I would definetly agree. I would also think it's for the jolteon-EX matchupI think regice is important for Yveltal EX and Lugia EX matchups. This deck uses a lot of energy to attack most of the time.
I would definetly agree. I would also think it's for the jolteon-EX matchupI think regice is important for Yveltal EX and Lugia EX matchups. This deck uses a lot of energy to attack most of the time.
Against Greninja, the goal is to take 2-4 prizes off Froakie/Frogadier in the first two turns using Articuno.
Skeletons are based off of lists that have seen success. Hex seems like a reasonable option if you're especially concerned about Greninja, but hasn't established itself as a consistent part of top decks.
I'd be interested in seeing how this deck fairs against Greninja since that deck is becoming heavily popular as the price of Greninja Break has skyrocketed. I just dont see any KO power here unless you involved a Glaceon, but even then you're still only looking at max damage of 80 (with FFB) and it'll take at least 3 attacks from Glaceon EX to KO 1 Greninja for 1 prize card and that's if they dont retreat to heal up.
against Greninja, the goal isn't item lock them, or set a Glaceon ex to lock the attack damage (water shuriken is an ability, which passthrough the effect). Go explosive T1, try to set articuno with fighting fury belt, it usually does 70 damages by tri edge (all I ask for is just 1 head out of 3 coin flip). you may take 4 prizes on first 2 turns which is hard for Greninja to comeback.
I get the strategy behind this and it makes sense, but it's all based upon chance. Chance you don't start with hoopa as active, chance you hit your max elixirs and chance that you get lucky on the rolls. Not saying this cant work, but like you said, you have to be explosive and go all out T1. I've never tried this before so I can't say for sure how easy it is to accomplish, but I can see it working, if a little luck is on your side.
I think regice is important for Yveltal EX and Lugia EX matchups. This deck uses a lot of energy to attack most of the time.
I'd suggest adding in an Escape Rope so you aren't locked out of the game by Jolteon-EX.
No mew? He makes sure your opponent only takes one prize and allows for all your affects in one card (except articuno) plus free retreat
Idk maybe 1 or 2 wouldn't hurt... your choice though :/bad idea. all pokemon is this deck can utilize rough sea to heal and manaphy ex for free retreat, so as to prevent KO. Mew just gives out prizes too easily
I'd suggest adding in an Escape Rope so you aren't locked out of the game by Jolteon-EX.
Hi guys. What tech would you use against a Joelton-EX deck ? I faced some and I was easily beaten.
Using 3 Batltle Compressors 3 trainers mail and 4 max elixers on top of ultra balls allows for a pretty good chance of pulling off and archie. in my playtesting with empoleon ive pulled off the archie every game usually by turn 2 or or 3. Im starting to think a better way to play this deck however is with Maxies Gallade gives you an answer to jolteon and manectric and with just 2 DCE's and 10 waters you max elixer will hit allot and you will have an alternate way to get the quacking punch. Also Premeditation is terrific
Yeah, but unlike with Maxie, Archie lets you use Swampert, who has a stronger search engine in exchange for being more vulnerable to Lysandres, on top of all the other mainstays in your Water Box deck. Diving Search can also weave together stronger combos with Max Elixir and Trainers' Mail, which means you don't have to improv as much like you would with Gallade.
diving search is also very obvious so an opponent might N just to make sure you dont get that one card in your deck that would change the match where as Premeditation has a little mystery for your opponent.