XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

J.D. said:
FT10 said:
I don't mean to be a buzzkill, because I'm really loving this talk of possible evos and pre-evos, but has it been confirmed or alluded to that Gen 6 will include evos and pre-evos from past generations?
Technically no, but there is Sylveon (evolves from Eevee) and with all those gen 1-5 Pokemon appearing in game, it'd be kind of odd for there not to be new evos.

Why wouldn't there be any?
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Ohman177 said:
J.D. said:
Technically no, but there is Sylveon (evolves from Eevee) and with all those gen 1-5 Pokemon appearing in game, it'd be kind of odd for there not to be new evos.

Why wouldn't there be any?

I hope you guys are right. After the gen 1-4 evo/pre-evo hiatus that we underwent during gen 5, I really hope gen 6 can introduce some interesting ones. I'm personally hoping for a farfetch'd evo and a lapras pre-evo.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

FT10 said:
Ohman177 said:
Why wouldn't there be any?

I hope you guys are right. After the gen 1-4 evo/pre-evo hiatus that we underwent during gen 5, I really hope gen 6 can introduce some interesting ones. I'm personally hoping for a farfetch'd evo and a lapras pre-evo.

Lapras and Tropius pre-evos will happen or else I'll cry. Cry like a baby.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Gen 1: all new, obviously
Gen 2: 18 new evolutionary stages for old pokemon
Gen 3: all new, with the odd exception of Azurill and Wynaut
Gen 4: 28 new evolutionary stages
Gen 5: all new again.

If there is an intentional pattern here of any sort, then Generation 6 is likely to have a fair number of new evolutionary stages.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I have thought of a great idea!
There might be a Pokemon Z version and the legendary Pokemon could be a snake,
taking the form of a 'Z'.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

HoOhLugia said:
I have thought of a great idea!
There might be a Pokemon Z version and the legendary Pokemon could be a snake,
taking the form of a 'Z'.

The existing legendary Pokémon from this generation are said to be based on a myth that does include a third serpent like creature. I think something like this is very likely.

Maybe GF will troll and make Unown-Z the mascot? XD
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I'd always imagined Pokemon 'Z' as some sort of boomerang spin-y thing. With a head on top that can rotate like a owl's.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I don't know if it has already been said but a capybara based pokemon would be cool for the generic earlier normal pokemon.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Drohn said:
HoOhLugia said:
I have thought of a great idea!
There might be a Pokemon Z version and the legendary Pokemon could be a snake,
taking the form of a 'Z'.

The existing legendary Pokémon from this generation are said to be based on a myth that does include a third serpent like creature. I think something like this is very likely.

Maybe GF will troll and make Unown-Z the mascot? XD
Personally, I'm hoping Mewtwo will be Pokemon Z; it could be like Kyurem, its two supposed alternate forms appearing on the covers of Pokemon X2 and Y2.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

J.D. said:
Drohn said:
The existing legendary Pokémon from this generation are said to be based on a myth that does include a third serpent like creature. I think something like this is very likely.

Maybe GF will troll and make Unown-Z the mascot? XD
Personally, I'm hoping Mewtwo will be Pokemon Z; it could be like Kyurem, its two supposed alternate forms appearing on the covers of Pokemon X2 and Y2.
Frankly, I don't. They already introduced one of the forms, so I doubt they'd pull a fast one on us and put off the forms until the next game(s). Also, Kyurem was new in BW1 and catchable despite being a later mascot, but was not able to change form until the sequels. Mewtwo, on the other hand, is about as old as pokemon come, so I doubt it will be the mascot for any games after X and Y in gen 6 (even though it wasn't the mascot of any games, seeing as the Kanto starters stole it's Thunder, bad and obscurish pun intended). We already get the mewtwo forms, so another legend for more distant future games is just all the better.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I'm gonna try and post every once in a while. different unused type combos, and what Pokémon should be made with them.

A Dark/Bug scarab Pokémon. It could absorb life energy much like Litwick.

A Rock/Fairy garden gnome. This would be AWESOME!
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

How about a Rock/Grass-type covered in moss with Water Absorb?
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Bogleech said:
Gen 1: all new, obviously
Gen 2: 18 new evolutionary stages for old pokemon
Gen 3: all new, with the odd exception of Azurill and Wynaut
Gen 4: 28 new evolutionary stages
Gen 5: all new again.

If there is an intentional pattern here of any sort, then Generation 6 is likely to have a fair number of new evolutionary stages.

Also tons of new pokemon in odd gens are regular pokemon with the roles of being very common encounters, and are heavily used to fill the region, whereas even generations introduce mostly special/rare/gift/mechanic-show-off and evos obviously, making it practically impossible to fill their regions even halfway with new ones as regular pokemon encounters, hence why all those regions are full of old pokemon.

So its like an alternating thing, to keep pleasing both sides of the fandom (nostalgia-people and ppl who love the new stuff).

