Finished Werewolf XIX: Mafia Wins

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RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups begin Friday

You guys, the texting part is just flavor. You do not have to actually use your mobile devices to communicate with other players.

...right? right?
RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups begin Friday

Some flavor
America is in ruins.

The sky was darkened with the aftermath of war. For the citizens of the town of Washington D.C, what awaited them was a long and laborious path, the siege had just begun and they scrambled about the town. Little did they know that there in that town with them were many powerful individuals,the most notable perhaps being the leaders of the two factions responsible for the siege. The first being the President of the United States,who now stuck in D.C must now lead the patriots left around him to strike down the opposing faction's leaders, who also happen to be trapped in the city. But more information on these things shall be given later, as for now all those in the town had their attention caught by a siren emitting from the National Mall and slowly moved towards it.
But wait,who are these people in the town? Who else, but the members of Pokebeach? So fellow members, go ahead and sign up and take your spot in the Siege of D.C.

Alright, sign ups are now live, there are 38 spots that need to be filled so so if you want to play please do so either through posting in this here thread or through PM. None of the early joins count.
RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups are open

Signing up. These games are interesting.
RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups are open

Well I'm able to be online now so might as well join :)
RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups are open

In it to break it
RE: Werewolf 19-Sign ups are open

sillykyle said:
BTW let's make sure to lynch RG day 1. She's anti-town 95% of the time. ;P

Hey, I've been town a decent 4 times now! I'd say it's closer to 60% :p

Also, it's going to be difficult to get that many players to sign up :/
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