Finished Werewolf XIX: Mafia Wins

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corn bread

Food item
Werewolf 19
Hosted by Corn Bread
Co-hosted by [mod]Camoclone[/mod]

How to play Werewolf
The basic idea of Werewolf is that out of all the people playing, there's a small group of betrayers trying to bring everyone else down. The betrayers are the Werewolves, sometimes called "scum" or other unpleasant names. Everyone else is in the Town, otherwise called "villagers" or "innocents" or so forth.

The Town's goal is to get rid of all the scum players. They do this by taking a majority vote each game Day for who they want to get rid of. The Wolves' goal is to outlast all of the Townies until they control the majority vote, at which time there's nothing the Town can do to stop the scum from completely taking over. They can do this by avoiding being voted out and killing players during the Night phases following each game Day. The crowd that starts the game gets whittled down until eventually only one faction remains in the game.

So strategically, the game comes down to Townies finding and voting out the Werewolves as often as possible. The Werewolves tries to avoid getting voted out and kill off the players who threaten them at Night.

In addition to the wolves there may be additional 'independent' factions.

The Rules
Day Phases,night phases, and voting:
Day phases are 2 weeks(14 days) and night phases are 4 days.
Posts are only made during the day.
Only during the day votes are cast for the daily lynch. Any posts made during twilight or the night results in a warning.
A person is lynched during the day if they reach at least 51% majority vote. If the deadline hits without a majority vote having been made, the person with the most votes is lynched if he/she has at least 50% of that day's required votes.Otherwise the day ends without a death
After the allocated time for the day phase runs out or, a majority vote is reached then the day phase immediately switches to twilight.
During twilight the game stops momentarily so that the game moderator(me) may post the twilight update which basically recaps the day’s events, reveals the role of any player who was lynched, and transitions the game to the night phase.
If twilight comes before a majority vote is reached and no player has at least 50% of the required votes, then the day ends without a lynch.
Votes are cast with the format Vote:[playername] and recalled with Unvote:[playername].
The option to lynch no one is always open with Vote:No Lynch

New game mechanics:
This is the 21st Century, you all have mobile devices. So as a mechanic everyone may secretly exchange PMs with each other in the form of ‘texts’. This can be done ONLY during the day. Also, these PMs must include me in their recipients, this helps me monitor what is happening.

Since many abilities are in this game is going to have abilities, I have split abilities into four categories:
Night abilities-Pretty explanatory, abilities that are used and take effect during the night.
Day abilities-The polar opposite of Night abilities, these are used and take effect during the day.
Attributes-Passive abilities that are always on.
Masonry-Anyone in a masonry has the ability to talk to other people within their same mason group outside of the game.
Special abilities-Powerful, unique abilities that do not fall into the other categories and usually tie into the theme.

Modkills and Inactivity:
Breaking any rule results in a warning, on the 3rd warning the player modkilled.
Upon modkill the player is removed from the game, the role however will be given to any available substitute player. If no substitute player is available then the role is simply killed off.
Given the length of the day phases, I expect everyone to make at least TWO posts each day phase. Not doing so results in a modkill.
If you will be away from a period of time that prevents you from being able to post during the next day phase simply tell me and I will excuse you.

No communication about the game, outside the game thread. The only exception being PMs that also include me in their recipients.
Items are not featured in this game.
You can say anything you want about your role and other things but you can NEVER quote something that I directly said to you, doing so results in immediate removal from the game.
You may not "like",edit,or delete any post.
The dead cannot speak.
Report anyone you know is breaking the rules.

If anyone has any more questions feel free to ask me.

