Finished Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Game over... everyone loses... continued in WWVIII

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RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

Oh haha, I didn't see that lol. Also, it sounds like Lenny and dmaster are lovers. Those roles are often in werewolf games. If one of them dies, the other does too. Then, we just have to figure out if they're wolves or not.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

It is mainly because of my special ability that I think they are wolves.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

@ Pokekid Brandon:
Yes, I am who you say I am. I wanted to keep quiet about it, but there's little I can do now. It was either reveal or die, and I chose the former.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

dragonexpert said:
It is mainly because of my special ability that I think they are wolves.

That is impossible. Because of my special ability, I KNOW that at least one is not a wolf. Can't say anymore than that for now cuz
/me doesn't feel like dying yet :D
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

Both dragonexpert and oyeah1998 could both be right. "How so?", you ask. It's a little thing called a demon-couple (yes, I have unofficial names for everything), in which one partner is a townie while the other is a Werewolf. How do I know these exist? In my very first Werewolf game that I participated in, Werewolf III (for reference), I was in such a relationship. My partner, ironically enough, was Lenny. I was the Werewolf, he the townie. If Lenny and dmaster are in this said "relationship", it is highly likely that one of them is a Werewolf while the other isn't. How do we find out if this is true? Simply enough, we lynch them. I actually had this happen in my very own Werewolf game. Chances are that one of them is a Werewolf. Therefore, logically, we can lynch one of them and the Werewolf will also die. I, myself, can't pursue the course of action suggested, because I can't vote.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

It cannot be dmaster though. My guess is that the geek and the wolves are in cahoots with each other. If that is true then dmaster is not a wolf because he is held captive in the fun house, that the geek owns. So I wanna hear what you guys think about my deduction, then we'll go from there. Tell me if something doesn't make sense or something
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

I don't want to reveal all of my role; I am just hoping that you would trust me on going for dmaster. There is only one way I could find out if Lenny also is for sure, but I cannot do so right now. The way dmaster was posting before just made me so suspicious that I tried to piece it all together and go for broke with an ability. We still have no proof that I know of for the wolves and the Pink Geek of being an alliance. I have a feeling the next night will be very interesting.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

Ok guys. Right now I am willing to vouch for PokeChamp's life. Now that I know who he is. Give me (1) night and I can verify weather or not he is telling the truth. I am not a seer. But if you give him 1 night I can prove if he is telling the truth and if he is telling the truth, trust me he is an asset to the town.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

@ oyeah1998:
I actually am inclined to think that the Pink Geek has an entirely separate faction. With so many people accepted into the game, I have a feeling this may be like Pokegym's latest Werewolf game, "Cyrus's Revenge", in which there are both Werewolves (Team Galactic in that game) and another separate faction that has their own win condition. If this is true, dmaster could be just as well a townie as well as a Werewolf.

One of you is being dishonest. oyeah1998 claims that dmaster is a townie and dragonexpert claims that he isn't.

There are a few possibilities here:

1.) dmaster and oyeah1998 are Wolves
oyeah1998 may be faking a powerful role in order to protect his comrade. As long as he claims that he has a powerful role that allows him to see identities, who would possibly oppose him?

2.) dragonexpert is a Werewolf
He could very well be lying to try and trigger a lynch on the town's part. I am a little skeptical of this option, only because it isn't the smartest move out there. I doubt this is true, but it is a possibility.

3.) oyeah1998 and dragonexpert are both Werewolves
Warning: the following is a CONSPIRACY theory. dmaster and oyeah1998 are both Werewolves and they decide to get into a mock argument. They lynch dmaster, an innocent townie, and if the town kills one of them, the other then looks like the hero.

All three of these are valid theories, although some are less valid than the rest. If this is true, we can lynch dmaster and pursue the following course of action:


...Is a townie, then we lynch dragonexpert for lying.
...Is a Werewolf/Pink Geek, we lynch oyeah1998 for defending him

Either way, we are bound to lynch at least one Werewolf. The plan is foolproof.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

PokeKid Brandon said:
Ok guys. Right now I am willing to vouch for PokeChamp's life. Now that I know who he is. Give me (1) night and I can verify weather or not he is telling the truth. I am not a seer. But if you give him 1 night I can prove if he is telling the truth and if he is telling the truth, trust me he is an asset to the town.

Before you do so, I just want to let you know that verifying my identity is near-impossible. Unless you have a role that seems to be an exception and override my defense, you won't be able to verify. I appreciate the gesture, though.

PokeKid Brandon said:
Or they could both be townies...

That is impossible. One of them HAS to be lying, as they both claim to have "powers". Like I said, foolproof.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

I just need to wait until the night then I can investigate a little bit. I don't have the skills to hide myself as a werewolf if I was one. I would likely do something that would be dumb and cost me to get voted out. Until PokeChamp's post, no one even thought I was really suspicious. If I really sense more danger, I could reveal more of my role. I will let you know that my role can greatly benefit the town as long as I have the information I need.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

PokeChamp said:
Before you do so, I just want to let you know that verifying my identity is near-impossible. Unless you have a role that seems to be an exception and override my defense, you won't be able to verify. I appreciate the gesture, though.

PokeKid Brandon said:
Or they could both be townies...
That is impossible. One of them HAS to be lying, as they both claim to have "powers". Like I said, foolproof.

What if they share a power? and what prevents them from being in a group together and both having powers? And I must have missed something beacuse I don't see how you connected those 2 together...

I have a feeling I can get past your defenses.

A hint how:
I always make like indigo kangaroos eating lolipops in zoo.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

I AM LIKE LIZ?? The heck does that mean?!
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

You either know or you don't. And if you do don't blurt.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

What about Queen Elizabeth?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

It seemed to go with how you were giving a clue as to your role. I am sensing a connection between your role and PokeChamp's, but I don't know for sure.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

okay if ya want proof look here \/
___________________________laughing ooookay otay keanu @ mopping yahoo annie vader victory yahtzee & talk its tolstoy like eggs 4 adam cooly lucario united eden
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

look at my avy and title for a clue. Oh I get it I think. I don't want to reveal the role though.
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