Finished Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls. Town wins!

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RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

Glace agrees that he is a possible bandwagon. So there's already two on the Shocker bandwagon.

Plus it's not like we have a lead on day 1, so we either kill an annoying person or an inactive.
I'm not against giving him a second chance and only lynching him day 1 if he acts stupidly though.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

Nengeni said:
Le evidence. Note that you did ask for all the evidence.

REALLY? Trying to get someone eliminated before the game has even started, and insulting someone's spelling / grammar (Which you would know sucked if you read any of his posts)
I wasn't insulting him in anyway shape or form, besides, I'm new. Didn't try to eliminate him. I didn't know you could edit before the game begins.

Says he understands, and then asks a rhetorical question. If EVERYONE started with items, you wouldn't be able to trade, now would you?
Okay, I was kinda stupid here. I understand your point on this one.

Says yoshi is last member, after I had just made a post that said there were two more spots.
I may have posted and not seen your post. I'm a bit lazy on counting, so sorry.

Well, anyone who knows how to count would be able to deduce how many spots left. It's not like PMJ is going to not count someone / count someone twice.
Seeing as I said two more spots, and then two people signed up, there's obviously 43 people. Even if roari was a replacement, it's not like he would be a "replacement of some sort" This to me, is kind of a nitpick. I'm just excited, so I may make weird posts time to time.

And then he comments on how new people sign up. Perhaps they were told by friends, perhaps people from here mentioned it on other forums, it's not that weird that new people join.
It's just that I noticed and thought it was a bit weird. I understand the point in this one.

Well of course you do. Couldn't even count to two. And then he makes a useless statement; "once PMJ gets back on, the game can start" As if anyone didn't already know that the game maker had to be online to send out the roles.
Understand your point in this one.
And this post just irks me the wrong way. Especially because he couldn't pick up that it was him I was referencing. Even if you assume that I was too subtle with my hints, the fact that he tells me to ask PMJ just shows how much he's looking for attention.
I'm not asking for attention. Besides, I'm saying that if it's not, it should be, in my opinion.
Replies in bold.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

Nengeni said:
Well, anyone who knows how to count would be able to deduce how many spots left. It's not like PMJ is going to not count someone / count someone twice.

I actually did count Dark Void twice last game, which caused a delay in starting :x

and I counted Cinesra twice because he posted an in post and I forgot he pre-signed up

anyway I'm done, I'll just be passing them down the line so...

also I am waiting on confirmation from all 43 of you before we start. I went easy last game but we have a lot of new people playing and I want to make sure everyone is paying attention.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)


RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

PMJ said:
I actually did count Dark Void twice last game, which caused a delay in starting :x

and I counted Cinesra twice because he posted an in post and I forgot he pre-signed up

anyway I'm done, I'll just be passing them down the line so...

also I am waiting on confirmation from all 43 of you before we start. I went easy last game but we have a lot of new people playing and I want to make sure everyone is paying attention.

Alright, I suppose he did have a point with that statement. Anyways, as I told shocker via profile comment, I don't want to continue this discussion; I've stated my points (Although if he / anyone else has an issue I'll defend myself.). Any more rants about him / the way I acted can be done via PM or, if it might affect our lynch on day 1, can be done in this thread.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

I do not want to continue the argument. I hope you understand what I said.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

Was I supposed to have received a role by now? I thought that's what the PMJ said but maybe he just meant he was done assigning but he's now passing them out.

Anyways, I've played in at least 10 games, 2ish haven't finished, and I've only won about 3 of the games I've played in (counting when I was alive at the end as a townie or when my wolf team won in any way). I'm determined to win this one haha.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

ESP said:
Was I supposed to have received a role by now? I thought that's what the PMJ said but maybe he just meant he was done assigning but he's now passing them out.

Anyways, I've played in at least 10 games, 2ish haven't finished, and I've only won about 3 of the games I've played in (counting when I was alive at the end as a townie or when my wolf team won in any way). I'm determined to win this one haha.
I don't have mine either.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

I don't have my role either, I hope I get it before I go sleep~
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

On the chat, he said distribution will begin shortly. So we'll most likely get them in a few minutes or so.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

Received my role.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

Bisharp37 Caught a Wild Role!

Bisharp37 Nicknamed The Wild Role Recieved!
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

I can now confirm that I have received my role.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

Role get da ze~
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

I actually haven't gotten mine. :O
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)


I already confirmed via PM, but I couldn't resist after Zyflair's post.
RE: Werewolf XIV: The Legend of Canton Falls (lounge music stage)

i got da goods
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