Finished Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Game over... everyone loses... continued in WWVIII

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RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends

I don't think that the die roll would result in a killing.
z-man said:
I roll a die. I have different outcomes for each side. Trust me, you don't want it to come to that.
So while z-man does say the outcome is bad, he doesn't say who it is bad for. For all we know, the person who asked might be a wolf or some other bad thing, which would mean a bad outcome for them. And if it is a random kill, it could still hit a wolf.
This is just my opinion. It could be wrong, but I don't think we should vote Guy just because of the die. Let's wait for someone more suspicious instead.
Vote: Undecided
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Sorry I could not edit my post I did not see ur post PKB

But alas my theory was wrong but

18 x 20 = B + A can anyone help me with this one?

RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

@ Brandon:

I like how you think, but I have looked through everything that I could look through, and it isn't pretty for Guy89. The worst case scenario for his lynching is that we kill a newbie townie. This is how day 1 usually ends up, unless bigger evidence can be found, such as Flare's "die-die-die!"-style of play last game, Werewolf VI (which actually highlights many noobish mistakes, so newer players I advise to read through that thread).

Furthermore, the game is called Werewolf. It would sort of defeat the purpose if there were no Werewolves. If anything, the Pink Geek is an independent. Of course, it is also likely that he has his own little mason group going on, rather like Pokegym's current game in which there are two evil factions within the town.

On a different subject, unless he is faking it, Tristan appears to be cursed; in every single post he has made so far, there has been at least one math problem.

Also, unless simply coincidence, two out of three of his math problems (his "required" math problem, perhaps) have equated six.

Tristan said:
Solve for B
2 x 6 – 6 + B= 12
if A = 6

I substituted all the A's in the equation for 6s. 2 times 6 = 12, 12 - 6 = 6, eliminate 6 and do the same to the right of the equation, this leaving us with B = 6.

Tristan said:
So we must separate P (36) from R (roll [6]) to = A (the answer)


Here we have 36 and 6, and when we divide 36 by 6, we get... 6. Therefore, A = 6. I'm not sure what he means by "separate". He might not mean division, in which case, this theory is fried.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

hmm, tristan seems to have a role that has something to do eith algebra questions...

hold on a sec, math questions? does anyone else see where im going with this? If not, I'll explain. (just say you dont get it if you want me to)
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

18 x 20 = B + A could have many possibilities for what B equals and what A equals. Honest to god, if you can't come up with an answer for that horribly easy problem, then you'll have a hard time with Math in the future.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Bah, last post I made was ninja'd (dread no editing rule).

Tristan's latest equation, assuming B = 6, equals 30. This is his number for the game. It is also the amount of internets sonicyellow has... there is also post #30. I will have to investigate this post. Unless, of course, I am reading too much into this. But nonetheless, many players use their curses to leave hints for the town. I'll check it out now...
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Bah wait, it was part of his role. My bad. I didn't mean to insult you in that last post ^_^'
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Lenny said:
Bah wait, it was part of his role. My bad. I didn't mean to insult you in that last post ^_^'

I don't know who you were trying to insult and to whom you are apologizing to. But if you meant me, then it's cool.

Anyway, I checked out post #30, and it didn't seem to hold much information in it. Therefore it's probably just part of his role and it most likely has little method to it. If it does mean something, it could mean practically anything at this point of the game, so I don't see much point in investigating it for now.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

The more I think about it, the less I want Guy89 to stay in the town. He could be very dangerous to us, because if he keeps trying to vote off random people, and some of the newbies to this game follow him, important townspeople could get lynched. Plus, voting off random people is a wolf type tactic. He probably knows who the wolves are, and maybe Shoyru isn't one, so he found the first person that could have gotten voted off, and jumped on him. That way, the wolves could have gotten 2 easy townie kills in one day (day time + night time). So I say, "Off with his head!"

Unvote : Undecided
Vote : Guy89
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Ok so Tristan has a math role and is most likely Townie.

Guy89 and Joey could be a Mason group? Idk, maybe it's just bandwagoning but it could be a possibility...

dmaster out.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27


PokeChamp said:
Bah, last post I made was ninja'd (dread no editing rule).

