XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Well, there is a such thing as copyright, and a dinosaur would be hard to pull off, I think. RED may get pissed if GF throws in a Tyrannosaur and a Triceratops.
Also, just thought of this totally original design! A normal/flying you can get not long after the start of the game! Wow!
I swear, I'm a genius... They've already done that? Five times? N- No. NO! NO! AAAHHHHH! *throws table*
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Well.....Rufflet/Braviary you couldn't get at the beginning of the game. So it counts. I think Pidove would of made a lot of sense for France though. They eat pigeons right?
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I can't believe you guys don't like the Half Life one. At least the Half Life one looks threatening, the real one looks like some sort of derpy hybrid of a swordfish and a dolphin.

You do realize that's only one painting of an extinct animal and it can be interpreted many, many ways, right? I don't see what makes it "derpy" though, I love those huge freaky yellow eyes the artist gave them. Icthyosaurus was a reptile shaped like a dolphin or a shark. What's NOT cool about that? That means we've had a "fish," a reptile, and a mammal all following a similar body plan, which makes sense, since they all lived in the same environment.

I like Half-Life enemies, but their icthyosaur looks like any other mutant fish from sci-fi horror, really.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Ysmir, I was kidding. I'm hoping that they won't do the same old lame Pidgey retread like they always do.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

lizzards(komondo dragon)

i like to see ditto,farfetch d, eevee,lapras enolvotions
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Haunted Water said:
Before I get into this way too much, the last part in your last post didn't make sense because I didn't read it correctly. I must've been distracted or something.
I was going to edit in that my info was skewed (i.e. Micro is 2 feet, Veloci is 3 feet), but now I see your logic, and...
Dinosaurs and birds are reptiles. Okay. Show me a flying turtle, snake, lizard, and/or alligator/crocodile, and I may be skeptical about that logic. Are you telling me that dinosaurs like Titanosaurus, or Gigantosaurus, are now birds? How the hell do you take something too big to have a chance at adapting to a changing enviroment so that they will have some sort of descendant, and say yep that's a bird now derp? *Screams and blows up a semi truck*
Your theory is disproved by many things; Dinosaur evolution and temperature regulation are the big ones. Guanlong, a 9 ft tall raptor-like bipedal carnivorous dinosaur found around Manchuria, is an ancestor to the North American giant and famed dinosaur: Tyrannosaurus, which is roughly five times bigger than its chinese ancestor. Guanlong was not feathered, btw.
The next one alone goes to show not all dinosaurs are ancestors of birds. Spinosaurus. A giant sail on its back helped regulate heat. No need for feathers, and thus, didn't have any. Lived in NW Africa. Allosaurus. Once thought to have feathers; turns out, it never did. Shall I continue, or are you getting the point?

Birds are dinosaurs, dinosaurs are not birds.. A flying turtle would not prove anything, as a turtle is a reptile, not a dinosaur, nor a bird. Besides, birds can be flightless as well.

Guanlong was 9 feet long, not tall, its height would have been about 3 to 4 feet. Paleontologists assume it also had proto-feathers, as the evidence from the fossils show us.

I do not get what you are trying to say, nobody ever suggested that all dinosaurs were ancestors to birds, but just the clade Maniraptora, which contains the subgroup avialae, where our aves belong. Feathers would have been an advantage in young dinosaurs, where feathers would have kept them warm until they were big enough to regulate their own heat.

And to respond to your original statement: Archeops is based on the archaeopteryx, which is both a bird and a dinosaur. (''Archaeopterygidae is a group of maniraptoran dinosaurs that lived during the late Jurassic period.'')
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Obviously, it seems neither of us will change our opinions. Call it a stalemate. I have my reasons, you have yours.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Dinosaurs and birds are reptiles. Okay. Show me a flying turtle, snake, lizard, and/or alligator/crocodile, and I may be skeptical about that logic. Are you telling me that dinosaurs like Titanosaurus, or Gigantosaurus, are now birds? How the hell do you take something too big to have a chance at adapting to a changing enviroment so that they will have some sort of descendant, and say yep that's a bird now derp? *Screams and blows up a semi truck*

I...really don't get your logic.


This is a bat. It fits in the palm of your hand, it's furry, it has wings, it lives upside-down in caves.


This is a blue whale, the largest animal known to man. Its forelimbs are flippers, it has no hind legs, it lives underwater and it filter-feeds on krill. They don't have a single physical detail in common on the outside.

Both of them are mammals. Do you need a "flying whale" for that to make sense? : P
Other mammals include humans, anteaters, naked mole rats, walruses, armadillos, cats, manatees and skunks.

