XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

The starters have already been revealed, though! I do hope a pumpkin is somewhere in the gen at least.

Anorith really isn't a shrimp, even though they translated it that way...it's based on Anomalocaris, a prehistoric ancestor to all arthropods, and nothing like a crustacean really; more like a worm with fins and two segmented face-tentacles.

It's an eyeball thingy. Most of those that you posted wasn't a body of just an eye, it was a thing with 1 eye.

All my examples had an eyeball or many eyeballs comprising half or more of their main body :)
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

As long as the pokemon don't suck like they did in Generation 5, I'm pretty glad with whatever they come up with. I like how they're giving us time to save up money for a 3DS, though, but seriously:

Please make all of my requests, GameFreak! PLEASE!
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

What sucked about gen 5? The only forgettable ones were maybe the elemental monkeys. Otherwise it had a gorgeous, organic aesthetic similar to gen 1 and every new creature was a solid concept and/or executed with personality and fun.

Additions like Scrafty, Eelektross, Garbodor, Accelgor, Galvantula and Mandibuzz practically doubled the overall coolness of the series.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I didn't dislike 5th Gen Pokemon. Just the Monkeys, the Ice Cream and the Garbage Bag.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

The only pokes from gen 5 I didn't like that much were 4 of the monkeys (Simisage and Pansear are cool) and Throh & Sawk... Gen 5 actually introduced a lot of good pokémon species...
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

First of all, you guys don't understand the point of an opinion and that you are delving a little to deep into me saying what I feel about Unova/Generation Five (5). Most of the Pokemon are forgettable, but I can still name numbers 1 - 649 easily off the top of my head in the correct Pokedex order. I just dislike it and its Pokemon, yet I'm only saying this about Black and White. Black and White 2 was much better, giving me the choice to either capture Patrat or Rattata, and/or Sewaddle and Sunkern. You probably know I picked Rattata and Sunkern over those two. It is just an opinion.

Second of all, who else wants to put up something about what cool, new Pokemon you would like to see in Generation 6? It seems most of us are stuck like a Ledyba in an Ariados' web here with me not liking Gen. 5. Also, I would like to see:

. Mantis Shrimp (Bug/Water)
. Pteradactyl (Fire/Dragon or Rock/Dragon would be nice, not like Aerodactyl)
. Bronosaurus (Replacing Wailord as the longest Pokemon, make it Grass/Dragon or Grass/Rock)
. Racoon (Linoone doesn't seem like one, so make this one Dark/Normal)
. Hippo (Water/Ground, or maybe Rock/Ground. I really don't like Hippopotas and/or Hippowdon that much TBH)
. Greyhound (Make its Speed comparable to Accelgor or Ninjask, make it Normal Type)
. Amaterasu (I would love either a diety-resembling Pokemon or a flaming wolf like Okami)
. Great White Shark (Seems like it would make either a good Dark/Water Carvanha secondary evolution, Sharpedo evolution, or something that would be "related" to it somehow, such as Alomomala and Luvdisc and/or Bouffalant and Tauros)
. Praying Mantis (Make it seem like a praying mantis this time, so not something like Syther and Scizor, who resemble more of Fighting Pokemon than Bug and Steel and Flying. So make this one Bug/Light if there will be a light type, or make it Bug/Dark, such as a Pokemon resembling a rogue Priest, but I'm pretty sure Game Freak (C) doesn't want to put in religious things such as priests and such, or the Mayan and Aztec "Sun Goddess/God" for that matter)
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

GoobieDoob said:
. Amaterasu (I would love either a diety-resembling Pokemon or a flaming wolf like Okami)

Maybe it's my inner Naruto fan, but I'm picturing a creature made of black flames for this. maybe another Fire/Ghost type if not Fire/Dark.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I always thought Ninetales would make a great pokemon that could evolve into an Amaterasu type pokemon. Sort of a combination between a kitsune/ninetailed fox/sun goddess.

I remember back in like 5th grade my friends and I made a Dragon/Fire Dragon/Lion Dog evolution of Arcanine and a Fire/Ghost Amaterasu evolution of Ninetales.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I didn't dislike 5th Gen Pokemon. Just the Monkeys, the Ice Cream and the Garbage Bag.

Why does everyone dislike Vanilluxe and Garbodor? Vanilluxe is cute, quirky and funny, while Garbodor is weird, terrifying and badass. They're extremes of craziness Pokemon needed badly! They're exactly what puts 5th gen above all others for me. Heck, Garbodor alone does it :)

Praying Mantis (Make it seem like a praying mantis this time, so not something like Syther and Scizor, who resemble more of Fighting Pokemon than Bug and Steel and Flying. So make this one Bug/Light if there will be a light type, or make it Bug/Dark, such as a Pokemon resembling a rogue Priest, but I'm pretty sure Game Freak © doesn't want to put in religious things such as priests and such, or the Mayan and Aztec "Sun Goddess/God" for that matter)

We actually do have a number of "religious" pokemon, they just might not be very recognizable to Westerners. A few psychic types are clearly meant to be buddhist monks for instance. Mantises are one of the five major animals to have their own fighting style named after them, so it's likely a new mantis would be another monk, martial artist or ninja themed pokemon, but hopefully still look like a proper insect and not a green dinosaur.