Tristan's latest equation, assuming B = 6, equals 30. This is his number for the game. It is also the amount of internets sonicyellow has... there is also post #30. I will have to investigate this post. Unless, of course, I am reading too much into this. But nonetheless, many players use their curses to leave hints for the town. I'll check it out now...

I have 30 internets? yay! I thought i had 29...

since no one seems to know what i meant in my last post (Either that or you ignored it :() What i was getting at was he could possibly be the pink geek, since he was asking questions "geeks" would know the answer to. Either that, or he could be the opposite of the pink geek, seeing as he has to ask for the answer to all of these... Although, this is assuming the opposite of the pink geek ISN'T a geek.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

dmaster said:
Ok so Tristan has a math role and is most likely Townie.

Yeah, that's usually true of those roles. They also (like PokeChamp already alluded to) often are trying to help the town, but can't do it directly. I would say that we should keep him around for a while, because it might benefit us.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27


hmm, alot of ninjas around here.

Question: have you all been ignoring my posts?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

sonicyellow said:

I have 30 internets? yay! I thought i had 29...

since no one seems to know what i meant in my last post (Either that or you ignored it :() What i was getting at was he could possibly be the pink geek, since he was asking questions "geeks" would know the answer to. Either that, or he could be the opposite of the pink geek, seeing as he has to ask for the answer to all of these... Although, this is assuming the opposite of the pink geek ISN'T a geek.

I doubt it. For one, those math questions are pretty easy to anyone who has even limited knowledge of algebra.

Either Tristan is a cursed townie, or he is a cunning Werewolf faking a speech impediment (as they are sometimes called) to gain the trust of the town.

Speaking of the faking part, I have noticed a huge change in Tristan's play-style. In Werewolf VI, he randomly jumped on people and clung on to dead theories. In this game, he seems to be playing more conservatively. He hasn't even (unless I'm horribly mistaken) cast a vote for somebody yet, which makes me wonder if he has received a new alignment for this game. Although changing play-style that quickly just because of a new role is unlikely (especially for someone who has only played a single game, this being his second), it is still a possibility.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27


I don't see why you guys are all gung-ho on lynching someone for his newb-ness. He hasn't really changed at all last game and last game he was a wolf who gave up the rest of his wolf feinds. Worst case scenario we have is a babling newb walking around.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

sonicyellow said:
Question: have you all been ignoring my posts?

I don't really think that the Pink Geek has to do with Geeks, but he may. I also think that he would be more like a Pink Geek counterpart, because last game, the Pink Geek had a curse like this, but it was a lot different.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Math? :p
Sorry for my inactivity everyone, I made sure to re-read the rules and look around at past discussions. I'm particulary new, so I don't have much experience under my belt, but I don't think I'll cast my vote so soon. Games like these are my specialty. Good luck.

RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Also, I just noticed this: you dont have to UNVOTE undecided, you just vote. thats getting annoying. :(

howmany ppl voted for guy now?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

PokeKid Brandon said:
Worst case scenario we have is a babling newb walking around.

But a babbling newb might roleblock a priest/seer or give sanctuary to a wolf, we don't need one of those around.

sonicyellow said:
howmany ppl voted for guy now?

7 or 8 I think.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27


PokeChamp said:
I doubt it. For one, those math questions are pretty easy to anyone who has even limited knowledge of algebra.

Either Tristan is a cursed townie, or he is a cunning Werewolf faking a speech impediment (as they are sometimes called) to gain the trust of the town.

Speaking of the faking part, I have noticed a huge change in Tristan's play-style. In Werewolf VI, he randomly jumped on people and clung on to dead theories. In this game, he seems to be playing more conservatively. He hasn't even (unless I'm horribly mistaken) cast a vote for somebody yet, which makes me wonder if he has received a new alignment for this game. Although changing play-style that quickly just because of a new role is unlikely (especially for someone who has only played a single game, this being his second), it is still a possibility.

He might just simply have just gotten better from before.
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