Players and substitutes
Players: 1/25
1.)Machamp The Champion(Four Arms)->lynched day 9, Mafia WINNER
2.)Haunted Water(Red Rain)->modkilled day 13, Town
3.)MtheW->died from exhaustion night 14, Town
4.)sillykyle->killed night 8, Town
5.)Keeper of Night->endgamed, Town
6.)RaichuGirl->killed night 4, Illuminati
7.)WanderingWolf(James86134)->lynched day 3, Town
8.)SMP->modkilled day 13, Town
9.)GM DracLord(Chronus MSEA)->endgamed, Town
10.)TwistedTurtwig WINNER
11.)rev3rsor(Lemonnade)->killed night 14, Town
12.)PMJ->replaced by Reinforce night 1->modkilled night 14, Town
13.)grantm1999->lynched day 5, Town
14.)Mapleboy86->lynched day 1, Mafia WINNER
15.)Teal->killed night 16, Town
16.)One Approved(TPO3)->replaced by Alex night 6->replaced by Celever day 9->lynched day 17,The Necromancer
17.)Rock Wrecker->replaced by Astra day 5->lynched day 15, Illuminati
18.)TheGuy->killed night 8, Illuminati
19.)Shiny Goodra(PokeChimpo)->modkilled day 11, Town
20.)Poseidon(Sir Taco)->modkilled day 13, Town
21.)HypnoticChairman->killed night 6, Town
22.)Fangarde(gamefreak33797)->modkilled day 13, Town
23.)Puff-Sun->modkilled day 13, Town
24.)Keckleon-X->modkilled day 17, Town
25.)Drohn->killed night 4, Town
RE: Werewolf 19

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm already hosting WW19. You have to ask for permission from PMJ first, anyway.
RE: Werewolf 19

He did. I gave you his spot because he was gone for like two months.

corn bread, you can run your game alongside twistedturtwig's. tt, number your name as 20 and post it when you're ready.

corn bread, I want you to be a good host. That means being on top of your game at all times - if you start slacking I will have your thread locked.
RE: Werewolf 19

PMJ said:
He did. I gave you his spot because he was gone for like two months.

corn bread, you can run your game alongside twistedturtwig's. tt, number your name as 20 and post it when you're ready.

corn bread, I want you to be a good host. That means being on top of your game at all times - if you start slacking I will have your thread locked.

So I suppose that means I can... join?
In it then.
RE: Werewolf 19

"Role madness"...

I will be in as a sub, corn bread that I love to eat. *nom nom*
RE: Werewolf 19

PMJ said:
He did. I gave you his spot because he was gone for like two months.

corn bread, you can run your game alongside twistedturtwig's. tt, number your name as 20 and post it when you're ready.

corn bread, I want you to be a good host. That means being on top of your game at all times - if you start slacking I will have your thread locked.

As for those of who who have tried to sign up, know that sign ups won't go live until Friday December 6th.
RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups begin Friday

corn bread said:
As for those of who who have tried to sign up, know that sign ups won't go live until Friday December 6th.
Why is that? It's only like, two days from now. :p
RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups begin Friday

This is the 21st Century, you all have mobile devices. So as a mechanic everyone may secretly exchange PMs with each other in the form of ‘texts’. This can be done ONLY during the day. Also, these PMs must include me in their recipients, this helps me monitor what is happening.

Can these only be done through texts? I don't have a phone with Internet access, and if you're only allowed to use phones, I'll probably just sit out this game.
RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups begin Friday

Four Arms said:
This is the 21st Century, you all have mobile devices. So as a mechanic everyone may secretly exchange PMs with each other in the form of ‘texts’. This can be done ONLY during the day. Also, these PMs must include me in their recipients, this helps me monitor what is happening.

Can these only be done through texts? I don't have a phone with Internet access, and if you're only allowed to use phones, I'll probably just sit out this game.

I'm pretty sure he just means we can pm each other during the day.
RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups begin Friday

This is the 21st Century, you all have mobile devices. So as a mechanic everyone may secretly exchange PMs with each other in the form of ‘texts’. This can be done ONLY during the day. Also, these PMs must include me in their recipients, this helps me monitor what is happening.

No communication about the game, outside the game thread.


Contradictions always = scum
RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups begin Friday

*reads rules more thoroughly*
I won't be online tomorrow, since I'm busy all day which makes signups kinda hard :/
Also a minor comment: I don't have a phone, though I do have a mobile device (iPod 4th gen).
RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups begin Friday

... a Mafia game? That's cool.

But I'll sign up as a substitute at first because I want to see how you guys start and play out the game in real time.
RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups begin Friday

I'll join early because everyone else is but i'll join tomorrow or saturday if it doesn't
count for being 3 hours too early.
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