XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Not sure if you guys already noticed but on the Pokédex of IGN.com they have
Xerneas at #998 and Yveltal at #999.

But they also have Chespin at #650, Fennekin at #653 and Froakie at #656


If this is true, that would mean we'd have over 350 new Pokémon

What are your opinions on this?
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Garfieltwo said:
Not sure if you guys already noticed but on the Pokédex of IGN.com they have
Xerneas at #998 and Yveltal at #999.

But they also have Chespin at #650, Fennekin at #653 and Froakie at #656


If this is true, that would mean we'd have over 350 new Pokémon

What are your opinions on this?

It is a placeholder, just temporarily till their actual numbers are revealed.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I want a flamingo so bad. :)
Also, Fire/Grass and Fire/Water, let's get it! :D
Dunsparce and Farfetch'd gravely need evolutions. They just need that stat boost to become really good.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Garfieltwo said:
Not sure if you guys already noticed but on the Pokédex of IGN.com they have
Xerneas at #998 and Yveltal at #999.

But they also have Chespin at #650, Fennekin at #653 and Froakie at #656


If this is true, that would mean we'd have over 350 new Pokémon

What are your opinions on this?

Well, that would be both good, and not so good.

Actually, no. That would be incredibly, awesomely good. If that is true the reigonal pokedex could be about 400-450 pokemon long. The reigon itself could hugely benefit from this, and could be like hoenn, but perhaps much larger and with many more locations if there are pokemon to put in those locations.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Panda all the way! Grass and ground type would work.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Bogleech said:
Actually, speaking of eviolite...giving Shuckle an evolution would make it a hideously broken eviolite user, but how cool would it be if they gave it a prevo with great offenses, so putting eviolite on it just makes it a fairly well-rounded fighter or even sweeper material?

And still designed like a baby shuckle.

This is a beautiful idea. I always wanted some sort of offensive version of shuckle. Making it a pre-evolution would make it extremely well rounded in everything but speed, which is perfect for Trick Room.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

It wouldn't exactly be well rounded... with such low attack (defense, if inverted for the "prevo") multiplying by 1.5 won't do much. Shuckle can already run a super offensive set with Power Trick, which switches all of its Attack and Defense stats, so you already have your offensive Shuckle. I do find the idea of a pre-evolution to shuckle interesting, although I am having trouble picturing it at the moment,
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

It wouldn't have low attack though! That's my whole idea; it would have very good attack which would lower way back down (or be funneled to the defenses) when it evolves into Shuckle.

I kinda picture one like a little barnacle with eyes peering from inside.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Seeing some Dolphin and Orca suggestions in this thread.Kyogre covers that unless you want another one.I want a Komodo Dragon!! And a legendary fish trio.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Are these 2 real or fake? I love the bird, hope they're real

RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Where'd you find that? I must say, the flying-type looks pretty cool.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

beaulier said:
Are these 2 real or fake? I love the bird, hope they're real

I've seen some talk over this on some other sites (/vp/, Serebii) and from what I've seen, the Japanese is terrible and nonsensical, like if someone used Google Translate. Not to mention that closeup of that duck-face worm thing looks terribly fake. Also, Robin Hood's height says 0.42m. When have you ever seen them use TWO decimal spaces before?
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

They are fakemon.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

They are really cool but I suppose they are fake.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

TheAmazingDerpfish said:
Also, Robin Hood's height says 0.42m. When have you ever seen them use TWO decimal spaces before?

Gardevoir - 1.58 m
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Zoroark316 said:
Garfieltwo said:
Not sure if you guys already noticed but on the Pokédex of IGN.com they have
Xerneas at #998 and Yveltal at #999.

But they also have Chespin at #650, Fennekin at #653 and Froakie at #656


If this is true, that would mean we'd have over 350 new Pokémon

What are your opinions on this?

Well, that would be both good, and not so good.

Actually, no. That would be incredibly, awesomely good. If that is true the reigonal pokedex could be about 400-450 pokemon long. The reigon itself could hugely benefit from this, and could be like hoenn, but perhaps much larger and with many more locations if there are pokemon to put in those locations.

Sorry to bubble-burst, but IGN specifically mentions that those indexes are placeholders.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I'd found it on a facebook page. And yes, someone there said that the Japanese is bad. And the close-up on the worm's face looks terrible indeed
Shame, the bird is pretty nice