What Archetype will be best in the 06-07 season

RE:    What Archetype will be best in the 06-07 season

KAM-E_KAZE said:
Arcanine 274 said:
Whicker said:
Bannette ex is SO good right now, and I really don't see too much that can stop the deck (yes, the version WITHOUT Delcatty). It outspeeds even Rai/Eggs and isn't as vunerable to bad draws late game, as most Stage 1 swarm decks are. Also on the plus side, if you run Houndoom or similar, you can lock in Battle Frontier or something that will hurt a lot of the metal types that are soon about to be released. And again, Cessation Crystal is in no way the deck's enemy, considering the power is more of a small bonus than a reliance.
LOL, read my mind.  I'm already testing into it, just gotta find some Bannette EX's:p

Flariados, as most people know, has never been a favorite of mine. Unless a lot of things change about the deck, its success will still be decided by the flip of a coin (or rather, the roll of a die).
Only use this if good at coin flips.  IF you can pull that off, and have good luck it can be a beast.  unless you find a way NOT to get a flippy version winning.

Metanite looked to be one of the strongest decks heading into this format, unfortunately, people seem to begin to realize that Metanite may not as good as they say. This deck has absolutely no answer to Shiftry ex, which will be popular. It cannot run Battle Frontier, considering it itself is harmed by it. Cessation Crystal and Cursed Stone hurt it to an extent as well, but Windstorm will be a staple in the deck no doubt. As the format stands, however, unless someone finds the exact right techs and such, this deck will probably remain dead.

DEAD?  Top 4 Worlds isn't dead to me. It might be dead later, but it ain't dead now.  People'll run it.  BUT, they'll probably lose with it unless they're good with, run Scott, 6 stadiums, and Windstorms.  Which that is way too much to run in 1 deck.

Arcanine ex never really appealed to me, but the fact that it has few powers and can spread some serious damage with Overrun, I may look into it. I cannot, however give judgement on the deck because I have yet to test it in the slightest.
Love this deck, though I can't find a good way to run it in the new format.  but i will find it.  this deck has good matchups to most decks, and shuts off Cargo helping out the ludi matchup EXTREMELY.

Shiftry ex is one card that caught the attention of many when Crystal Guardians was released. Due to its stackable power and good attacks, I can see Shiftry tearing through many decks. It stacks the damage on powers and better yet, will OHKO many pokemon that lack powers, making it an overall good card.
AWESOME card.  plus it works with anything, and only has 1 real weakness in the next format. BF.  but you can easily take care of that if you know what you're doing and run Scott's and 5 stadiums.  Some might run Houndoom with it, but I've found something that is better (not telling)(though most probably know)

Conclusion: I vote on Bannette ex, Polistall, and Shiftry ex to win the most Cities. Arcanine may be seen as well.
AGREED.  Metanite will be attempted, but will it work or die like most think?  Including me.

All in all, when Cities come around these'll be the most competitive decks.

1. Bannette EX/Polistall
2. Shiftry EX varients
3. Ludi/Metanite/Arcy
4. Flareados

those aren't in any order, except for the top part ;)

Arcanine out.
polistall isnt a real deck XD XD

no, but seriously..It was a  bad deck, now its a mediocre deck =/ it couldnt win anything.And Raichu d and Cessation Crystal completly destroy the deck from the inside out along with Shedstall. Mewtrick will be owned when FEOD comes out. Eggsachu is indifferent, with Cessation it might be a lot better now. Flariados will stay around. Metanite and power heavy non-ex decks will decrease.

I see Shiftry, Banette, Espeon, Mewtrick, Flariados, SwampCatty, MMS, and random Sceptile ex d decks rocking the boat. LunaSol FTW!
lol yeah right. it's a real deck, and i know a very good person that will challenge you on Apprentice with it, but you'll have to contact them. or they'll just volunteer.

lol shedstall polistall match. need to get this on youtube XD

if you think that Mewtric, SwampCatty, and MMS will do well in the next format you're really mistaken. mewtric has lost admin and pow, losing 2 of it's top 5 most important card. SwampCatty. . .sux. MMS is too inconsistent and slow, plus it has bad weaknesses. a good fire player can take out the ENTIRE deck.

