Wi-Fi Trades Vrapceboy thread

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Crystal Hikara said:
I can fully give a Pokemon 510 EVs and Rus in around two hours (provided 252 is not in DF/SPDf). I'm interested in shiny Starly.

I want your evd pokemon, cause I know how to EV, thanks :D. Which pokemon are you offering to me :)?

And yeah, I would prefer something from OU tier.
I'm actually not a competitive battler, soooo I'm not 100% sure what's in OU. :X

I have a shiny Azelf, Jolly nature, that I could EV 252 SA/252 SP/4 HP, but I'd be interested in Riolu for it, all things considering. :p

I also have Jolly/Adamant Trapinch Lv. 10 with all their EVs (252AT/252SP/4HP). They do have the Effort ribbon, they just need to be leveled up. They have egg moves of Quick Attack (priority move on Flygon sounds useful to me!) and Fury Cutter.

I'd offer Lucario but I know you already have a few Riolus :p

I also have a few legendaries. CMT if you're not interested in the above, because it's fairly easy to EV and/or hatch something up, too.
Crystal Hikara said:
I'm actually not a competitive battler, soooo I'm not 100% sure what's in OU. :X

I have a shiny Azelf, Jolly nature, that I could EV 252 SA/252 SP/4 HP, but I'd be interested in Riolu for it, all things considering. :p

I also have Jolly/Adamant Trapinch Lv. 10 with all their EVs (252AT/252SP/4HP). They do have the Effort ribbon, they just need to be leveled up. They have egg moves of Quick Attack (priority move on Flygon sounds useful to me!) and Fury Cutter.

I'd offer Lucario but I know you already have a few Riolus :p

I also have a few legendaries. CMT if you're not interested in the above, because it's fairly easy to EV and/or hatch something up, too.
Are you sure you won`t take shiny starly for shiny azelf EVd?
And please tell me the statistics of an azelf please :p
what do you want for your growliths

and i was wondering if ou could atch a phoinie egg ask for somthing from my trade site
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