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Trades [USA] JC Penny - Looking for bulk trades/whole deck

RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR rares & more! [W] Easy

giggran said:
I was wondering if u could do this:
x2 flygon rr
shiftry rr
x3 gengar rr
x3 aerodactyl rr
x2 jirachi rr
x4 upper energy rr
x4 volkners philosophy
claydol rh ge
dialga g plt
lmk or counter
Dialga GX? Otherwise, no.
Rodiqio said:
Hello, would you do my Altaria PL and Shiftry H RR for your RR Luxray GL and RR Flygon??

No thanks. I value them higher, both being holo;s that will be heavily played.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR rares & more! [W]

I have:
4x Dialga G (3x RH)
2x Claydol GE
2x Dialga G Lv.X
1x Altaria PT
2x Swablu PT

I need:
1x Charon's Choice
1x Heat Rotom
1x Flygon RR
1x Jirachi RR
1x Luxray GL RR
1x Shiftry RR
1x Upper Energy

Make an offer?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR rares & more! [W] Easy

Politoed666 said:
I have:
4x Dialga G (3x RH)
2x Claydol GE
2x Dialga G Lv.X
1x Altaria PT
2x Swablu PT

I need:
1x Charon's Choice
1x Heat Rotom
1x Flygon RR
1x Jirachi RR
1x Luxray GL RR
1x Shiftry RR
1x Upper Energy

Make an offer?

1x Charon's Choice 20 pts
1x Heat Rotom 15 pts
1x Flygon RR 12 pts
1x Jirachi RR 10 pts
1x Luxray GL RR 10 pts
1x Upper Energy 3 pts
70 pts
DGX 30 pts
claydol 15 pts
2 dialga G 20 pts
65 pts.

RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR rares & more! [W] Easy

I'll give you:

Seedot RR X2
nuzleaf X1
altaria PT X1
swablu PT X2

For your:
Luxray GL x1

PM me if interested.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR rares & more! [W] Easy

i have 4 altaria and 2 swablu and do you have multiples of the cards you have listed up there or do you only have 1 of each card you have up there
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR rares & more! [W] Easy

multiples in most of them.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR rares & more! [W] Easy

well how many pt torterras do you have
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR rares & more! [W] Easy

None, where does my list say that?

*edit* I have one.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Bump # 1
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Have 2x Flygon. Want Luxray GL and Shiftry. LMK.

dmaster out.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Can you CML for Shining Gyarados from Neo 3?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

1x Shiftry
2x Vibrava
3x Volkner's Philosphy
x1 Luxray GL(RR)
x1 Abamasnow(SF)

LMK if you wanna trade.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

festizzio said:
Can you CML for Shining Gyarados from Neo 3?
Nothing, sorry.
Zilvis said:
1x Shiftry
2x Vibrava
3x Volkner's Philosphy
x1 Luxray GL(RR)
x1 Abamasnow(SF)

LMK if you wanna trade.

Add a vibrava, and I'll do it.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

I saw Flygon X. I know that that won't cover it, was there anything else.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Bump #2.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Do you have machamp x 3 SF and gengar x 4 SF I got 3-3-3 line of flygon LMK
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

I do, but theyt are being played, sorry.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. [H] 15+ X's, Heatom, Charons, RR Holos & more! [W] Easy

Do you have any floatzel GL