Thank you TGK, I want to vote for PMJ SO MUCH, however I think we should lynch tgk because as celever said before if we don't do it we lose a LOT of potential information.
Based on yesterday vote counts yes. As far as I notice, noone has more than 1 vote..
Anyway, being hit muddy water can't confirm being targetted by Swampert owner, it could be a Gym Leader's Whiscash or even an Aqua's Azumarill
So suspicion about Celever was correct, then.
I'm kind of curious about one thing. As far as I'm aware, vote weights isn't an incredibly common mechanic. Yet GM DracLord was focusing on it quite a lot earlier, and now it turns out there's quite a bit of it going on (SilverSilent's ability, the Grimers and tgk suddenly having double vote weight). So what's the deal here?
@Squirtle Squad - The flavour specifically stated that someone came up to me, stated a few of my thoughts exactly, so now we can chat in the thoughts channel.
It's odd, I know.
If others find this argument as worthless we can stop it, but really I think that PMJ is the only lynch with anything like support behind it today so I think it's worth pursuing right now.
I think both. As I thought would happen, PMJ is still only defending himself and paying no attention to other cases at hand. With the only lead we have besides the inactives, I say we should go for it.
PMJ actually did give a case on simisand. However, giving a case on the one no one is going to vote for without making sure it is final duo to the vote lock is kind of suspicious for me. Trying to catch someone unaware and lock him in voting for simisand and thus making it harder to lynch him?
SilverSilent is still a good option next day I guess. TT still not here. GM Drac is posting but.. not actually putting his thoughts on who is scum. Keeper I suppose just keeping up with the thread and like last game would probably catch up and start contribute, I hope. That's for now from what I can think about.
I would vote PMJ but there are 2 things that currently are stoping me from doing so:
- There is a lot of votes on him with the Grimers and it's still early and we can get more info.
- I have this feeling that if he is town, and the inactive players like TT are mafia, because of our only case on PMJ right now, they don't want to post so we will have nothing to do but lynch PMJ.
So. To prevent such thing
I hope I am being logical here with these thoughts.
Tgk you used your ability to make sure you stay alive if we lynch you today, right? I just want to know if you can use it on the next day because while I want to vote PMJ I am worried that we could lose the benifits of lynching you then having the benefits of you existing during the next day to tell us a lot.
TGK has 1 vote weight yesterday and 2 today. Probably he has been effected by something yesterday that reduce the weight or I think I read somewhere about someone having increased vote weight today.
I know more then 75% remaining player's vote weight for day 1.
Based on yesterday vote counts yes. As far as I notice, noone has more than 1 vote..
Have they been an active player in this game?? Cos if they are then they could be scum too...@Squirtle Squad - they haven't replied, so I only know who their account is.
@Cypher333 - what did Muddy Water do?
Let's do a bit of player analysis.
Squirtle Squad
scattered mind
Empoleon_master (though not really contributing)
Keeper of night
GM DracLord
Ice Espeon
(May as well be) dead:
Luispipe8 - Team Magma
In werewolf the mafia will always be split between the active players and the inactive players until one of those two categories is dead, since it's just how the games and I think maths works. If we focus on the active players this makes our hunt much easier, because:
Squirtle Squad
scattered mind
Empoleon_master (though not really contributing)
As far as I'm concerned, TGK, Cypher and I are all confirmed town right now. I also have basically the strongest town read I've ever had with Squirtle Squad and I cannot imagine any situations where he is mafia. This leaves us with PMJ, scattered mind, simsands and EM. Obvously I think we should lynch PMJ, but this is still a good point to bring up. I have a town read on scattered mind right now, but I see the last post as trying to draw attention towards inactives which we don't have any proper info on right now. I can see it being a mistake a town could make, but it's also kind of scummy. I still have a very nullread on simsands, and EM I read as genuine though he's also... kind of not. Also null. The point I'm trying to make is that we basically have 4 viable lynch options right now to focus on, whereas if we start trying to talk about the inactives it'll be a huge mess of various opinions and people trying to convince others of weak and somewhat random cases. I think we need more focused discussion and this is one of those days where a hammer isn't scummy. Yesterday it was very scummy because it was completely needless and didn't benefit town at all. Today I don't feel there is any particularly worthwhile discussion to have, which is an extremely rare thing to happen.
@scattered mind I feel your logic is kind of flawed because later on in the game is when we have an abundance of information. Early game we need to play by the flip as opposed to the alliance -- playing by the flip is where given two somewhat good lynch options we lynch the option which will give us more and/or more solid info. PMJ's flip will help us far more leading into Day 3 than GM Drac's will, and on D3 we are almost sure to lynch PMJ anyway presuming no info roles out a surefire mafia.
I am trying to contribute with conspiracy theories as there is potentially no one that can be fully trusted, hence the L avatar (WATCH DEATH NOTE ALREADY PEOPLE!), also I did try to contribute that we should post who has what ite so we can keep track of them in the event that there is a thief ability.Let's do a bit of player analysis.
