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Want Flygon Lv x, Flygon family From RR or The japanese set, and Lots more Have A lot of lv X cards

Which Deck should I build

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RE: EASTBAY trade Thread, Wants, Machamp Lv x and Machamp x3 Haves IDk check me out

Excuse me for misspelling 1 word. [/Sarcasm]

Also, I wouldn't really be rating my grammAR, cause your grammAR is even worse. At least I know how to end a sentence. So I wouldn't really be judging other people
RE: EASTBAY trade Thread, Wants, Machamp Lv x and Machamp x3 Haves IDk check me out

HAHA I just do hate this whole grammar thign because Im a teenager and I can careless as long as I can get some good trades going. I just hate how I cant ask for a trade without having 4 guys giving me neg grammer points.
So anyways do you want to trade at all ?
RE: EASTBAY trade Thread, Wants, Machamp Lv x and Machamp x3 Haves IDk check me out

I can trade you my Kingdra Reg holo for something.
RE: EASTBAY trade Thread, H/ Secret rare Charmeleon,Lots of LV X

Hmm Ill trade you it for REV holo KIngdra kingdra for Kingdra

ALSO updated haves bought some SF packs and pulled Charmeleon Secret Rare
RE: EASTBAY trade Thread, H/ Secret rare Charmeleon,Lots of LV X

Cool that's the same SR I got!
RE: EASTBAY trade Thread, H/ Secret rare Charmeleon,Lots of LV X

Yeah I was very happy when I pulled that card, it was like " yes a cool card " it was also
very nostalgic. Also thank you to those who have given very constructive crtisizm towards my spelling
it is all greatly appreciated.

Eastbay out lol
RE: EASTBAY Now selling cards at very Good prices, [ H ] a lot of your wants [ N ] cash and cards, Lets trade

I have a JPN Machamp Lv.X! Would you be willing to buy?
RE: EASTBAY Now selling cards at very Good prices, [ H ] a lot of your wants [ N ] cash and cards, Lets trade

For how much exactly give me your price and then ill see where your price range is at okay?
RE: EASTBAY Now selling cards at very Good prices, [ H ] a lot of your wants [ N ] cash and cards, Lets trade

$25 Shipped...


I am also interested in TSD. Lmk.
RE: EASTBAY Now selling cards at very Good prices, [ H ] a lot of your wants [ N ] cash and cards, Lets trade

wow 25$ is alot even for english i was thinking like 10$ because it is japanese you know wow. . sorry 25 is way to high
RE: EASTBAY Now selling cards at very Good prices, [ H ] a lot of your wants [ N ] cash and cards, Lets trade


Have you ever heard of the song ROFLMAO? =P

That's what is running through my head.

Anyways, I also like TSD. Lmk.
RE: EASTBAY Now selling cards at very Good prices, [ H ] a lot of your wants [ N ] cash and cards, Lets trade

I am not trading TSD for Machamp Jap LV X
so yeah the max Ill give you is 15$
RE: EASTBAY Now selling cards at very Good prices, [ H ] a lot of your wants [ N ] cash and cards, Lets trade

I have surfing and Flying pikachu if you are interested.
RE: EASTBAY Now selling cards at very Good prices, [ H ] a lot of your wants [ N ] cash and cards, Lets trade

Hmm Yeah I am very interested can you provide a scan please just so I can see them lol What do you want for them?
RE: EASTBAY Now selling cards at very Good prices, [ H ] a lot of your wants [ N ] cash and cards, Lets trade

I need:

Magnezone SF
Rhyperior LV X
Vulpix (Base set error, scan?)

Well, I do not have a scanner...but I can assure you they are TOP MINT condition.
RE: EASTBAY Now selling cards at very Good prices, [ H ] a lot of your wants [ N ] cash and cards, Lets trade

acutally th vuplix is like a base set 2 reprint its borders are silver like a lv x and its Rh but its like swirly rh things lol
do you have anymore of my wants ?
RE: EASTBAY Now selling cards at very Good prices, [ H ] a lot of your wants [ N ] cash and cards, Lets trade

I also have 2 Bronzong IFDS and 1 Leafeon Bind Down and Leafeon LV X. (probably won't trade.)
RE: EASTBAY Now selling cards at very Good prices, [ H ] a lot of your wants [ N ] cash and cards, Lets trade

So i guess we are doing another trade lol so what do you want and what are you willing to give for it lol ?