What "clique" do you fit into in school?

Well then you guys are not nerds then really. Nerds are usually defined as unattractive, intelligent yet social inept people. To be popular you need to be very social and able to get along with everyone. So your not nerds and popular. Your SMART and popular. But if you want to be a nerd thats fine by me... :p
Fridge said:
2) If your school works anything like mine, theres crowds. Rather than having each crowd for a group of likeminded people, most of the crowds get on with each other and everyone has a role in their own crowd. So in every crowd theres the funny one, the cute one, the nerdy one, etc.

Tbh, this is kinda how it is in my school too.
It didn't really used to be.. but after a while, everyone starts becoming friends with everyone else and then a pretty large group is formed. It's pretty cool.

@kashmaster - Unattractive? D:
That's harsh, man. Harsh. =C

On a different note, I never fully grasped the differences between a nerd and a geek. Though I have a somewhat vague idea.
I think a nerd is as I said above. A geek however is more an intelligient person whos life revolves around fiction lol
Lucario_aura_wielder said:
smart person slacker that`s what i fit into
Me too!

WailmerMan said:
What good will come out of me saying I play pokemon?
New friends, new people to play and trade and talk with. Maybe you'll find people on Pokebeach? And what bad could come of it?

The Power of Three said:
hmm IDK. I suppose it's different for me.

I guess I'm in the "you don't fit in the other cliques, so we'll take you in ours" group. I'm not a nerd, but I'm not a jock, you know. In the middle.
How generic. XD

z-man said:
I'm the nerd who everyone hates until test day... then they all want to be my friend...
It probably means that they want help. If so, that's both good and bad. Good: You're smart. Bad: They want to cheat by using you.

kashmaster said:
^ It is impossible to be all of them >:/
How so? Take the song/music vid "White and Nerdy". He's obviously smart and nerdy, he's certainly funny, and he seems to be popular with the other nerds!

kashmaster said:
Firstly you can't be nerdy and popular. Thats a social no no...
Read my post in reply to you post stating that you can't be nerdy, smart, funny and popular.

GROWELY Jr. said:
i an a gamer but i am also a actor what ever you people call that but i am mostly looked at as a stoner and im ok with that very very few people like me but they do not make fun of me because my anger problem.
o_O Anger...problem. I'm scared of you!

kashmaster said:
Thats not a lot in all honesty. You need at least 9/10 and need to have control of one area in the school to be popular.
Uh...no. It's a relative term, and what you described is Super Hyper Ultra Extreme Popular!
I'm part the pretty insane lot. Well I was until there was a big bust between me and some others and now it's the bookish spends a lot of time in the library lot. And we're all pretty smart too.
When I was in high school:
Each social stereotype was too much of it's stereotype, even though that high school wasn't that big.
The nerds were too nerdy, the geeks were too geeky, the preps were too preppy, the jocks were mostly jocky, the jerks were too jerky(pun intended), the cheerleaders were mostly cheery, etc.
Well, you get the point. And, I never felt like I belonged in any "group".
Then, this last summer, I went to my friends birthday party. He is a senior at the "rival" high school, but is still my friend. He helped me realize that there are still some people out there just like me, cuz his friends that I met were just like me.

Some people used to call me a nerd, some a dork, some said i was creepy, some called me weird, and some called me a sweetheart, even though everyone labeled me differently, i was shy, but have learned how to inch away from being shy. So, yeah. Stereotypes and "cliques" don't do it for me.
But, most of the time when i was in high school, I was in the Games Club, and when my senior friends graduated, the new freshman and sophmores eventually made me feel more out of place, becuase they would usually conform to stereotypes, as my older friends did not.

Now that I'm in college, I feel like I somewhat fit in the games club at the college, cuz I found 2 new friends that are similar to me =]
My highschool stereotype was the Marching Band Geek. Other than that, I'm in the Insame AP Student lot too. :p
wierd/slightly insane/strong/wrestler/percussionist/funny/smart/sarcastic/gamer girl is basically what I am. Im in honors, play percussion in band, love to wrestle, be funny, throw out random sarcastic comments, and randomely yell out "RPG games are bomb-sauce!!!"
I'm 100% nerd, and proud to say it. However I'm not super obsessed and goody two shoes about school, just naturally intelligent and dorky as in video games and stuff. Nobody besides my friends really know that I play pokemon and stuff though. In middle school, I'd rather keep that private because I'd be the most hated and sad kid if everybody knew I played pokemon. I don't know why, but it seems to be pokemon specifically that is considered the worst thing to like ever. People think it's immature (by people much less mature than anyone their age who plays pokemon) because they only know it as how they used to like it: They'd think you're a stupid little kid (I also happen to be the 2nd shortest guy in my grade) who doesn't know what to do with the cards and just collects them for the cool creatures....
where i am located in school system, me and friends of mine are told the neu-neos. it is fun clan name for gang of friends to hang out. we do charitable works. we are the good men of campus life. ;)
Everybody at my school thinks I'm cool for playing sports, being 6 foot tall in middle school, winning pokemon tournaments o_O, and being a comedian.
Throughout my year at school i am known as "The nerd" due to getting the highest test score in every single test in the two years I've spent at my school and having a broad interest in furthering my brains potential and obviously really liking computer games. I may be a nerd but i'm no goody goody and i have a sense of humor and people respect that so its a good thing because i'm smarter than my friends and more popular than them, yay.
I guess i'm also slightly insane, but who isn't. He says as he steps back into the corner with a baseball bat looking around to see if the zombies have come.
Azul said:
Everybody at my school thinks I'm cool for playing sports, being 6 foot tall in middle school, winning pokemon tournaments o_O, and being a comedian.

In my middle school just about every boy is 6 foot tall, except me, being under 5 feet, and sadly an athletic comedian who likes pokemon at my school doesn't exist. It's like you're automatically nerdy and unathletic if you like pokemon and vice versa. That's true for me anyway.
People at school think I'm funny and I'm smart but I have a friend that is a total nerd and it kind of gets my popularity down.
penny power said:
New friends, new people to play and trade and talk with. Maybe you'll find people on Pokebeach? And what bad could come of it?

1. If people at school did play pokemon don't you think I would have met them at league?

2. What bad can come of it? When I hit on people they'll always be like oh your that guy who plays pokemon. That gives you a bad chance before you even start talking to them.
Me neither, for reasons said above. Except my closer friends of course, I mean some are into the video games, just not the tcg... WailmerMan's right, except reason #2 doesn't make sense, since if you want someone to be your girl/boy friend they oughta find out you're into pokemon some time...