Finished Werewolf XXXII: Dimensional Shift - The Second Postgame is Up!

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Hey! Just a quick question - if a Spirit wants to make a Night Kill, can they kill someone in the other dimension?
I'm in if there is still an open slot
You should now have access!

Hey! Just a quick question - if a Spirit wants to make a Night Kill, can they kill someone in the other dimension?
That's for the hosts (and the scum) to know and you to figure out. :p

Also, can those of the Dimensional Committee be killed?
Also for the hosts to know and you to figure out.

And since we've just reached twenty players, we can now start the game! Things still need finalising (last exam today yay!), so I'm thinking about sending role PMs out within about 48 hours (we'll make a post when we do). As a reminder, if you haven't checked the ProBoards after your registration, you should probably check now and see if it is working.
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Going into this, do any of you guys get the vibe that scum in this game will be more powerful than any other game? I feel like with the separate dimensions, scum truly are the "informed majority" as they get insight as to what goes on in both dimensions. There are also numerous strategic options for scum that come with the dimensions mechanic. Do they try to keep a balanced number of scum on both sides? Or do they all try to get in one dimension ASAP to control the vote? Either way this is going to be a great game for sure. I wonder what the ridiculous mega role with 5-6 abilities will be? You know there's going to be one (Grima, Kirby, Wally, etc.).
Going into this, do any of you guys get the vibe that scum in this game will be more powerful than any other game? I feel like with the separate dimensions, scum truly are the "informed majority" as they get insight as to what goes on in both dimensions. There are also numerous strategic options for scum that come with the dimensions mechanic. Do they try to keep a balanced number of scum on both sides? Or do they all try to get in one dimension ASAP to control the vote? Either way this is going to be a great game for sure. I wonder what the ridiculous mega role with 5-6 abilities will be? You know there's going to be one (Grima, Kirby, Wally, etc.).

Just as a general note so you guys aren't stuck for topics to talk about during Day 1 (and also for other reasons)... you may want to (and it is preferred that you) not speculate game mechanics publicly until the game starts. Patience young padawan! :p
Just as a general note so you guys aren't stuck for topics to talk about during Day 1 (and also for other reasons)... you may want to (and it is preferred that you) not speculate game mechanics publicly until the game starts. Patience young padawan! :p

Okay. Sorry, I didn't know. Day one of this game will be interesting for sure!
I probably should disclose that I'm currently in my internship, me being online does not equal instant reply as I may open it in my phone and not close the tab
Roles Are Being Sent Out!
@Jabberwock will be sending out roles randomly to each player over the next little while.

Once you have received your role and have access (i.e. can see) your starting dimension on the ProBoards, like this post. Reminder that the game has NOT yet started, however all rules are now in effect, including no more discussion of this game in this thread and outside this thread, unless with the hosts. If you have any questions about or issue with your role, please don't hesitate to message the hosts.

Once 17 players have liked this post (and bbninjas is online), the game will start.
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Day 1 (Game Begin!)

A member of the group gathered at NASA stirred, and raised a hand. “So … what do we do if we meet one of these spirits?”

“Kill them,” said Bolden shortly. “Or, rather, send a call back to us at NASA. Once you think you’ve found a spirit, send to the Limbo Dimension. From there, we'll crank up the zapping power of our interdimensional transportation devices to fry them inside. ...Yes, sometimes sacrifices must be made."

“Why not just give us portable devices?” asked another of the expeditioners.

“To put it simply,” said Bolden, “the device is huge. Transporting something like that would require far more energy than we have access to, so no. We’ll care for the zappers.”

Several of them laughed at this. Bolden took that as a good sign. “So,” he said, “are you ready? Are you prepared to save the world––maybe the universe––from the Dimension Spirits, and explore new frontiers of science?”
There was a long moment’s pause, but then Bolden was answered by shouts and cheers. One of his employees entered the room, bearing a long scroll, and collected signatures from each of them. Bolden smiled. This was not going to be easy. By the stars, it wasn’t. But it was worth it, for the name of science.