Squirtle Squad
scattered mind
Empoleon_master (though not really contributing)
Keeper of night
GM DracLord
Ice Espeon
(May as well be) dead:
Luispipe8 - Team Magma
In werewolf the mafia will always be split between the active players and the inactive players until one of those two categories is dead, since it's just how the games and I think maths works. If we focus on the active players this makes our hunt much easier, because:
Squirtle Squad
scattered mind
Empoleon_master (though not really contributing)
As far as I'm concerned, TGK, Cypher and I are all confirmed town right now. I also have basically the strongest town read I've ever had with Squirtle Squad and I cannot imagine any situations where he is mafia. This leaves us with PMJ, scattered mind, simsands and EM. Obvously I think we should lynch PMJ, but this is still a good point to bring up. I have a town read on scattered mind right now, but I see the last post as trying to draw attention towards inactives which we don't have any proper info on right now. I can see it being a mistake a town could make, but it's also kind of scummy. I still have a very nullread on simsands, and EM I read as genuine though he's also... kind of not. Also null. The point I'm trying to make is that we basically have 4 viable lynch options right now to focus on, whereas if we start trying to talk about the inactives it'll be a huge mess of various opinions and people trying to convince others of weak and somewhat random cases. I think we need more focused discussion and this is one of those days where a hammer isn't scummy. Yesterday it was very scummy because it was completely needless and didn't benefit town at all. Today I don't feel there is any particularly worthwhile discussion to have, which is an extremely rare thing to happen.
@scattered mind I feel your logic is kind of flawed because later on in the game is when we have an abundance of information. Early game we need to play by the flip as opposed to the alliance -- playing by the flip is where given two somewhat good lynch options we lynch the option which will give us more and/or more solid info. PMJ's flip will help us far more leading into Day 3 than GM Drac's will, and on D3 we are almost sure to lynch PMJ anyway presuming no info roles out a surefire mafia.
It's not that you're totally inactive, and actually of the players on that list of inactive players you've contributed the most out of all of them for sure, thought Reinforce has also brought up some really good points. You're just not posting as much as those in the active list, though maybe I could bump you up, who knows. I truly believe you're town anyway, so it doesn't make a huge difference :v.[QUOTE
I see how it is, I'm an inactive player
Anyways, my vote weighing ability would be sort of good if someone hasn't voted yet and we need to know if their vote only counts as one or more, other that though it's pretty useless and is only good for situational moves.
As far as targeting inactive players, it's sort of a flip right now. We're kind of balancing on a fine line right now with few people being active pursuers and tomorrow I feel will be even more skim than today and will require to force inactive players out in the open to hopefully get more information out in to the open and possibly a lynch for town.
The problem is that GM DracLord plays like this every game, which makes him notoriously hard to read. It's why inspectors should target him in every game, because otherwise we're not going to garner enough support to lynch him until right in the early game when we often do for lack of better options. It's a good trend and I don't see a reason to change it this time by lynching him early! PMJ doesn't usually play like this, and while metareading is sometimes seen as kind of cheap it's also a reliable way of playing.Ok taking your list into account @Celever
I would say simsands is the most scummy there, but obviously I'm under the impression that PMJ is town, though he certainly has some scummy elements to his game so far.
The risk of voting simsands and finding him to be town is too high so i guess if i had to say, then I would say SM or EM would be next, though I don't particularly find either of them that scummy, and SM has claimed tracker so yeah.
Personally I'm sold on the GM Drac lynch, but yeah since he's not been contributing his lynch wouldn't give us as much info (though i find him extremely scummy)
Anyways, Im off registry shopping today(choosing our list of things we'd like for our wedding :O) Ill be off for the next few hours, ill try pop in but find it unlikely.
Oh SilverSilent is herewe could always lynch him, though he's not on your list, I also find him particular scum-like
Laters guys
Yes, but you have yet to place a vote, and the mods would probably let you create a conspiracy theory thread. No problem, everyone is new at one point, and you're definitely putting in the effort!I am trying to contribute with conspiracy theories as there is potentially no one that can be fully trusted, hence the L avatar (WATCH DEATH NOTE ALREADY PEOPLE!), also I did try to contribute that we should post who has what ite so we can keep track of them in the event that there is a thief ability.
Squirtle Squad for Sidney or Wallace confirmed.Im gonna do a TGK and say my character can be easily sussed if you look hard enough![]()
Ok taking your list into account @Celever
I would say simsands is the most scummy there, but obviously I'm under the impression that PMJ is town, though he certainly has some scummy elements to his game so far.
The risk of voting simsands and finding him to be town is too high so i guess if i had to say, then I would say SM or EM would be next, though I don't particularly find either of them that scummy, and SM has claimed tracker so yeah.
Personally I'm sold on the GM Drac lynch, but yeah since he's not been contributing his lynch wouldn't give us as much info (though i find him extremely scummy)
Anyways, Im off registry shopping today(choosing our list of things we'd like for our wedding :O) Ill be off for the next few hours, ill try pop in but find it unlikely.
Oh SilverSilent is herewe could always lynch him, though he's not on your list, I also find him particular scum-like
Laters guys