RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?
If you guys can tell, some of these have already been made, despite there being some of them we need another of:
Koala or Panda - We already have Spinda, who is fine in my opinion.
Horse - Ponyta, Rapidash
Rabbit - Audino
A New Shark/Full Body Shark - Sharpedo outclasses them because it has a star on its butt. Better anyway.
Beetle - Heracross, Pinsir
Fossil - Kabuto, Kabutops, Omanyte, Omastar, Lileep, Cradily, Anorith, Armaldo, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Cranidos, Rampardos, Tirtouga, Carracosta, Archen, Archeops (But Kabuto and Omanyte are the originals).
Wolf - Manectric does cut it, as well as Mightyena, Poochyena, Elektrike, Stoutland (At a Degree)
Albatross - I know Pelipper is a really fat Sea Gull, but its wings make me think Albatross as soon as I see it.
Water-Type Crocodile/Alligator - Are you serious? Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr. It couldn't be more obvious.
Anyway, here is who I would like to see, and hopefully at least 3 make it:
. Pacific Hagfish
. Tiger
. Bottlenose Dolphin
. Amazon River Dolphin (Even though this might not be introduced to the "French" Theme)
. Boombox
. Brine Shrimp (Anorith doesn't say Shrimp to me, neither does Corphish)
. A Fire Type Starter that is not part fighting.
Yeah, I like water types
, so now for some evolutions I would like to see:
. Spinda = Giant [Spot] Panda
. Eevee = Steel, Poison, Bug, Dragon, etc.
. Dunsparce = Giant, Dragon-Type Tsuchinoko Monster, Very Fat
. Arbok = Part Ground/Poison-Type African/Asian Cobra
. Persian = Part Fighting/Normal-Type French Bipedal Cat with Boots, and yes, I like the Puss'n'Boots Idea.
Type Combinations:
Make one to go with Normal for every type. Girafarig and Bibarel and Meloetta are very upset at the moment.
Starters I want:
Grass/Ghost = Pumpkin of some sort, it is being released in October, you know.
Fire/Flying = Some kind of monkey (I know, but Chimchar sucked), but make it a flying spider monkey. Its main attack would probably be Acrobatics and Flame Charge.
Water/Fire - SERIOUSLY! MAKE IT! I need an Ocean Sunfish, and make its tail something like "Waterproof Flames." I really don't care, just make a Fire/Water, Ocean Sunfish!