Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Well I think that's definitely 43, possibly 44. In that case, Roari might be a replacement of some sort. Man, weird how two members who just registered are willing to play..
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

I think that means all spots are full.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

What is it with people who can't count? If there were 2 spots before Yoshi joined, there would be one after he joins.

That's 43 people exactly.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Alrighty then, I just suck at counting :p once PMJ gets back on, this game can start!
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Is there a rule against putting people on your ignore list for a game of WW?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Not sure...though that does sound like something that should be a rule. Contact PMJ when you get the chance.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Nengeni said:
Is there a rule against putting people on your ignore list for a game of WW?

I'm pretty sure there is, as PMJ forbade Zyflair to ignore cornbread in his last game.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Nengeni said:
Theft happens before passing. If two people pass whoever PM's PMJ first moves their item.

If I have item A and want to give it to you, ESP, someone has the ability to steal it from me, but not from you.

If me and DNA both want to give you an item, ESP, whoever sent in their PM first will get their item moved. Unless it gets stolen from A, then B's item will get sent to you.

Oh nevermind, I see now. It's like a priority move in the games. I just didn't get the part where Player C steals from Player B but Player A gives an item to Player B. Since the theft comes first, Player B doesn't have an item for Player C to steal.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Exactly. Check for steal first, then continue on with the trades.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Hopefully items is a success and continues to go on in Pokebeach Werewolf tradition.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!))

Nengeni said:
Is there a rule against putting people on your ignore list for a game of WW?

You'll want to read their posts anyway, and you'll open them, it'll just waste your time. I've had the experience back when Joeypals played.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!)

I'm not going to formally forbid you from ignoring someone but, as guy pointed out, it will be in your best interest to view every post a player makes. If you want to ignore someone, that's your risk.

I'm a bit skeptical about these people joining with their first post, but I have an idea as to where they came from. We'll see if they don't make me regret letting them in.

We have 43 out of 43 players. Role distribution will be exactly like it was in WW12. I've numbered each role from 1-43 inclusively. I generate a list of those numbers using's sequence generator. Then, the order of that list determines the role you get (for example, if the first number on the generated list is 38, then role #38 goes to the first player [Zyflair]. Say the second number was 18; that role would go to the second player [One Approved]. And so on and so forth until the end of the list.)

With so many roles to distribute, I ask your patience as I match players to their destinies. Feel free to psych each other out in the interim.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (signups - 2 spots left!)

Alrighty then. Let's do this!
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

/me waits patiently to receive his role

If we have nothing to go off, can we please bandwagon Shocker just because of how annoying he is?
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

I don't see a problem with him.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

Nengeni said:
* Nengeni waits patiently to receive his role

If we have nothing to go off, can we please bandwagon Shocker just because of how annoying he is?

How am I annoying? Please explain. Is it that I'm active in this forum too much? Also, that's not really a reason to vote off someone[look at cornbread]
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

He's just excited, as the rest of you all should be

you'll feel better once you get your roles :]
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

Le evidence. Note that you did ask for all the evidence.

Shocker said:
First post and already editing..dang, one more slip-up like that and you're out!
Can't wait for the game to get started, it'll be pretty exciting. Also cornbread, spellcheck is your friend.
REALLY? Trying to get someone eliminated before the game has even started, and insulting someone's spelling / grammar (Which you would know sucked if you read any of his posts)

Shocker said:
Okay, I got an understanding now, thanks. So some people will start with items and others don't?
Says he understands, and then asks a rhetorical question. If EVERYONE started with items, you wouldn't be able to trade, now would you?
Shocker said:
I think Yoshi is the last member. Well good luck to everybody!
Says yoshi is last member, after I had just made a post that said there were two more spots.

Shocker said:
Well who knows until PMJ makes his final count. Can't wait for the game to start!
Well, anyone who knows how to count would be able to deduce how many spots left. It's not like PMJ is going to not count someone / count someone twice.
Shocker said:
Well I think that's definitely 43, possibly 44. In that case, Roari might be a replacement of some sort. Man, weird how two members who just registered are willing to play..
Seeing as I said two more spots, and then two people signed up, there's obviously 43 people. Even if roari was a replacement, it's not like he would be a "replacement of some sort"

And then he comments on how new people sign up. Perhaps they were told by friends, perhaps people from here mentioned it on other forums, it's not that weird that new people join.

Shocker said:
Alrighty then, I just suck at counting :p once PMJ gets back on, this game can start!
Well of course you do. Couldn't even count to two. And then he makes a useless statement; "once PMJ gets back on, the game can start" As if anyone didn't already know that the game maker had to be online to send out the roles.
Shocker said:
Not sure...though that does sound like something that should be a rule. Contact PMJ when you get the chance.
And this post just irks me the wrong way. Especially because he couldn't pick up that it was him I was referencing. Even if you assume that I was too subtle with my hints, the fact that he tells me to ask PMJ just shows how much he's looking for attention.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

bandwagon nengeni for wanting to bandwagon.

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