An orchid mantis would be especially cool; it could even still be bug/dark, even though it'd look pink and frilly.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Yes, now that you said Psychic types, I want to put a few out such as Gothitelle and Beheeyem being prayer Pokemon.
- - - -
But maybe these would be cool:

. Vampire Squid (This would be a cool edition, and I have even arranged plans for it on my team if it is made, and I hope it will. I'm guessing either Water/Dark or Water/Steel)
. Velvet Worm (I'm guessing if this will be made, it will take on the role of being a "special" Pokemon while learning a specific attack others can't, AKA: The Damaging, Lingering Effect String Shot, maybe)
. Hoatzin (I like the idea of a Hoatzin Pokemon. The only problem I see is giving it a type, and maybe in the end it will be Flying/Grass or Flying/Dragon)
. Mimic Octopus (Its main attacks would be Mimic and Copycat, and its Ability would be Color Change. I see this one being made into a Pokemon for sure)
. Toucan (I can see it being an evolution for Chatot, being Musical, and Flying/Electric type)
. Horned Lizard (Imagine an attack in a game open for children to play that has a Lizard spewing Blood from its eyelids. This would be cool)
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Bogleech said:
Some of those were among my top choices when I wrote the ten page "100 organisms begging to be pokemon" :D

I couldn't agree more with all the creatures you posted on that list Game Freak needs to make them happen for sure. Also one other animal I feel should be made into a Pokémon is a Strawberry Crab it's so cool. Here's a picture...

RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Well since it's supposed to be based around France (and possibly other parts of Europe), medieval bestiary creatures would be really neat. There are a lot of ways to depict these things. Symbols from family crests and coat of arms have animals and fantastical creatures in them. Why not use them since they are stylized already. And this, just this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-headed_eagle Sure we have Doduo and Dodrio, but a double-headed eagle could be much stronger, and be dual typed at that! A horse made out of steel isn't out of the question either.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_France Just read this, really. Lots of ideas come from this without needing to use so many Australian animals, which is ridiculous and would suck away ideas from a possible Australian based region.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I say the idea it's based on France/Europe is faulty. Just because Pikachu was on the Eiffel Tower in the trailer doesn't mean the whole game is based of France or even Europe in general. If I'm right on this, it is exactly what happened early last year when a picture of Humilau city was leaked and everyone started screaming that GF finally did a Hoenn remake.(although a steel horse does sound interesting, but only if they lack a more relevant idea for a steel type).
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

iSharingan said:
I say the idea it's based on France/Europe is faulty. Just because Pikachu was on the Eiffel Tower in the trailer doesn't mean the whole game is based of France or even Europe in general. If I'm right on this, it is exactly what happened early last year when a picture of Humilau city was leaked and everyone started screaming that GF finally did a Hoenn remake.(although a steel horse does sound interesting, but only if they lack a more relevant idea for a steel type).

It's heavily implied already.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

iSharingan said:
I say the idea it's based on France/Europe is faulty. Just because Pikachu was on the Eiffel Tower in the trailer doesn't mean the whole game is based of France or even Europe in general. If I'm right on this, it is exactly what happened early last year when a picture of Humilau city was leaked and everyone started screaming that GF finally did a Hoenn remake.(although a steel horse does sound interesting, but only if they lack a more relevant idea for a steel type).

We saw 3 places in the trailer, and all of them are based on french sites.

rollerskating in front of the in-game Eiffel-tower (Pikachu was on the real one in the real world)

walking over a bridge from a building that looks like "Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte"

and a bunch of weird grey constructions in a more mountainous area
observatory on Pic du Midi

... Masuda posted a picture of himself with the Eiffel-tower in the background around October.

*Im trying so hard to give you a hint*

It's pretty safe to assume in this case.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

The human mind is very good at finding patterns - even when they're not there. The in-game tower looks remotely similar, but the castle wasn't fully seen and could represent any number of buildings. The "weird grey constructions" do not seem to mirror the observatory in any way and, lastly, how on earth do you believe Masuda was tying to give us a "hint" in a picture posted 3 months before X and Y were even announced? I'm not expecting everyone to change their mind about this. I'm just explaining why I feel this speculation is based on premature notions (If Masuda directly states that it is based of France/Europe, I will gladly admit my error, but until then I don't think the "evidence" points only to that conclusion)
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I'd like to a Water/Fire jellyfish =0 The lion's mane jellyfish is called "Fire Jellyfish" in germany, because its poison causes similar effects as burning does. Also, the pelagia noctiluca is sometimes referred to as "Fire Jellyfish", but not quite often... Well, but it can glow in the dark xD I think it would make a very cool pokémon, I want it since years ^^''
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

A jellyfish really would be perfect for water/fire. There's also such a thing as "fire coral", which is a stinging venomous coral that even grows in fiery-looking red-orange branches.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

No more Jellyfish Pokemon, please. I'm sick of all these Pokemon that are basically clones of older ones, show some originality.