Arcanine out.
RE:  What Archetype will be best in the 06-07 season

Abhorsen said:
All of you guys are voting for the current archetypes. If there were no more sets between now and Worlds 07 then this thread would have some sort of value but it doesnt. Why? Because there's atleast 3-4 more sets to come out before Worlds next year including the D/P series. No doubt the D/P series will consist of all new combos and cards to use, we'll probably be seeing new trainers and new pokemon classes too. I'd say that very little of the current archetypes listed will remain archetypes by next year's Worlds.

Worlds isn't the only tournament on the schedule, you know. Cities ACTUALLY matter this year, and there isn't anything wrong with speculating current archetypes for tournaments that are so close.

Overall, I'm still confused on why Rai/Eggs will be so good in this season. Cessastion Crystal doesn't save the deck... it still has TERRIBLE late game draws/dead cards and is very slow for a Stage 1 deck. If you like the idea of a fast hitting deck that has good damage potential... might as well look in the way of Bannette, because Rai/Eggs hasn't got anything on Bannette.
I still don't see where all the hype for Banette is comig from. It's takes a couple of turns to do good damage and can get walled easily (T-tar ex, Shiftry ex, other Darks) and it only has 90 HP. Is there something I'm missing?

To add on to what Abhorsen said, yeas you're right. There are going to be many more sets to come out and the decks we're talking about are only affect Citties. BUT, Citties do matter this year and sorting out the archetypes will help very much. Which is why polistall is going to be a beast;)
A lot of new decks will be here when FEOD is released so I can only hope eevolution will hang on until That is released.
Honestly, I think a revist of Metattack is in order. After thinking about it, it really doesn't have a reason to not see some action. Protection from random silly t2 ex decks (including bannete), 1 of the best supporting lines in terms of attack (CFF and OHKOs almost all safeguarders), and you can tech like lbs (Latios*/Latias*, Metagross d, mew ex, registeel ex, ect.). I think it has great potential, as well as other forgotten decks (SMP) and rogue decks (Believe it or not, t-tar ex is looking really playable right now). Of course, there are many game factors changing too (more about set-up, energy use, hurting the opponet).
lawl crawdaunt EX unknow E and vayporyon will dominat the abilty to use boost and water for 80 t2 and poping all the other players cards into there hand then possibely into there deck is great
Papi/Manny said:
Honestly, I think a revist of Metattack is in order. After thinking about it, it really doesn't have a reason to not see some action. Protection from random silly t2 ex decks (including bannete), 1 of the best supporting lines in terms of attack (CFF and OHKOs almost all safeguarders), and you can tech like lbs (Latios*/Latias*, Metagross d, mew ex, registeel ex, ect.). I think it has great potential, as well as other forgotten decks (SMP) and rogue decks (Believe it or not, t-tar ex is looking really playable right now). Of course, there are many game factors changing too (more about set-up, energy use, hurting the opponet).

what do u mean by ' u can tech like LBS' ? what deck is that??

how can t tar ex be playable since so many fast decks are coming out?
^1, metattack...if you didn't read half the post. 2, You sack a basic or too. Beleive it or not, set-up has become more critical then speed, so only a few decks don't sac a basic to set-up.
RE:  What Archetype will be best in the 06-07 season

Papi/Manny said:
^1, metattack...if you didn't read half the post. 2, You sack a basic or too. Beleive it or not, set-up has become more critical then speed, so only a few decks don't sac a basic to set-up.

