Finished Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Game over... everyone loses... continued in WWVIII

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RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

PokeKid Brandon said:

7 or 8 I think.

So you would rather lynch him on a beacuse he MIGHT have a role that is usefull to the town and then might use that role on someone? This has to be the stupidest statement that I have heard in a long time. Anyone with say a role-bloker role might use it on someone like our preist. There's simply no way that he would know what role said person has. Anyone might do this. Not just a babbling newb. And as you said. "what if he gives sanctuary to a wolf" I honestly don't understand how YOU would want a PREIST gone beacuse they MIGHT give sanctuary to a wolf.

I'm just saying that there are a few reasons for lynching him, and there are obviously also a few for not lynching him.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

ESP said:
So you would rather lynch him on a beacuse he MIGHT have a role that is usefull to the town and then might use that role on someone? This has to be the stupidest statement that I have heard in a long time. Anyone with say a role-bloker role might use it on someone like our preist. There's simply no way that he would know what role said person has. Anyone might do this. Not just a babbling newb. And as you said. "what if he gives sanctuary to a wolf" I honestly don't understand how YOU would want a PREIST gone beacuse they MIGHT give sanctuary to a wolf.

I'm just saying that there are a few reasons for lynching him, and there are obviously also a few for not lynching him.

I still haven't gotten what the reasons are for lynching him. Other than his newbish-ness.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

I have a feeling Guy89 is a Townie. This is why:

Brawler said:
Guys, the numbers aren't needed. Just edit with ninja'd. There's no rule against it anymore.

I have the official vote count for anyone who's wondering:

Votes To Kill: 19
Guy89: 7
Undecided: 11

Keep it up guys, it's a really fun game to watch :D

He might be thinking it's fun because we're killing a Townie. For now my vote stays the same, but that's something to take into consideration.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

I'm sticking with my vote, and the main reason is - we have no other option. Unless someone becomes more suspicious, our only two options would be to vote Guy off or face the dice roll. I think the former is safer.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

PokeKid Brandon said:
I still haven't gotten what the reasons are for lynching him. Other than his newbish-ness.

Mostly it's just the n00bishness, and the use of that trait to act rashly, trying to vote off innocent people. I mean, it's not a whole lot, but it's all we really have so far.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27


Flare said:
I'm sticking with my vote, and the main reason is - we have no other option. Unless someone becomes more suspicious, our only two options would be to vote Guy off or face the dice roll. I think the former is safer.

We could go with no lynch.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

ESP said:
Mostly it's just the n00bishness, and the use of that trait to act rashly, trying to vote off innocent people. I mean, it's not a whole lot, but it's all we really have so far.
Agreed. I say we keep our votes.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

I have absolutely 100% no doubt in my mind that Guy89 is a Townie. All I'm saying is he's a severely dumb one that will vote off other important ones. For the other Townies, this is a dangerous person.

dmaster out.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

I'm not sure if Guy 89 is a townie he has made some strange comments.

Vote:Undecided as of now
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

dmaster said:
I have absolutely 100% no doubt in my mind that Guy89 is a Townie. All I'm saying is he's a severely dumb one that will vote off other important ones. For the other Townies, this is a dangerous person.

dmaster out.
So who do you suggest we lynch, dmaster?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

dmaster said:
All I'm saying is he's a severely dumb one that will vote off other important ones. For the other Townies, this is a dangerous person.

dmaster out.

This is what I'm trying to say.

Also, another reason to vote off Guy89 is the dice roll factor.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

I would suggest Guy89, but I don't want to regret it if he turns out to be a Seer or something. Either way the first day is a waste.

Vote: Guy89

dmaster out.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

What I am getting now is that people are voting for me becaause they want to avoid the dice roll. -_-
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Guy89 said:
What I am getting now is that people are voting for me becaause they want to avoid the dice roll. -_-

It would appear so.

brawler ~ did z-man allow that? the front page still says no edits
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends

Guy89 said:
What I am getting now is that people are voting for me becaause they want to avoid the dice roll. -_-
I totally agree with this. If this continues on future days, and we hurry in lynching someone to avoid the dice roll we will just end up killing townies. It might be day 1, but at least wait a little before rushing in to vote.

On another note, this Pink Geek/Werewolf double thing seems interesting. I wonder what the Pink Geek can do in the game, and how much control he has. Does he get to kill people? And what about followers? Does he get a group of people or recruit them over time? We'll see eventually I guess.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

This game really requires a lot of thinking. I really don't want to lynch an innocent, but I'd also like to avoid someone important getting lynched because of a mob/bandwagon scenario. Fortunately, there's still several days left, so there is no need to rush. Until something new shows up, I think it's safer just to wait and see what new evidence comes up.

Vote: Undecided
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27


currently the score is:

guy: 8
undecided: 12

if you guys (no pun intended) somehow convice 11 of the undecided to vote guy here are the scenarios and probably all of the reactions:

1. guy is a wolf: YAY

2. guy is pink geek: YAY/oh noes! (depends on pink geek's ability)

3. guy is a townie: yay i was right to not vote guy :) boo you guys killed a townie :(

4. guy is an indipendant: It really depends on his ability...

5. Guy is a seer: w-t-f (withought hyphens (dashes) or space turns into "huh?") you guys killed a seer on day 1!!!!

1-2/5: good

2-3/5: bad

2: maybe good, maybe bad.

the variables cannot be filled in at the moment...
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27


Has anyone considered the no lynch?

This is what I think is best ATM. We just need more info and I would rather not lynch an almost Gauranteed townie.

Unvote: Undecided
Vote: No lynch
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27


PokeKid Brandon said:

Has anyone considered the no lynch?

This is what I think is best ATM. We just need more info and I would rather not lynch an almost Gauranteed townie.

Unvote: Undecided
Vote: No lynch

So... what your saying is, you want the dice role? Forget guy's post, this is the stupidest yet!

Your asking to quickly get to the night, which seems like a wolfy tactc aswell.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

A valid point. May I ask why you guys are putting numbers on your posts? Anyway, I was thinking of unvoting, but then I thought of how Guy89 reacted after 2 or 3 votes. So, as always, my vote stays put.
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