With that, the players settled in their respective dimensions. The players that begin on Dimension Earth are:
- GM Draclord
- Keeper of Night
- Miyami~~
- Reinforce
- SilverSilent
- simsands
- Skyleaf2000
- Squirtle Squad
- Vom

The players that begin on Dimension H'trae are:
- Camoclone
- Celever
- double o squirtle
- Empoleon_master
- Luispipe8
- mordacazir
- Professor Palutena
- quakingpunch73
- scattered mind
- thegrovylekid

Remember that discussion does not take place on PB, and instead takes place on the dimension on ProBoards you are in (and can see) presently. If you started on Dimension Earth, you discuss on Dimension Earth. If you started on Dimension H'trae, you discuss on Dimension H'trae.

Also remember that each dimension will have a lynch. At the end of the Day Phase, the lynchee from each dimension will be transported to the Limbo Dimension (meaning they can only see the Limbo Dimension) for part of the Night Phase. By partway through the Night Phase, within 48 hours (normally will be 24 hours), the Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces will have decided who of the two lynchees are to be lynch by majority vote. Once this has been decided, an update on who was lynched and their roleflip will be posted on PokeBeach, and the player that survives will be transported to H'trae/Earth.

Later on, in both dimensions, a burst of static infiltrated the ears of the players. A loud speaker followed, saying:

The Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces is looking for some new recruits! In each dimension, not only will you need to vote for the lynch, but you will also need to vote for one of the persons of that dimension to become a member of the crisis committee. The fate of the lynches literally rests in your hands!

In addition to voting for the lynch, in each dimension players must elect a player in their dimension to become a member of the Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces. Yes, this means one member from each dimension will be elected as a member. Voting for this will be done through the same process as voting for a lynch, however @@ELECT: <player> is to be used to distinguish from the lynch votes. (Vote counts for the lynch and the election will be made separately and clearly labeled.)

There are 10 players alive on Dimension Earth, meaning the 6 votes are need their to cause a majority lynch.
There are 10 players alive on Dimension H'trae, meaning the 6 votes are need their to cause a majority lynch.

Day 1 will end on Thursday, 31st of March, at 3PM AEST (+10) | 5AM AEST (0) | 10PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 127 hours from the timestamp of this post.

- In a summary, there will be a lynch and an election in both Dimension Earth and Dimension H'trae that you must vote for.
- You may now begin discussion (i.e. posting) and voting in the thread that you started in on the ProBoards! There will now be one thread in each dimension for all discussion in that dimension to occur in.
- I have locked this PB thread as no player may post in it.
- Remember that you cannot like any posts, on PB or otherwise.
- Remember that the ProBoards follow the same rules as that of the PB Forums.
- If you have an action usable during the Day Phase that requires PMing the hosts, please make your action in the same conversation your Role PM was sent it, on PB.
- If you are a member of any QuickTopic, you may use it during the Day Phase as well as the Night Phase.

@mordacazir @Reinforce @Skyleaf2000 Still need to confirm their role PM by liking this post.
Day 1 Update

Dimension H'trae has already managed to reach a majority lynch. quakingpunch73 has been lynched and has been sent to Dimension Limbo as a result, where he will await his fate.

Dimension Earth still has time before the Day 1 deadline to decide on a lynch.

As a result of this, the deadline for Day 1 has now changed. Day 1 will now end on Tuesday, 29th of March, at 3PM AEST (+10) | 5AM AEST (0) | Monday 10PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 44.25 hours from the timestamp of this post.

EDIT: Normally if the majority is reached in either dimension, the Day will end immediately in BOTH dimensions. However, Day 1 is an exception partially because I forgot to mention that and partially because it is Day 1.
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Just edited (see the EDIT: ) something important in the update above, in case you were a sneaky ninja and saw that post before this edit.
It looks like @SilverSilent has edited one of his posts in his Dimension. Editing posts is NOT allowed. This is the hosts' final warning to ALL players - if any player edits a post from this point onwards, they will be modkilled immediately.
Night 1

As the sun, such as it was, began to descend in each of the three dimensions, the Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces held their first meeting. Professor Palutena, sent from Dimension H’trae, and PMJ, sent from Dimension Earth, each introduced themselves.

