Finished Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Game over... everyone loses... continued in WWVIII

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RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Night 2 Start. Night ends 3/7

Oh, that stinks that we lost two of the most important cahacters...

"put down that remote"
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Night 2 Start. Night ends 3/7


dmaster out.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Night 2 Start. Night ends 3/7

Due to me not receiving a very important role, I will extend the deadline another day. I'm gonna have to make quite a few replacements.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

Update time!

First the formalities, dmaster was put in the Fun house ^_^. He was seen in Canada speaking in only 3 letter words. Pokekid Brandon was seen with a red aura around his colored parts of his eyes (iris I think). Pokechamp sported the ever-so-fashionable pink blood. This time, it was seen bleeding through his pants right on his right knee (ouch). Shoyru was also seen horribly beaten up. He should be ok though. He only broke every bone in both of his arms :) Finally, Pokechamp lost his marbles (literally). He won't be able to vote because he needs to find his marbles.

Next, there's a shiny diamond with someone's name on it. First to claim it via pm gets it! DIAMOND HAS BEEN TAKEN

Story time!

Over the last night, a man found the Pink Geek. He asked for the Geek's true name. The Geek's only response was "Nevermore". The man then promptly exploded at a snap of the Geek's fingers.

The Geek disappeared with a camera the man attached to him. The camera showed a twilight-zone-ish place. It was all shades of grey. There was one giant sword atop a mountain. The Geek slowly climbed. He found that the sword had a red mark on it. He tried to pull it out of its resting place, but could not. He then swore a bit and crushed the camera in two. After communicating with watchers, a civilian found that the sword was the sacred Yatagarasu. The Yatagarasu had the power to kill the Gods themselves. What was the Geek planning?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

What are your reasons?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

Whoa whoa whoa dude! You can't just vote someone for no reason. That'll get you lynched really easy.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

PokeChamp is suspicious. He has gotten in possible fights twice (one with Shade Daroach, one with Shoyru) and both times pink blood has shown.

However, PokeChamp could simply be another part of the pink geek's bloodline, and fighting characters he thinks are suspicious. Although this may be true, he got in a fight with the Pink Jock last time, and who else would fight their brother than the pink geek themselves?

VOTE: PokeChamp
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

Hmm.... isn't it true that very are only two people with a pink bloodline, one of which have been killed already? So, it woul have to be Pokechamp based on that information.
Vote: Pokechamp
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

It is not stated how many siblings are in the pink family. Perhaps Shoyru is also part of the bloodline, but innocent.

I'm sticking with my vote until convinced otherwise. :F
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

True... but if there are only 3 or 4 people in the bloodline, then we can kill them of one by one until we get the geek.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

However, if they have the same ability as Shade Daroach, we kill off a bunch of valuable roles, and the geek continues to take control of the world.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

I did not think of that... what to do after this... hmm...
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

But what if the rest of the pink siblings are on the pink geek's side? Either way, I don't really want to vote off PokeChamp right now, since he's a veteran player and very good at this game. He hasn't acted wolfy during this game, but I do think there is a little bit of evidence against him. I'm going to wait until other people post to vote, no one is that suspicious yet.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

Gus, haven't you considered that there's a ROLE behind the pink blood? Maybe in the fights, someone ELSE started bleeding ONTO pokechamp!
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

cool kid master555 said:
Gus, haven't you considered that there's a ROLE behind the pink blood? Maybe in the fights, someone ELSE started bleeding ONTO pokechamp!

That isn't nearly enough evidence to vote for Shoyru. Right now, I am the most suspicious person playing. I won't deny that. The evidence is clearly overwhelming. Shoyru has not done anything to warrant a lynch.

My only shred of defense left in this game is that z-man wouldn't reveal the Pink Geek so early. It doesn't make any sense; there has got to be some other underlying message here. As for the people who have voted for me again, they don't really seem to be voting for me "for the good of the town". All of them jumped on me as soon as they could, without even giving me time to defend myself. Apparently you guys don't know how to conduct yourselves in the courtroom; the accused is always innocent until proven guilty.

I would hate to go so early in the game, especially now that my purpose in this entire game is out in the open. If you find my clue in a previous post (it concerns being a lawyer), and combine it with something that z-man said in a night update, you essentially have my role.

I wish to leave you with some parting words:

Especially xylophones can always light intelligent babies even really.

I would cast a vote for either 42 Chocolate, Joeypals, and Sillykyle, all who voted before even giving me a chance to explain myself, rudely enough. I would also consider voting off Electimortar. Random voting in this game, at this part of the game, where we're actually getting into it, can not be condoned and must be punished with death. I would happily vote for any of these people, but as you know, I can't, so...

RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

Well that random sentence about the babies spells out "Excalibur" if that means anything
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

Excaliber is the name of a sword in Tales Of Syphonia, though I doubt there would be a good reason for that other than it is needed to obtain the title "Gilgamesh" on Zelos. Right now I am not even sure if the blood on PokeChamp's knee is his own or someone he fought with.
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