Titanosaurs, Raptors, ostriches, turtles, vultures, iguanas, triceratopsians and cobras have more outwardly in common than even any of those.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I was relating to the fact that most birds fly, and there is no flying turtle, snake, lizard, or crocodillian. Not that if it doesn't fly, it isn't legit. I know bats and whales are mammals. The have lungs and they give live birth, like most mammals do (except marsuipials). Your logic has more gaps.
Bog, you seem to support that all dinosaurs were like that.
Again, I have my reasons, you have yours. If you wish to discuss this, do so in private. I'm done.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Bogleech said:
Do you need a "flying whale" for that to make sense?
Now THAT would be a good Pokemon. I'm serious. I don't want it to be as big as Wailord or to be an evolution. I'd rather complete the Wailmer line with an adorable baby whale pre-evo. Maybe this flying whale could be an orca tied to a bunch of balloons? I love orca whales, I'd really like them to be in Pokemon.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Haunted Water said:
Obviously, it seems neither of us will change our opinions. Call it a stalemate. I have my reasons, you have yours.

It is not a matter of opinions, it is a fact: A bird is a dinosaur, that is how we classify it.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Robot said:
Bogleech said:
Do you need a "flying whale" for that to make sense?
Now THAT would be a good Pokemon. I'm serious. I don't want it to be as big as Wailord or to be an evolution. I'd rather complete the Wailmer line with an adorable baby whale pre-evo. Maybe this flying whale could be an orca tied to a bunch of balloons? I love orca whales, I'd really like them to be in Pokemon.

Everyone forgets that Kyogre is an Orca whale :(


Flying whales are actually in a lot of science fiction and fantasy, blimp-like creatures. Surprised that isn't already in Pokemon. Wailord floats in 3-d, but so do most other water types.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Pokequaza said:
Haunted Water said:
Obviously, it seems neither of us will change our opinions. Call it a stalemate. I have my reasons, you have yours.

It is not a matter of opinions, it is a fact: A bird is a dinosaur, that is how we classify it.

I was trying to be nice, but apparently, you don't understand. Drop it. Now.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Bogleech said:
You do realize that's only one painting of an extinct animal and it can be interpreted many, many ways, right? I don't see what makes it "derpy" though, I love those huge freaky yellow eyes the artist gave them. Icthyosaurus was a reptile shaped like a dolphin or a shark. What's NOT cool about that? That means we've had a "fish," a reptile, and a mammal all following a similar body plan, which makes sense, since they all lived in the same environment.

I like Half-Life enemies, but their icthyosaur looks like any other mutant fish from sci-fi horror, really.

>Implying that mutant fish are mundane creatures.

The IRL Icthyosaur just looks like an ordinary sea creature, there's nothing particularly unique or interesting about it. Meanwhile, Half Life's doesn't look like anything I've ever seen before, and it's really fierce and threatening.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Well...actually...most mutant fish I've seen in video games are pretty mundane compared to real fish, especially real fish found in the deep sea:


A viperfish


A ceratoid angler


An ogrefish or 'fangtooth'


A "basket tooth," which has never been photographed alive - this illustration is based on dead specimens.

And one of my personal favorite things in the WHOLE ocean:



The wolf trap anglerfish! Illustrated version is by my friend John Meszaros :)

I have always wanted every one of these and many other abyssal sea creatures as pokemon. Lanturn is said to be based on an anglerfish, but it's way too cutesy to do the real thing justice.

Huntail and Gorebyss are also based on abyssal fish, but heavily cuteified. I still like them, but other animals seem to get scarier pokemon all the time...
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

You guys I hate to say this but Pokequaza, Haunted Water is trying to drop it and you continue to pursue. Likewise, Bolt the Cat, Bogleech and I are entitled to ours, what is "mundane" to you is extraordinary to us and if we find the extraordinary in what once existed. We don't like the Half-life one, you don't like the real one. Let's just leave it at that.

Moving on....I wish there was a Pokemon based off of a Eagle Owl. Make it an Evo of Noctowl. (More combat based of course). I'd also like for there to be a Pokemon based off of a Coyote.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Have an evolution of Skarmory which would be really terrible but you can just eviolite Skarmory and have an incredible defence and laugh at other people's face
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Actually, speaking of eviolite...giving Shuckle an evolution would make it a hideously broken eviolite user, but how cool would it be if they gave it a prevo with great offenses, so putting eviolite on it just makes it a fairly well-rounded fighter or even sweeper material?

And still designed like a baby shuckle.
RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Bogleech said:
Everyone forgets that Kyogre is an Orca whale :(
I love Kyogre in his own special way. He's awesome, but I don't like him for being slightly based on an orca. I'd really like an 'actual' black-and-white orca with a harness attached to as many balloons as on the house in Up.