But I have a feeling they're gonna mess with this alternating "formula" (or rather, its a pattern that emerged form them simply doing the next logical step all the time).
I mean, gen VI seems like it will be full of old pokemon to take care of big roles (Zubat, Magikarp, Audino and co are a sign already of core roles being reprised for example), but at the same time seems like it will have a bigger bulk of new "regular pokemon" than GS or DPt, so it could very well be a giant 300-poke-in-region-dex hybrid of the above concepts and have something for everyone, allowing to make decent builds of new or old.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

FloodBadge said:
How about a Rock/Grass-type covered in moss with Water Absorb?
That'd just be re-creating Cradilly (Rock/Grass type with Storm Drain)
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

AdamLambert said:
A Rock/Fairy garden gnome. This would be AWESOME!

That'd be a little much, in my opinion. There are many humanoid and bipedal pokémon, but a gnome? Just seems too silly in a world of fairies, dragons, and electric rodents. :p

The scarab would be cool, though. Interesting typing and you can't go wrong with references to ancient Egypt.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Now that we have Honedge what we need are a ghost/steel shield like pokemon and if both are in the party upon leveling one up you get yourself a ghost/steel knight pokemon.

Also we need another pokemon based on Napoleon because well . . . France nuff said. Unless of course Piplup will be encountered as a wild pokemon in gen 6 which is highly unlikely but we need a Napoleon based pokemon other than Empoleon if that does not happen.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Inferchomp said:
AdamLambert said:
A Rock/Fairy garden gnome. This would be AWESOME!

That'd be a little much, in my opinion. There are many humanoid and bipedal pokémon, but a gnome? Just seems too silly in a world of fairies, dragons, and electric rodents. :p

A gnome is too silly in a world of fairies? I always thought gnomes were a type of fairy. Just a little bit uglier than the typical idea of fairies. I think a gnome Pokemon could be done well, seeing as we already have a flower fairy Pokemon that fits right in.

I've probably mentioned this four hundred times but we need a lemur Pokemon ASAP. I don't care that Madagascar isn't even remotely similar to France. >:C We've had the great apes (Slaking, Darmanitan, arguably all the really human-like Pokemon), and monkeys (Aipom/Ambipom, the elemental trio, Chimchar's line) but no lemurs. This saddens me every day.
Part of why I like Smeargle so much is because it's superficially the closest thing to a lemur Pokemon has imo, though I don't think that was its basis.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Frezgle said:
Inferchomp said:
That'd be a little much, in my opinion. There are many humanoid and bipedal pokémon, but a gnome? Just seems too silly in a world of fairies, dragons, and electric rodents. :p

A gnome is too silly in a world of fairies? I always thought gnomes were a type of fairy. Just a little bit uglier than the typical idea of fairies. I think a gnome Pokemon could be done well, seeing as we already have a flower fairy Pokemon that fits right in.

I've probably mentioned this four hundred times but we need a lemur Pokemon ASAP. I don't care that Madagascar isn't even remotely similar to France. >:C We've had the great apes (Slaking, Darmanitan, arguably all the really human-like Pokemon), and monkies (Aipom/Ambipom, the elemental trio, Chimchar's line) but no lemurs. This saddens me every day.
Part of why I like Smeargle so much is because it's superficially the closest thing to a lemur Pokemon has imo, though I don't think that was its basis.

An ape that evolves from a sloth, it takes cues from Magatherium and apes. Your comment actually made me think of something, if they based an area off of the gevudan region of France there had better be a wolf, werewolf, or even hyena like pokemon there, (a mightyena werewolf/hyena mix evolution?)
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Frezgle said:
Inferchomp said:
That'd be a little much, in my opinion. There are many humanoid and bipedal pokémon, but a gnome? Just seems too silly in a world of fairies, dragons, and electric rodents. :p

A gnome is too silly in a world of fairies? I always thought gnomes were a type of fairy. Just a little bit uglier than the typical idea of fairies. I think a gnome Pokemon could be done well, seeing as we already have a flower fairy Pokemon that fits right in.

Gnomes, to me, appear as too human like. Obviously there are a litany of examples of humanoid pokemon, but as a former WoW player I wouldn't be able to get over the silliness of a gnome pokemon. Sure, it wouldn't necessarily have the beard or cap, and it could be done well enough to where it doesn't appear silly, yet I'd rather GF not do a gnome.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

An Electric/Rock Pokémon based on a living stone from Chargestone Cave. They were not found in Unova because they were banished for their troublemaking tendencies. They would pretend to be rocks in Chargestone Cave. Then, someone would go near it and get shocked by the troublemaker. Since being banished to a secluded spot in Kalos, they have been rarely seen. It is unknown whether or not they are still mischievous.

What do you think? It would be colored the same color as the rocks in Chargestone Cave and would be a quadriped. If you want to draw and upload a pic of what you think it could look like, please do!

Fire/Water- Flamingaze

It's a flamingo with flaming wings. They cannot fly, but are very good swimmers. Again, draw a pic if you want! :p