What are you scared of?

flygon222 said:
I have a new phobia, every since I watched this show about a guy's house being haunted. I am afraid a ghost is in the bathroom with me while I shower.

EDIT: It's gone out of control, I check every two seconds to make sure.
You have two options. A) Stop showering, it is waste of time any way. 2) Have the ghost to do your washing for you.

On the other hand, please send this ghost to my house, so I may have him do my washing for me. I would like to free up my hands for other affairs.

My biggest fear would probably has to be lizards in my room. Some time I see a lizard crawling in my room, and it makes me scream the scream of a baby girl. This is my shame.

I'm not. Crustaceans are very small creatures. The only place I'd ever be where a harmful crustacean would be is the beach, but I hate the beach and never go there.
I'm not afraid of the small ones, but like when I was in Maine this past summer, wherever I'd look I'd see a lobster in the water. A HUGE one. It's like they're going to jump up and slice my face off. *shivers*
FlamingDriscoll09 said:
Is anyone else afraid of crustaceans, or am I just weird?

Nope, you're not the only one. I'm afraid of the ocean. Those jellyfish stung me many times, and one stung me so bad I had to crawl when I was on the shore. The wound is still healing. Ouch...

Wait, is the jellyfish a crustacean?
agoraphobia- Fear of crowded places.
driving-phobia- Fear of driving.

Those are the only ones I have, I think. I also have an extreme hate for garden gnomes. I just don't like them, every time I see one, I want to smash it with a bat.
My Phobias...well my Arachnaphobia is ridiculously really bad D: I cry even when I see those really small spiders *dies after saying it*
and my second phobia is of Heights x.X I have way more but those are my main phobias D:
Lamps, Spiders and Clinical Environments. Don't like Death much either.
Oh and I have Social Phobia. o.o
My whole life I have easily succeeded in whatever I do, rather it was sports or academics. My biggest fear is finding that one thing I’m not good at and allowing that to discourage me. In result becoming a complete failure, and not do anything with my life.
I have a new fear. Know what it is? Crowded rooms or cramped spaces. I get nervous when I'm in a tight room. *shudders*

So anyway, what is this phobia called? If anybody can find it, I'd be happy.
LuckyPokeGirl said:
I have a new fear. Know what it is? Crowded rooms or cramped spaces. I get nervous when I'm in a tight room. *shudders*

So anyway, what is this phobia called? If anybody can find it, I'd be happy.
claustrophobia might want to spell check that one
redheadcutie said:
My whole life I have easily succeeded in whatever I do, rather it was sports or academics. My biggest fear is finding that one thing I’m not good at and allowing that to discourage me. In result becoming a complete failure, and not do anything with my life.

Then your going to be really scared your whole life because there will be things that your not good at
pokemonjoe said:
claustrophobia might want to spell check that one

It's correct spelling. But my phobia isn't that extreme. I'm just afraid of crowds now. Thanks. :)

I guess my most terrifying fear is the dark. I run when the light is out.
I'm most scared of spiders and water. I have never learned how to swim and now I have horrible panic attacks when i go under against my own will and my feet/knees can't be planted on the ground. (with my head above the water). And when i take showers, i keep a towel near by because i have to dry my face constantly, because if a lot of water gets on my face at once, I will have a panic attack (-L_-). I also can't stand under the shower head, while it's running, for more than 45 seconds.
Spiders, Noises in the night, being killed, That I'm going to die, Wasps.
I have this fear where I worry about dying even though I'm only 13.
Melon Heads in Connecticut. I know that its probably not real, but the background is creepy.