Wi-Fi Trades Vini's New Trade Thread

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RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - GAMESTP Raikou, Shiny Treecko, Larvitar, Manaphy & Elekid

I'm interested in your shiny modest Treecko. Please check my thread for what you would like for it.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - GAMESTP Raikou, Shiny Treecko, Larvitar, Manaphy & Elekid

Would you take the Modest Shiny Articuno (13/9/20/31/31/28) for it?

Also thanks for the trade Joey
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - GAMESTP Raikou, Shiny Treecko, Larvitar, Manaphy & Elekid

You're welcome! I'll do business again soon.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - GAMESTP Raikou, Shiny Treecko, Larvitar, Manaphy & Elekid

Sure. My FC is 5027 0617 8149. I'll register your FC and go on Wifi in a moment.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - GAMESTP Raikou, Shiny Treecko, Larvitar, Manaphy & Elekid

Cool, see you on

EDIT: Could we trade for the set of GAMESTP beasts too?
EDIT#2: thanks for the Articuno Blue!
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - GAMESTP Raikou, Shiny Treecko, Larvitar, Manaphy & Elekid

I have the beasts in another game - I'll trade those to you after this trade.

My wifi booted me off without any warning. Sorry about the delay.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - GAMESTP Raikou, Shiny Treecko, Larvitar, Manaphy & Elekid

Sure thing, just gime 5 minutes. I'll send you a PM when Im ready :]
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - GAMESTP Raikou, Shiny Treecko, Larvitar, Manaphy & Elekid

That's fine. I'll send you my FC then.

And thanks for the trade.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - GAMESTP Raikou, Shiny Treecko, Larvitar, Manaphy & Elekid


Courtesy of Bluesummers ~ VERY high offers only!!
UT Lv. 60
Pressure ~ Modest nature.

Agility, Ice Beam, Reflect, Roost


Rare Candied to Lv. 50 (3 levels, no EVs earned)
Pressure ~ Hasty nature.

Metal Claw, Ancientpower, Dragon Claw, Roar of Time


FAL2010 Mew
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!


UT Lv. 1
Steadfast ~ Adamant nature.

Foresight, Endure, Blaze Kick, Sky Uppercut


Rare Candied to Lv. 30 (29 levels, no EVs earned)
Water Absorb ~ Modest nature.

Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Surf


UT Lv. 1
31/31/30/30/30/30 (Hidden Power [FIGHTING] 70)
Run Away ~ Modest nature.

Tackle, Tail Whip, Wish, Curse


UT Lv. 1 (nicknamed)
Inner Focus ~ Jolly nature.

Fake Out, Counter, Pursuit, Low Kick


UT Lv. 1 (nicknamed)
Chlorophyl ~ Modest nature.

Energy Ball, Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Hidden Power [FIRE] 70


UT Lv. 1 (nicknamed)
Run Away ~ Jolly nature.

Roost, Toxic, Quick Attack, Brave Bird


UT Lv. 1
Shed Skin ~ Adamant nature.

Growl, Bite, Endeavor


UT Lv. 1 (nicknamed)
Cute Charm ~ Adamant nature.

Sucker Punch, Wish, Baton Pass, Charge Beam


UT Lv. 1
Shield Dust ~ Timid nature.

Tackle, String Shot
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!


UT Lv. 1
Overgrow ~ Adamant nature.

Tackle, Growl, Flail, Swords Dance


UT Lv. 1
Blaze ~ Modest nature.

Fire Blast, Sunny Day, Substitute, Belly Drum
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Is that new cyndaquil shiny?
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

If you mean Chikorita, then nope, its a regular IV bred Pokémon. The shinies have a star () next to them.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Hey, Vini. Its been awhile. Your trade thread is looking nice. I might want to trade this weekend, Ill let you know. I haven't traded at all really in like 4 months haha.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Hey there, old friend.

Sure thing, just post here. :]
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Hey, sorry i haven't had time to rng the darkrai i'm supposed to trade you yet but it's been a busy week for me so far and i haven't had much free time. I'll hopefully be able to rng it tommorow and trade.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

No problem at all Aj, take your time. It's not like the offer has an expiry date. ;)
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

What you want for shiny charmander and riolu? Could you tell me if you looking for a specific pokemon?
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Other IV bred Shinies; I don't have any specific one in mind. As long as I don't have it, it should be fine
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Interested in NZone Pikachu and this Gastly

UT Lv. 1
Levitate ~ Timid nature.
Icy Wind, Pain Split, Explosion, Hidden Power [FIRE 70]

I can offer a flawless shiny Jolly Gible and a shiny flawless Timid Staryu
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