...Okay, first off, HOW IS CANE9 BETTER IN THIS FORMAT THEN LAST FORMAT???? It has no swoop, it has no purpose for lunalock, it has no back-up, so please explain how it can be considered anything more then a second-rate deck??? Bannetee is soo over-hyped. Anything that can 1 shot it and not be 1 shooted back (e.g. shiftry, sally, charizard d) crush the crap out of it. Don't give me "Well, hes a stage one and so he out-speeds all that "crap"" because its faster but it won't win in the long run. It also has no answer to safeguard...dustox hasn't died off. I think Pablo was testing it at worlds for a reason. If you think about it, this is the new zap-turn-dos, fast and hard hitting, but loses in the long run. How will eggs not be good? It has the best starter in the game (and probly in pokemon history) with amazing speed on its evos, and if you let the casty sit out there for more then 3 turns, you sure'll have lost the match. CC only adds insult to injury, but I personally think that curse power is the best tool to use in eggs.