Finished Werewolf XIX: Mafia Wins

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RE: Werewolf XIX: Night 0 ends soon

Are we really voting on what time to start?


Just start now but keep the same deadline as you would if you start later??
Werewolf XIX: Night 0 ends soon

TPO3 said:
Are we really voting on what time to start?


Just start now but keep the same deadline as you would if you start later??
We are voting... If the day is extended too long then it gives an advantage to town. The deadline will not be extended unless there is no activity.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Night 0 ends soon

Vote: Start Now

The night should have ended this afternoon, no?
If its not Day, and not Night, then its not anything is it? And we certainly want something; otherwise, you just put the game on indefinite hiatus, and we all know where that leads.

The fact that we're allowed to post right says to me its day. Alors Allons-Y!
RE: Werewolf XIX: Night 0 ends soon

I don't mind either, since I'm able to go on at night on Christmas Day, probably? Tomorrow could be a bit tight for time though.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Night 0 ends soon

As this is looking like it's going to start and go over Christmas, perhaps a time extension should be put in place for those who don't have enough time to stay active over Christmas?
RE: Werewolf XIX: Night 0 ends soon

Considering day phases are two bloody weeks, then I doubt we will need an extension?

Is anyone taking a holiday that will go for two weeks, and will have no access to Internet whatsoever, preventing them from playing?
RE: Werewolf XIX: Night 0 ends soon

Two weeks? Nevermind! XD A time extension is not required, then! Goodness!
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 1 Begins 12/23/13

Yay I can make my first post in my second ever game of werewolf on the beach! Looking forward to playing with you guys and I hope this one doesn't end quite as fast as the last one. Also hoping roles aren't nearly as powerful..
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 1 Begins 12/23/13

MtheW said:
Yay I can make my first post in my second ever game of werewolf on the beach! Looking forward to playing with you guys and I hope this one doesn't end quite as fast as the last one. Also hoping roles aren't nearly as powerful..
Consider this your first warning...
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 1 Begins 12/23/13

Wouldn't day 1 have started now? When MtheW posted that, it was the 24th in both yours and cornbreads timezone.

Day 1 apparantly started yesterday, so why should he get a warning...?

(I doubt I'll get another warning later, so if you give me one now, I most likely won't care :p)
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 1 Begins 12/23/13

WanderingWolf said:
Wouldn't day 1 have started now? When MtheW posted that, it was the 24th in both yours and cornbreads timezone.

Day 1 apparantly started yesterday, so why should he get a warning...?

(I doubt I'll get another warning later, so if you give me one now, I most likely won't care :p)
You need to wait for a day start before posting. Please PM me if you have any concerns over this. Consider this your first warning James. Remember you have 3 so both of you should be fine as you usually abide by the rules.
RE: Werewolf XIX: Day 1 Begins 12/23/13

Everyone had gathered together at the origin of the siren; some people taking advantage of the rising sun engaged in all sorts of interplay with others on their journey. At the center of the National Mall was a tall light pole which held at the tip two sirens facing opposite of each other,extending away from the sirens was the light which shone a pristine, white light upon the congregation. At the foot of the pole, someone noticed, was a tape recorder which when played displayed the following message:

"Hello," a clear male voice played through the small speaker "to everyone who has survived, I suppose you deserve an explanation. As little as two hours ago an coalition of the biggest gangs in America launched an attack on this city, with intent on killing me,the president, and taking over our country. But luckily, with some quick thinking I was able to put enough of a hold for some forces of our own to arrive. The downside to this is the fact that now the two forces are engaged all around this city. Washington D.C is under siege, and I as well as the coalition leaders are now disguised and among those of you gathered here now by the siren. Now my fellow patriots, rid the nation of these traitors."

Day 1 begins now and ends January 6th, 2013 at 8:00PM GMT
It takes 13 votes to lynch!

Also note I will be gone until Sunday meaning no vote counts from me.
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