What "clique" do you fit into in school?

I'm not "cool" or popular, I couldn't care less about that but in middle school (mine especially) you're better off without people knowing you play pokemon because I would get made fun of a ton and I can be very sensitive. In ways I'm in the middle in terms of only people that are always mean and I don't like don't like me, but I'm still a nerd, which I am proud of. I guess in 8th grade people tend to be nicer tough there are still a few jerks, compared to 7th grade where everybody hates everyone and we're all jerks, especially to our own friends.
yep .. me too i dont tell people i play tcg .. coz they think its only for kids and not for competitive game ..
Some people like WPM scoff at us for not telling people but I can bet most people who keep it to themselves are in middle school or the meaner kinds of high schools, where kids are jerks, and most people that let the world know are in college, or in nicer middle or high schools, where people are more mature and don't make fun of you too badly.
yep 'am at high school right now .. so i'm shy already to tell them that i play tcg . because there is no one who wont laugh at me.
I'm a band nerd so...we have alot of people who play different TCG's....but I'm the only one who plays pokemon...a few of my friends know and thats it.
Queen Bee Status. Strangely, Pokemon was never an issue to my popularity: we grew with Pokemon, we love Pokemon, there's nothing wrong if I play the game.
good for you then .. but here in the phil. teens like us doesnt entertain pokemon rather they look at it as if it was made for kids and not for teens . so as a result, they would laugh at someone who's age is 17 and still play and likes pokemon . sad but true
aishen said:
good for you then .. but here in the phil. teens like us doesnt entertain pokemon rather they look at it as if it was made for kids and not for teens . so as a result, they would laugh at someone who's age is 17 and still play and likes pokemon . sad but true
Then I guess that's another thing that differentiates our culture.
I really can't stand sometimes how people say "you still like pokemon," as if it's something everybody's supposed to like as a little kid but then naturally grow out of. They'll say "Hahaha you STILL play pokemon!?" as if it's something like wetting the bed that should be embarassing if you haven't stopped at a certain age.

But some people only start liking it at an older age is the thing...
i consider myself to be a nerd and a dork, cuz i love pokemon and i'm obsessed with video games. i play battlefield: bad company almost everyday! i really don't fit onto my school cuz everyone has that wanna be rapper look. i'll admit i'm proud to be a nerd and a gamer cuz it's fun. why do people poke fun at us do being one, well thats their problem. NERD FOR LIFE!
Meaty said:
I really can't stand sometimes how people say "you still like pokemon," as if it's something everybody's supposed to like as a little kid but then naturally grow out of. They'll say "Hahaha you STILL play pokemon!?" as if it's something like wetting the bed that should be embarassing if you haven't stopped at a certain age.

But some people only start liking it at an older age is the thing...

true .. as i always encounter that situation when someone knows that i play pokemon
Yeah I know! They'll say something dirty about you on then go around telling everyone that you're some sort of baby but really, I mean seriously!! I play pokemon because it's a toned down, less violent version of yu-gi-oh!
It's definitely not because it's less violent, but I also used to like both Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh but then just chose Pokemon.
Too expensive
Too card based not skill based
Yugioh players are known for cheating and stealing (not all of them)

Back on topic:
I don't know what people's reactions would be like. I'm scared to find out
I am not in high school anymore but a couple of friends stareted playing pokemon cards RIGHT in the middle of our college cafeteria and NOW nearly every table is being taken up by card games of some sort (Pokemon, Magic, Yugioh). Heck we have been KICKED OUT of the cafeteria for playing Pokemon Cards
kashmaster said:
Well then you guys are not nerds then really. Nerds are usually defined as unattractive, intelligent yet social inept people. To be popular you need to be very social and able to get along with everyone. So your not nerds and popular. Your SMART and popular. But if you want to be a nerd thats fine by me... :p
Honestly...maybe something's wrong with me, but I think nerds are cool.

kashmaster said:
I think a nerd is as I said above. A geek however is more an intelligient person whos life revolves around fiction lol
A nerd can be very intelligent. And, yeah, a huge part of my life is about fiction! XD

aishen said:
they are not really "unattractive" you know .. :]
This is true...

Meaty said:
I'm 100% nerd, and proud to say it. However I'm not super obsessed and goody two shoes about school, just naturally intelligent and dorky as in video games and stuff. Nobody besides my friends really know that I play pokemon and stuff though. In middle school, I'd rather keep that private because I'd be the most hated and sad kid if everybody knew I played pokemon. I don't know why, but it seems to be pokemon specifically that is considered the worst thing to like ever. People think it's immature (by people much less mature than anyone their age who plays pokemon) because they only know it as how they used to like it: They'd think you're a stupid little kid (I also happen to be the 2nd shortest guy in my grade) who doesn't know what to do with the cards and just collects them for the cool creatures...
But... I like Pokemon... And it's not immature... AND...it's EXTREME!

