Finished Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Game over... everyone loses... continued in WWVIII

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RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 6 Ends May 15. 9 Votes to lynch. No more night

RaichuPika33 was found dead on capital hill. He was:
z-man said:

You are a code monkey. You like tab and mountain dew. You are a very simple man. You have a big warm fuzzy secret heart.

Ability: Code Monkey Love You

The first night, pm the moderators the name of your secret lover (anyone). Any night effects on that person will also happen to you, and vice versa. If your lover dies, you will become very angry.

Win Condition: Pink Geek Dies

The streets of DC turned pink. People in helicopters claimed to see a pentagram pointing at the White House. They also claimed to see three sixes in pink streets in DC. This was obviously a bad sign.

A live television announcement came from an unknown source. All it had to say was "Three days. It'll all be over". The announcement was claimed to be from "The Pink V, Antichrist". Things were obviously going horribly.

Joeypals was found dead. He was mauled by zombies. He was:
z-man said:
You are Chuck E. Cheese. You are viewed by some as a great character. You are viewed by others as a monster. You run a fun house of your own that is actually fun.

Ability: Savior?

Once per day, you may incorporate the phrase “fun house” into one of your posts that include a vote. If the person you vote for is lynched, they will instead go to the fun house.

Win Condition: Pink Geek Dies

Next, Flare was found dead with a Pink ring. Even the Green Lanterns had lost their power. He was:

z-man said:
You are the leader of the Green Lantern’s core. You have a magic ring. This ring allows you to create matter at your will.

Ability: Mason: Leaders
You may talk to the other galactic leaders at any time. These leaders will be sent to you in another PM.
Ability: Green Lantern’s Oath
Once per game, you may address a player in your post. You must then say
“In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power... Green Lantern's light!
That person will then die and the day will end.

Win condition: Pink Geek Dies
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 10. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

Three more people dead. I don't even know where we want to start for thinking about the situation.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 10. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

well... the number three does keep showing up...
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 10. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

Okay. We need to act on the "3" right now. We are nearly out of townies. There are 13-15 left (hard to understand first page, can Z-man update?). The #3 has appeared too many times.

Vote: The Power of Three

In brightest day, in blackest night....
Jk, jk...
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 10. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

Vote: Power of three

Come on people...
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 10. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

Z-man would not give us all of these hints. He might as well tells us who the pink geek is. So I do not choose to vote for the power of three. Besides, Po3 even voted for 2 wolfs. You can't say I am the wolf because I am deffending a suspect, there is only one wolf left.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 10. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

Hmm... Candy, why are you defensive before accusations are made? I believe that that is suspicious.

Also, voting for fellow wolves would be the perfect defence. It could be carefully planned. It would be a smart move, even if it got the wolf lynched. The head is worth more than the body, because the head doesn't rely on the body for its every move.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 10. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

I really would like to know who is left for sure before I vote for anyone. While the number three does keep showing up, I'd like to see him post just to hear what he has to say.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 10. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

Maybe they won't post at all, for fear of providing a poor excuse, which in turn would lead us to increase suspicion of him/her.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 10. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

How about we give TPO3 two days to post? Unless a deadline is made before then.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 10. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

Shoyru1444 said:
Hmm... Candy, why are you defensive before accusations are made? I believe that that is suspicious.

Also, voting for fellow wolves would be the perfect defence. It could be carefully planned. It would be a smart move, even if it got the wolf lynched. The head is worth more than the body, because the head doesn't rely on the body for its every move.

I was not being deffensive, I was just anoyed. Some people even try yo don't think out things at all. Also, if one did say "vote commoncandy"
many people will bandwagon, because... thats what they are. Good piont on the wolf killing theroy. I still think we should analize this more before we moke conclusions, as we only have 3 more days.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 23. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

Kyle, which would you prefer: we get a die roll and the PG gets a free kill, or we possibly kill the PG and avoid the die roll?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 23. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

Shoyru1444 said:
Kyle, which would you prefer: we get a die roll and the PG gets a free kill, or we possibly kill the PG and avoid the die roll?

We're never going to get enough people to vote for PO3.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 23. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

We still got 3 days including today. Lately we have been getting 2-3 days EXTRA, I think we are fine thinking about this more.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 23. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

Fine... but come the last day, we have to act on this po3 thing....
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 25. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night


vote: The Power of Three
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 25. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

how about this guys? we lynch a random inactive person so that we don't lynch anyone being helpful and we avoid the dice roll.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 7 Ends May 25. 7 Votes to lynch. No more night

Just lynch To3, we already have some vores for him.
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