Speed+set up is crucial. Not just setting up. Which is why T-tar might not do very well... again>(

By the way, what is Metattack??
...Ummm, if you set-up, then you have speed. If you have speed, your not nessicarly set-up. E.G. "Hey, I get t1 bannette" "Okay, while I get my stage 2 deck running with my stater, get a bunch of evos, and then ko you in a few turns." "Oh crap, wheres my other bannettes?? NOOOO!". Thats just an example. But if your just quick, you're not nessicarly set-up. But if your set-up, then you're usually quick as well. Metattack was a deck that came out...actually, Idk. But the idea is to use metagross from deoxy to power up deoxy ex (attack form to hit large pokes, defence to win against ex decks, and I guess a tech speed to hit against safeguard). With the holon's pokes, you can now tech in alot of differenet pokemon that you couldnt' play before. For instance, latios/latias* can be added, as well as several other pokemon that you couldn't play before. It just might be a deck worth testing.
You make it seem like it is impossible to draw other Bannettes or even Elm's when you get a T1 Bannette...
1- Banecatty ( Banette ex )
2- Flariados
3- Espycham

Lets wait FEOD release and see what's happen =P
^I don't aggree at all. Best deck this season will probly be metanite for right now. Lets see, tech ray* owns all those 90 hp exs in Banecatty, and cripples the 110 hp pokes in espycham (which isn't that good anymore anyways) and flaridos. Another deck to look out for is Houndoom decks, as every deck will use the holon engine.
Bannette is so much better without Delcatty, Flariados is mostly luck-based, and Espycham can't function without Swoop!.

Metanite isn't all that great right now. It is the only deck that CANNOT have answers for Shiftry, it loses to many popular decks, namely Flariados and Salamence variants, and as you said, it uses the Holon engine and has no answers for Houndoom. I just can't see the deck working at all right now.
basicly metanite is going DOWN

know why? here's why:

cursed stones, BF, lunarock LM lock, shiftry ex, umbreon ex, cessation crystal, mewtric!, fast bannete....

all those disturps it, thats why i dont like it
RE:  What Archetype will be best in the 06-07 season

TYranitarFReak said:
basicly metanite is going DOWN

know why? here's why:

cursed stones, BF, lunarock LM lock,  shiftry ex, umbreon ex, cessation crystal, mewtric!, fast bannete....

all those disturps it, thats why i dont like  it
Ummm, I don't agree with any of those reasons. Cursed stone acts like a mini spintail for about 1 turn before they counter it away. Same with Bf, but less. Lunarock doesn't even affect them. Shiftry is only 2 rays away from a 6 prize pickup (they can't send one up to fight it because then metagross smashes its face in). Umbreon doesn't hurt it either. You're going to send up a....gross? Dragonite??? The ray* star I dropped down before and hit all your exs in play for 100??? Cessation crystal can be attached to only a 120 hp poke at max, unless Low pressure is in play...So, its only 1 huge attack away from death...Mewtric is kinda dead for several reasons...and tech ray* kinda kills it off. And last but not least, Bannete doesn't kill this, since you can easily OHKO it by t3. They have to get a miricle supporter-filled hand to even ko your first castform, but if you can get 2 of them, then they have no hope of winning the game. NONE of those reason given aren't 1 tech away from being autowins....metanite is one of the few decks with 1. Energy controll, 2. OHKO anything, 3. A good weakness, and 4. Built-in draw like crazy. It also has amazing techablity that make must other decks cringe.
RE:  What Archetype will be best in the 06-07 season

Whicker said:
Bannette is so much better without Delcatty, Flariados is mostly luck-based, and Espycham can't function without Swoop!.

Metanite isn't all that great right now. It is the only deck that CANNOT have answers for Shiftry, it loses to many popular decks, namely Flariados and Salamence variants, and as you said, it uses the Holon engine and has no answers for Houndoom. I just can't see the deck working at all right now.

Dont know Why...

The Delcatty is a helper. Like:

If u have the luck to put the Delcatty and the Banette in 2nd turn (or at other moment when you dunno have the full potential of banette)
Try to full you hand with the lot of Holon Trainers ( Remember u have Transceiver too :p) and full u hand with 7 cards +/- then...U got 20 more damage in turn.

If im wrong tell me why without delacatty is better xD
You shot your argument in the foot when you said "if you have the luck."
Do you not understand consistency?