What "clique" do you fit into in school?

actually .. i consider myself one as popular .. mainly coz im already a senior student, and emcee in school programs . maybe thats the impact if you are already senior
I'm special :)

I have my own cleek. Like we have our crowd. Theres like the brainy one, the funny one, the joker, the jock, the geek, the bad word I cat say, the pretty one, the thick one, the sporty one, the drunk one... yeah we have our crowd. Its like ahuge crowd of about 40 people and theres sub crowds within it but I guess thats where I am. I'm the witty one (brainsy + funny :) )
i an a gamer but i am also a actor what ever you people call that but i am mostly looked at as a stoner and im ok with that very very few people like me but they do not make fun of me because my anger problem.
Im that artsy kid that sits in the back of the class humming his favorite tune whilst the the teacher is screaming at you for not listening, when I am clearly not listening, yet I get off completely Scott free.

I'm also extremely tall, and in the church choir (occasionally).
kashmaster said:
Firstly you can't be nerdy and popular. Thats a social no no...

It's possible. I'm nerdy (according to the Wikipedia definition of nerd), but about half the student population at my school knows me and likes me.
42 chocolate said:
It's possible. I'm nerdy (according to the Wikipedia definition of nerd), but about half the student population at my school knows me and likes me.

Thats not a lot in all honesty. You need at least 9/10 and need to have control of one area in the school to be popular.
kashmaster said:
Thats not a lot in all honesty. You need at least 9/10 and need to have control of one area in the school to be popular.

Not necessarily. It all depends on your interpretation of popular.

"Control of one area in the school?"
LOl you're all so sad

"U cantz be of teh nurdz and the popularz, it dont mix man!!!!!"

1) Course you can. Nerds have friends too.
2) If your school works anything like mine, theres crowds. Rather than having each crowd for a group of likeminded people, most of the crowds get on with each other and everyone has a role in their own crowd. So in every crowd theres the funny one, the cute one, the nerdy one, etc.
3) Of course crowds work in the way that the jocks make a crowd, the becks have a crowd, the sakters have a crowd and so on. But for the normal peepz like me stage 2 is how the crowds in the majority fo the school work.
kashmaster said:
Firstly you can't be nerdy and popular. Thats a social no no...
Well I'm an exeption then... ._. So a nerd is never popular? Hmm... maybe, but there are exeptions... I'm not a classical nerd you'll know from tv, I know a lot and people know that, still I have a lot friends and people like me...
I'm nerdy but I have tons of friends I'm pretty popular at school all of the student body knows who I am and everyone is pretty cool with me.
Not that i'm being cocky or that i'm bragging, but I kinda fit into my own clique. There isn't a name for it but i'll describe it. So basically, nearly everyone at my school knows who I am and knows of me, but for a lot that's about it. I get a couple of people every day who basically follow me wherever I go. I'd consider it the "popular" crowd, but the part of the popular crowd, who doesn't care about being popular. :]
RE: What class of people do you fit into?

trevorispro said:
im the funny guy. i always make people laugh but girls cant take me seriously :'[

Totally know how you feel, same here.
Homeschooling makes me 50% Hacker/Geek though! :p
so i wasnt the only one that thinks it possible .. i agree .. there is always an exception .. in anything including this ..