When I was in high school:
Each social stereotype was too much of it's stereotype, even though that high school wasn't that big.
The nerds were too nerdy, the geeks were too geeky, the preps were too preppy, the jocks were mostly jocky, the jerks were too jerky(pun intended), the cheerleaders were mostly cheery, etc.
Well, you get the point. And, I never felt like I belonged in any "group".
Then, this last summer, I went to my friends birthday party. He is a senior at the "rival" high school, but is still my friend. He helped me realize that there are still some people out there just like me, cuz his friends that I met were just like me.
Some people used to call me a nerd, some a dork, some said i was creepy, some called me weird, and some called me a sweetheart, even though everyone labeled me differently, i was shy, but have learned how to inch away from being shy. So, yeah. Stereotypes and "cliques" don't do it for me.
But, most of the time when i was in high school, I was in the Games Club, and when my senior friends graduated, the new freshman and sophmores eventually made me feel more out of place, becuase they would usually conform to stereotypes, as my older friends did not.
Now that I'm in college, I feel like I somewhat fit in the games club at the college, cuz I found 2 new friends that are similar to me =]