Finished Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Game over... everyone loses... continued in WWVIII

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RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

Hmm, we need to pick off more Wolves, no one is suspicious yet.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

well... considering what happened the last time we tried to lynch electimortar...

Vote: Electimortar
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

PokeChamp said:
Apparently someone role-blocked Ice Espeon night 1 and he wants his role back because he claims it can help the town.

Although, why doesn't he have it back now? Is the role-blocker in this game PERMANENT? Or is this just a facade (which I am somewhat inclined to believe with the code).

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RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

Ice Espeon said:
"I was blocked night one, was able to use it night two, and I was permanently blocked night three."

"Look at what is above discovery!"

Above discovery is Espeon (ironically). I get it now, but I don't think revealing the secret to his role at this point would be wise of me. I will simply leave his translated post here and see if you can figure it out.

@ Pokekid Brandon:
I am unaware whether I was priested in the night. In any case, it wouldn't have done much to me, so there is little way for me to tell. I question whether I can even receive protection from the priest.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

Beacuse of my role I am starting to doubt that you are who you say you are.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

PokeKid Brandon said:
Beacuse of my role I am starting to doubt that you are who you say you are.

I am who I say I am. I have left a hint in a post (which apparently some people are incapable of finding, but whatev.) that should explain it all.

I will tell you why you saw what you saw, but first I need to know exactly what you saw. Is it true that you saw... nothing?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

I am not a seer pokechamp...

But the question now is what would a seer have seen?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

PokeKid Brandon said:
I am not a seer pokechamp...

But the question now is what would a seer have seen?

Theoretically speaking, if you were the seer, I am almost positive you would have seen nothing. I have learned through the course of this game that some roles do effect me, but for the most part they simply bounce right off of me.

I'd like to know why you doubt my identity though. It makes it very hard to defend myself properly when I don't know what role I am dealing with here.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

Rember the message I gave you the other day? If you understood that rember the whole thing I was refering too.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

PokeKid Brandon said:
Rember the message I gave you the other day? If you understood that rember the whole thing I was refering too.

Can you quote yourself please? I am not sure what message you are referring to.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

PokeKid Brandon said:
That is impossible. One of them HAS to be lying, as they both claim to have "powers". Like I said, foolproof.

What if they share a power? and what prevents them from being in a group together and both having powers? And I must have missed something beacuse I don't see how you connected those 2 together...

I have a feeling I can get past your defenses.

A hint how:
I always make like indigo kangaroos eating lolipops in zoo.

There ya go.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

PokeKid Brandon said:
What if they share a power? and what prevents them from being in a group together and both having powers? And I must have missed something beacuse I don't see how you connected those 2 together...

I have a feeling I can get past your defenses.

A hint how:
I always make like indigo kangaroos eating lolipops in zoo.

There ya go.

But, presumably, you didn't get past my defenses. ;)

From the hint that you have given me, it would appear that you might... betrothed to me? Maybe I'm way off, but if your name is Liz, afterall, then it is highly possible that you are THE Liz. In any case, I could see how you now doubt my identity, if I'm right. By any chance... do you carry an item?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

More of a freind...

Would be a little gay if we were betrhother...

And I AM NOT liz.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

PokeKid Brandon said:
More of a freind...

Would be a little gay if we were betrhother...

And I AM NOT liz.

Enough of these riddles. :p

You may not be Liz, but are you like her?

Also, do you carry an item? I asked before and you didn't answer.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

I do not carry an item but I am SOMEWHAT like her.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

PokeKid Brandon said:
I do not carry an item but I am SOMEWHAT like her.

Are you/were you ever a queen? Answer yes/no.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch


And if you figure out who I am Don't blurt it out. Or if you need a clue that is going to make it fairly obvious then dont say that. Just try to find a better way to say it without yelling out who I am.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

Ice Espeon claims to have an imporent role.Tho it may be true, why say it in a code that is so easy to decphher unless you knew wolfs would not hurt you. The same goes to PokeChamp, exsept that he has been more clear about his role and this leads me to think that his words are more true than lies.

Please Exsusse the missplings I was typing faster than I normaly do and made a few typos.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

It was a hint to my role. Now that I think PC knows it, I won't use it anymore.

Should I post my findings of Night 2 incase I get killed during the night?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day Start. Ends 4/1 15 Votes to Lynch

Yes, if you are what I think you are since you already relaved your role.
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