Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups)

corn bread said:
IN IN IN<sorry i dint read the singup list im just really trying to get IN

OH i made it in,sorry for that mess of a post,but after 13 filled so dang fast I was worried i would miss this too.

First post and already editing..dang, one more slip-up like that and you're out!
Can't wait for the game to get started, it'll be pretty exciting. Also cornbread, spellcheck is your friend.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups)

I would think so.

Actually, Seer here. Guilty on KP. XD
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups)

You are allowed to edit your posts before the game hasn't started yet, Shocker.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups)

Shocker said:
I'm interested in items. PMJ, can you post an example item..thing(can't think of anything else right now) that might appear in our role PM? If you can't, its okay.

Items are handled separately from your role PM. Each Item has been assigned to a role by default (if you draw that role, you will start the game with that Item).

Something I didn't mention in the Item post: Item passing happens at the end of the night, after all relevant abilities have been resolved. As I mentioned before, stealing an Item outprioritizes passing one, and if two people try to pass an Item to the same player, the person who requested the pass first will have priority. The other will fail to pass their Item.

Item PMs look like this:

You have been given a <item name>. As long as you are holding this Item, <effect>.

For example...

You have been given a Rusty Bat. As long as you are holding this Item, you will kill the first person who voted for you if you are lynched.

(The above Item is just an example and not in the game.)

Hope this helps.

Dark Void said:
PMJ just had to up me with role number. Time to struggle on creating 10+ more for my own game....

>implying I was trying to one-up you
>implying it's even a contest
>implying I knew how many roles you had
>implying I didn't struggle coming up with 43 unique roles (I bs'd quite a few of them and actually wrote about my frustration in coming up with them in one of the roles lol)

Werewolf signups have, at least in recent memory, always been 32 players. That's fine for tournaments and stuff where 32 makes for even pairings, but for a game like this, 32 just seems like an arbitrary number. So I have decided on another seemingly random number to use: 43! Will this become the new standard? That'd be cool. Just look at the player list from 33-43. All those guys would be subs and might not even get to play if I had just sat at 32. Now they get to have some fun.

Also I wrote Cinesra twice because he posted an in post, jerk >:[

two spots lefttttttttttt
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups)

Werewolf, generally filled within a few hours, this is taking foreverrrr
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups)

Blui129 said:
Werewolf, generally filled within a few hours, this is taking foreverrrr

do take note this is the first time werewolf has allowed more than 32 players. it should be obvious that this will take longer to fill up.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups)

PMJ said:
>implying I was trying to one-up you
>implying it's even a contest
>implying I knew how many roles you had
>implying I didn't struggle coming up with 43 unique roles (I bs'd quite a few of them and actually wrote about my frustration in coming up with them in one of the roles lol)

Werewolf signups have, at least in recent memory, always been 32 players. That's fine for tournaments and stuff where 32 makes for even pairings, but for a game like this, 32 just seems like an arbitrary number. So I have decided on another seemingly random number to use: 43! Will this become the new standard? That'd be cool. Just look at the player list from 33-43. All those guys would be subs and might not even get to play if I had just sat at 32. Now they get to have some fun.

I will first point out that generally a lot if not all of subs do end up joining the game due to inactivity and such. Whatever, I'll sit back, see how it does with more players, and add some more roles if more players turns out to be a success.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups)

43 seems like a lot. I never been in a game this big before. However, I will not hold back unless half of you decide turbo lynch me due to Vet reference. XD
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Still two more spots, can I make two fake accounts under proxies and join?

If you want to remove / unapprove this post for whatever reason, please do so. Just note that this isn't actually a serious question,
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Sign Meaty and sillykyle up and let's get on with this.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups)

PMJ said:
Items are handled separately from your role PM. Each Item has been assigned to a role by default (if you draw that role, you will start the game with that Item).

Something I didn't mention in the Item post: Item passing happens at the end of the night, after all relevant abilities have been resolved. As I mentioned before, stealing an Item outprioritizes passing one, and if two people try to pass an Item to the same player, the person who requested the pass first will have priority. The other will fail to pass their Item.

Item PMs look like this:

For example...

(The above Item is just an example and not in the game.)

Hope this helps.

>implying I was trying to one-up you
>implying it's even a contest
>implying I knew how many roles you had
>implying I didn't struggle coming up with 43 unique roles (I bs'd quite a few of them and actually wrote about my frustration in coming up with them in one of the roles lol)

Werewolf signups have, at least in recent memory, always been 32 players. That's fine for tournaments and stuff where 32 makes for even pairings, but for a game like this, 32 just seems like an arbitrary number. So I have decided on another seemingly random number to use: 43! Will this become the new standard? That'd be cool. Just look at the player list from 33-43. All those guys would be subs and might not even get to play if I had just sat at 32. Now they get to have some fun.

Also I wrote Cinesra twice because he posted an in post, jerk >:[

two spots lefttttttttttt

Okay, I got an understanding now, thanks. So some people will start with items and others don't?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups)

PMJ said:
- Some roles have the ability to steal Items. The theft of an Item supersedes the passing of one (it will be stolen before you pass it). If Player A passes an Item to Player B the same Night Player C chooses to steal an Item from Player B, the theft will occur before the passing (no Item will be stolen).

I'm rather confused by this rule as it contradicts itself a few times.

Anyways, I'm rather excited for this game! Hopefully I don't get a useless role, but I think the inclusion of items might make that less of a problem really.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Theft happens before passing. If two people pass whoever PM's PMJ first moves their item.

If I have item A and want to give it to you, ESP, someone has the ability to steal it from me, but not from you.

If me and DNA both want to give you an item, ESP, whoever sent in their PM first will get their item moved. Unless it gets stolen from A, then B's item will get sent to you.

I hope this makes sense.


Also, Glace, Meaty is already signed up.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

I think Yoshi is the last member. Well good luck to everybody!
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

There should be one more spot?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Well who knows until PMJ makes his final count. Can't wait for the game to start!
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