvx cards, I would trade the Flygon x
RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

Sorry I valuae blaziken more than flygon lv X so I can't thanks anyway
RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

OK then, no problem.
Maybe next time.
RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

i need a 1-1-1 staraptor line
can u check me for it and what set do you have them from
RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

karimsoliman94 said:
I need a 1-1-1 staraptor line
can u check me for it and what set do you have them from

I have only a few SV cards. I do not have the cards you are looking for, sorry. I have booster boxes coming soon. Check back here in a few days!
RE: (H) Call Energy!! Flygon X, Leafeon X, Dialga G X (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

Need Unown G?
RH SP Energy?
RH Bebe's?
I got them!
RE: (H)RH Bebes RH SP Energy, Flygon X, Unown G (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

I will have 2 boxes Friday.
RE: (H)RH Bebes RH SP Energy, Flygon X, Unown G (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

CML for:
6 Water Energy holo
RH Bebe's Search 89/111 (3)
SP Energy 101/111 (4)
2 Mesprit LA (if you have them)
RE: (H)RH Bebes RH SP Energy, Flygon X, Unown G (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

ESP said:
CML for:
6 Water Energy holo
RH Bebe's Search 89/111 (3)
SP Energy 101/111 (4)
2 Mesprit LA (if you have them)

My list says I have a RH Mesprit, If I do I have to find it.
The 4 SP Energy you want is RH. All I have. Don't ask me HOW I got 20 RH SP Energy...

Anyways, The Leafeon X is about the only thing I saw I can use.
Don't know how you feel about trading a LvX for "small" wants.
RE: (H)RH Bebes RH SP Energy, Flygon X, Unown G (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

Sorry then, don't wanna do that. Are you interested in SV rares and holos?
RE: (H)RH Bebes RH SP Energy, Flygon X, Unown G (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

ESP said:
Sorry then, don't wanna do that. Are you interested in SV rares and holos?

I kind of figured that. It's cool. I have 2 boxes of SV coming. Once I figure out what I still need after opening them I can get back to you if you want.
RE: (H)RH Bebes RH SP Energy, Flygon X, Unown G (W) Infernape 4 X and Luxray G X

Hey Shakespeare! :) Would you do my Uxie X for your Flygon X and Flygon RR?