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Trades [USA] JC Penny - Looking for bulk trades/whole deck

RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

That is very generous of you. Anyways, I do not really need gardy or Darkrai....Darkrai yes, but it is not worth too much.
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

See my list (In the sig) for Rayquaza *, Lugia EX, Charizard EX, and Dialga G LV. X.
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

x1 Azelf Lv. X
x1 Uxie Lv. X
x1 Mewtwo Lv. X
x1 Gliscor Lv. X
for all?

sign your name here if you think that instead of giving people your adress, we should give it to pokebeach and let them distribute our cards. ( we'd still pay shipping >_<)



RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

Heck no, that isn't worth it at all. It's more like a LV. X that has a tin version for both EX's, another LV. X for Dialga G LV. X, and and my Latias * wouldn't really be worth Rayquaza* since it is damaged, so I don't know what for that.
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

rayquaza isnt damged. What if I take off gliscor

Water Rayquaza said:
Heck no, that isn't worth it at all. It's more like a LV. X that has a tin version for both EX's, another LV. X for Dialga G LV. X, and and my Latias * wouldn't really be worth Rayquaza* since it is damaged, so I don't know what for that.
do you know where i can get a banner
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

ready for me to PM you my address yet?
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

If you take off Gliscor, it still wouldn't be worth it at all.

But, I can make you a banner...
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

ok. But yes if you could bake me a banner that would be awesome

Lord Atmo said:
ready for me to PM you my address yet?

yes, but do you mind that it is 90% mint. Its been in a box under my bed for years.
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

Raichu lv.x JPN

gliscor lv.x JPN

Gabite x4
premier ball

I have all of those. Please make an offer.
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

x2 RH Felicity's Drawing
x1 RH Roseanne's Research
Leafeon X.

4 gible
4 gabite? LMK or check my haves and make an offer

How do you rate somones grammar?
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

i can offer you a few from the following cards for 2 cresse x and if you have 2 cresse md


2 charmander



Gabite xx
premier ball xx
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

Whoah...I don't have Garchomp LV.X. I only have x1 Garchomp.

Gliscor LV.X JPN
Raichu LV.X JPN

Leafeon LV.X
Cresselia LV.X
x2 RH Felicity's Drawing
x1 RH Roseanne's Research

Click on the username, then click rate G/S.
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

Puncher said:
I can offer you a few from the following cards for 2 cresse x and if you have 2 cresse md


2 charmander



Gabite xx
premier ball xx

no thanks

Raichu/Leafeon said:
Whoah...I don't have Garchomp LV.X. I only have x1 Garchomp.

Gliscor LV.X JPN
Raichu LV.X JPN

Leafeon LV.X
Cresselia LV.X
x2 RH Felicity's Drawing
x1 RH Roseanne's Research

Click on the username, then click rate G/S.

Ill consider it.
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

I can throw in the Garchomp and Gible and Gabite's too.
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

Is it possible you can hold on to those cards because Im getting a lot of offers for them but its abnout a 90% chance yes
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

What else can I add so it's a 100% yes?
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

nothing really, because a noob is offering me 2chompx., and 2b2eot lv.x for cress, and that alakazamX and hippowateverX could sell for big bucks
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, GarchompX, Garchomp MT, Gabite MT, and Gible Mt. Will trade or buy

I have a Mewtwo LV.X (tin) I can throw in...
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, AlakazamX, and HippopodowanX coming soon possibly

ok deal. But i have to get the leafeon from my friend at league next sat.
RE: UPDATE Need B2EOT, AlakazamX, and HippopodowanX coming soon possibly

No problem...I can wait...PM me to finalize.