They were presented with the two lynch candidates. The people of Dimension H’trae had quickly sent quakingpunch73 to plead his case before the Committee, while those of Dimension Earth took a bit longer to find a candidate. Eventually, however, they opted to put Keeper of Night up for lynch.

PMJ and Professor Palutena have been elected, and are now members of the Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces.

Keeper of Night and quakingpunch73 have been lynched and have been sent to Dimension Limbo as a result, where they will await their fate. The player to be killed will be decided within 24 hours and will subsequently flip, while the spared player will transport to the opposite dimension to the one they were in.

The travellers in both dimensions went to sleep, leaving it up to the Committee to decide the fate of the two lynch candidates. Meanwhile, those in the group who were secretly Dimension Spirits awoke to wreak their mischief upon the Alliance…

Night 1 will end on Thursday, 31st of March, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Wednesday 9PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 46.5 hours from the timestamp of this post.

- As it is Night, players may not post in neither of the Earth Discussion and the H'trae Discussion threads. If you are a lynchee, you may post in the Limbo Dimension, and if you have access to a QuickTopic, you may use them.
- If you have an action usable during the Night Phase you may use it now. You can only act on a player that is in the same dimension as you. You cannot act on yourself.
- The killed lynchee's flip will be posted 24 hours into the night, while the spared lynchee will be transported. The spared lynchee may use actions and be acted on (providing you are both in the same dimension) during the Night, as decided after the 24 hours.
- If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the hosts!
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Night 1 Update

The Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces gathered in their secret meeting place, sharing the past day and its events, and discussing who shall perish and who shall be spared. Withing 24 hours, the members of the committee had made their decision.

quakingpunch73 was spared and has been transported to Dimension Earth! (Players may choose to act on him, if they are in Dimension Earth.)

Keeper of Night was lynched! He was Will Jefferson and a member of the Interdimensional Alliance.

You’re Will Jefferson, and you’re aligned with the Interdimensional Alliance. You’re a renowned archaeologist and an expert on rare and unusual items. Such knowledge is invaluable while exploring other dimensions.

You will begin the game on Dimension Earth.

Active Ability: Bronze Lance
Once per game, during the Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the name of another player. If that player would be killed during that Night Phase, that player will not be killed, as you fended off their attempted killer.

Active Ability: Ancient Transporter
Once per game, during the Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the name of a player. That player will be transported to the opposite dimension to the one they are in.

Active Ability: Mesmerising Stone
Once per game, during the Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the names of two players. The first player will be mesmerised and forced to target the second player with any Abilities they may use.

Active Ability: Crown That Sometimes Tells You If He’s A Bad Guy Or Not
Once per game, during the Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the name of a player. You will use the mysterious crown to discern that player’s alignment. However, this particular relic has Forget-Who-That-Person-Is Complex and thus has a 53% chance of getting things wrong (this figure may fluctuate).

Active Ability: Sceptre of Freezing
Once per game, during the Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the name of a player. You will freeze that player, preventing them from using any actions that Night.

Spacetime Warp: Inheritance
Your rare and unusual hobby has its dangers that you know well of, so you have prepared. By the start of the next Night Phase after your death, you MUST PM the hosts the name of a player. If you have any unused Active Abilities, that player will gain those Abilities.

Spacetime Warp: Underground Messenger
Someone has to link and organise the dead, so it may as well be the first of the alliance to die. After your death, you will be able to send as many PMs as you like to each dead player, and each a dead player may send as many PMs as they like back to you.

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Interdimensional Alliance.

Reminder that Night 1 will end on Thursday, 31st of March, at 2PM AEST (+10) or just less than 23 hours from the timestamp of this post. Remember to submit your actions!
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