Azul said:
Everybody at my school thinks I'm cool for playing sports, being 6 foot tall in middle school, winning pokemon tournaments o_O, and being a comedian.
Why the o_O? You sound cool to me.

Shining Meganium said:
Throughout my year at school i am known as "The nerd" due to getting the highest test score in every single test in the two years I've spent at my school and having a broad interest in furthering my brains potential and obviously really liking computer games. I may be a nerd but i'm no goody goody and i have a sense of humor and people respect that so its a good thing because i'm smarter than my friends and more popular than them, yay.
I guess i'm also slightly insane, but who isn't. He says as he steps back into the corner with a baseball bat looking around to see if the zombies have come.
Whoa, just WHOA. I mean, like, totally, like, yo, WHOA, dawg.

WailmerMan said:
1. If people at school did play pokemon don't you think I would have met them at league?

2. What bad can come of it? When I hit on people they'll always be like oh your that guy who plays pokemon. That gives you a bad chance before you even start talking to them.
1. Maybe they couldn't go to the league. I didn't even know you had a league; I don't. *cry*


gengar the baller said:
I don't tell anybody I play Pokemon.

Meaty said:
Me neither, for reasons said above. Except my closer friends of course, I mean some are into the video games, just not the tcg... WailmerMan's right, except reason #2 doesn't make sense, since if you want someone to be your girl/boy friend they oughta find out you're into pokemon some time...
Read my post in reply to WailerMan's post.

WailmerMan said:
I've never had to tell them
Yeah, and now you're banned. You see! Arceus cursed you! XD

gengar the baller said:
I'm already cool like Azul but Pokemon makes you uncool.
UGH. Can you tell me WHY pokemon is not cool? I bet you can't!

Meaty said:
I'm not "cool" or popular, I couldn't care less about that but in middle school (mine especially) you're better off without people knowing you play pokemon because I would get made fun of a ton and I can be very sensitive. In ways I'm in the middle in terms of only people that are always mean and I don't like don't like me, but I'm still a nerd, which I am proud of. I guess in 8th grade people tend to be nicer tough there are still a few jerks, compared to 7th grade where everybody hates everyone and we're all jerks, especially to our own friends.

aishen said:
yep .. me too i don't tell people i play tcg .. coz they think its only for kids and not for competitive game ..
Well then they're either idiots or you never explained it to them.

Meaty said:
Some people like WPM scoff at us for not telling people but I can bet most people who keep it to themselves are in middle school or the meaner kinds of high schools, where kids are jerks, and most people that let the world know are in college, or in nicer middle or high schools, where people are more mature and don't make fun of you too badly.
But Pokemon IS cool.
aishen said:
yep 'am at high school right now .. so i'm shy already to tell them that i play tcg . because there is no one who wont laugh at me.

Bellomence said:
Queen Bee Status. Strangely, Pokemon was never an issue to my popularity: we grew with Pokemon, we love Pokemon, there's nothing wrong if I play the game.
Why is it strange? Same with me.

aishen said:
good for you then .. but here in the phil. teens like us doesnt entertain pokemon rather they look at it as if it was made for kids and not for teens . so as a result, they would laugh at someone who's age is 17 and still play and likes pokemon . sad but true
Why would you get your feelings hurt by a person? If they don't like Pokemon they shouldn't be able to hurt you with it.

Bellomence said:
Then I guess that's another thing that differentiates our culture.
Your culture makes sense.

aishen said:
yeah .. well that something to expect from a 3rd world country
That people are person? How so...? People can be intelligent in a 3rd world country. Or so I thought...

Lolmonster said:
I sort of fall in as "Emo-Wannabe".
Oo, uh...that's kinda fail.

Meaty said:
I really can't stand sometimes how people say "you still like pokemon," as if it's something everybody's supposed to like as a little kid but then naturally grow out of. They'll say "Hahaha you STILL play pokemon!?" as if it's something like wetting the bed that should be embarassing if you haven't stopped at a certain age.

But some people only start liking it at an older age is the thing...
You mean people actually say that?! At least nobody does with an IQ of at least 40.
I guess I'm one of those normal people. I'm friends with the "popular" people, but also with the others who aren't in that group. I haven't told anybody I like Pokemon except my best friends, but if it comes up in a conversation and a person asks me if I play, I'm not going to be ashamed and say "No I don't like it".