I'm scared of...
Big dogs (I hate how they jump on you, lick your face, and barking)
Dark (You never know what you'll bump into)
Flies. I'm not sure if that's a fear, because I run when they're nearby. Dirty flies...
Bug bites. One time, I got about 50 or 60 bites. It itched a lot.
The ocean. My jellyfish sting is still healing. It's been four months now...
The undead. (And that means zombies, ghosts, etc.) The thought of being turned into a real zombie...
My biggest fear is that the world's food supply is going to end, or the world will end.

I have more fears...
Big insects, the You Freak Out, You Lose thread, small spiders, haunted houses (I go in scary rides anyway, but real haunted houses freak me out.), and I fear guns, or anything that can destroy a person.